Hi Scary People!
Ender is a new "seasonal" gamemode on CubeCraft and it needs to be fixed as soon as possible because it will only stay this month. Multiple thread are going out of fixing the game. This is mine suggestion.
Our well-known Enderman does too many damage to our players, in 4 hits and you're just dead. Every hit does 3 hearts of damage by the way. It's almost impossible to get 20 pages and claim the victory because people dying. If you just look at him for 2 seconds you're out. So that's too fast.
How it always was on Ender in 2018 & 2019... when you look at the Ender it gives you one heart of damage. On this way you can react to Ender and you don't lose all of your health in 2 seconds. You just can keep it the same as the speed for the Ender otherwise it would be really difficult for the Ender. Now, if this is added I'm pretty sure it's easier to find pages with your team!
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Ender is a new "seasonal" gamemode on CubeCraft and it needs to be fixed as soon as possible because it will only stay this month. Multiple thread are going out of fixing the game. This is mine suggestion.
Our well-known Enderman does too many damage to our players, in 4 hits and you're just dead. Every hit does 3 hearts of damage by the way. It's almost impossible to get 20 pages and claim the victory because people dying. If you just look at him for 2 seconds you're out. So that's too fast.
How it always was on Ender in 2018 & 2019... when you look at the Ender it gives you one heart of damage. On this way you can react to Ender and you don't lose all of your health in 2 seconds. You just can keep it the same as the speed for the Ender otherwise it would be really difficult for the Ender. Now, if this is added I'm pretty sure it's easier to find pages with your team!
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