Hello, this will be my first thread!
I have a few editing suggestions for FFA! I'm curious to hear your ideas, so don't forget to give me your opinion.
I have a few editing suggestions for FFA! I'm curious to hear your ideas, so don't forget to give me your opinion.
- First, command for kit and spawn point selection could be added.
- Second, sometimes we gain haste effect but it doesn't work because quick hits don't count (same thing happens when we hit after using instant damage potion) I think it's because of sentinel.
- Thirdly, in one of the events you lose your current effect because of the effect from the lantern. If it gives power, when you leave the area the power potion you drank before is wasted. This can be removed or changed.
- Fourth and lastly, a new kit! We can add a new kit, like the totem of undying kit (maybe this is annoying) or sell totem of undying in the market (500 points)