Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dedicated Member
Feb 20, 2016
Sup skids! (Due to some people's lack of originality and lack of creativity I had to change my opening phrase. Great!)
Here follows a few suggestions to improve these server's boring and crappy (I don't consider crap a swear word so don't get all triggered because I said it.) games.



- Oh, Cubecraft what is this?
This is the spectator mode from Hypixel. And do you want to know why I like that spectator mode so much?
Because I don't get sent to a lobby after I win the game or die. I can simply join another starting game by simply right clicking that piece of paper. We need a join another game feature.

- Ever heard of a feature that keeps your selected kit selected so you don't have to choose it every single game?
Yeah pretty much add that one.
I don't have time to select swordsman every single game.

- Add voting rewards. Doesn't matter if it's against the EULA. Less people are voting resulting into the Server going down from the server list. Resulting into less players.

- Ever heard of Health Bars?
Yeah I don't really have time to discuss whether Damage Indicators gives you in-game advantages or not. Just add some Health Bars above player names. Doesn't sound difficult and it also isn't. Also when you shoot someone it should say how much health they have left (Only for bows).

- Add a top 3 killers to every game and a kill Counter like in Survival Games.
Because why not. Currently people with high amounts of kill don't really have rights to brag. Because someone decided to remove the top kills leaderboards.

-Reduce the Rank Price. What you currently have to pay for certain ranks are simply not worth it. I understand that it can be considered as support/donation to some but not to me. I doubt I'd pay €88.41 for only the ability to fly considering how I can get that on other servers for just €6,43. Besides I'm pretty sure more people will pay for cheaper rank resulting into more ranks being sold and you guys probably earning more money to keep the servers operational.

Skywars is currently broken. Kits can't be called kits, they're too overpowered. Chests are unbalanced and can only contain extremely overpowered stuff (Even for Normal) or simply nothing. And people are regardless from the game mode constantly camping. Not to mention cleaners.

- Better Loot at Mid:
  • Diamond Gear or Weapons will no longer be obtainable in spawning islands during Normal Mode or Hardcore Mode (only at mid). > (for Hardcore it will be Iron)
  • E - Pearls will only be obtainable at mid during OP Mode.
  • Punch One bows and Power 2 Bows will only be obtainable at mid during OP Mode. (Spawning islands will contain normal bows)
  • Better items will be available at mid
Skywars has to be fast paced. It's not about people camping with bows or snowballs. This will probably encourage more people to go to mid.

- Nerfing:

  • Nerf the Swordsman kit and the Iron Golem kit. > Possibly renaming the Irom Golem kit to Armorer kit.
Kits are meant to give players a little bit of an advantage when the game begins. The Swordsman and the Iron Golem are two kits which are game breaking. If someone voted for basic it would turn both kits overpowered compared to other kits.
That's why the Swordsman kit needs to give you a Sharpness I Stone sword.
While the Iron Golem kit needs to give you Full Chain Armor.

- Balancing (Especially in OP):

  • Chest need contain enough amounts of armor, weapons and block.
Not something like this:
And this is normal. . .

- Remove:
  • Fishing Rods from 1.9: They're useless
- Add:
  • Add a Timer and a Sudden Death. I don't want to play 1 match for 30 minutes because some rando kid decides to camp with a Punch I bow.
  • Chest refills. Sounds fun, right?
  • Add a perk that gives you 2 second of Regeneration I after a kill. Can be max upgraded to 8 seconds of Regeneration II after a kill.
After 5 Minutes chests will refill and after 10 Minutes or so TNT Could start raining or Ender Dragon could spawn or players would simply be teleported to a Death Match Arena. And the regen will pretty much end cleaners.

- Map Suggestions:

  • I really enjoy maps with quite large mid. Also maps with islands close to each other.
That's also why I going to ask to adjust the following maps:
MAP: Paris
Islands and mid are too far away. Adding a bit of ground in between would help allot.

MAP: Music
Mid is too far away. Adding some islands in between would help.

MAP: Swords
Please consider to add more ground to this map. It is just broken I need at least 32 blocks to go from 1 islands to another.

MAP: Glass
Again, mid too far away.

MAP: Birdhouse

A bit of land on that spot would help....

Kit PvP:
Yeah, people can't get XP from playing the game. Maybe that bug should be fixed. Thanks.

- Add:
  • After a kill you get 3 experience. Just like Assassinations.

Daily Challenges:

- Pretty much a failure look at this:
This is the Easy quest it pretty much gives you 150 XP. That's the same amount as winning one game of Speed Eggwars.
But then we get this:
50 XP!? Seriously for doing all of this I get only 50 XP!
Seriously Cube fix the daily challenges.

- Add:
  • Add better XP rewards that actually makes sense. Easy gets about 200 - 400, Medium 500 - 1000 and Hard more than 1000.

Bulletin Board:
Some people may not like Daily Challenges. That's why every Gamemode needs their own Bulletin Board with Tasks, Challenges and Quests. Daily maybe even weekly and if possible a monthly challenge that gives you allot of XP.
  • Kill 20 players on Skywars Solo [Abilities] (Daily Challenge)
  • Win a game of Skywars Solo [Abilities] (Daily Challenge)
  • Kill 20 players on Skywars Team [Abilities] (Daily Challenge)
  • Win a game of Skywars Team [Abilities] (Daily Challenge)
  • Kill 150 players on Skywars [Abilities] (Weekly Challenge)
  • Win a game of Eggwars [Normal] (Daily Challenge)
  • Break 10 Eggs on Eggwars [Normal] (Daily Challenge)
  • Kill 20 players on Eggwars (Daily Challenge)
etc. etc.
Most challenges will give you about 500 - 1000 XP. Weekly of course will give you more.
The Bulletin Board will have different challenges for that game every day. So one day it could say "Kill 20 players on Skywars Solo [Abilities]" and the other day it would say "Be the first one to look a mid chest in 5 games". Quests need variation.

Example of how a bulletin board should look like:

The Forums:
There are currently allot of things that bugs me on the forums. The most important thing is the lack of certain features.

- Add:

  • Add the ability to post pictures, GIFs on your signature. I'm not sure why you guys removed it. People whom had a picture still have it. For example Younisco. People are now using videos instead of pictures. Why not just change it back how it was. If someone has something inappropriate simply start a conversation with them.
  • Add the ability to center Signature text. I'm not sure why I'm not able to do it. Please fix that.
  • Add the ability to link my MC account with the forums. < Andy do it please. Thank you.
Party System:
Currently I only have one problem with the Party System and those are:

I suggest adding 1 more Party Slot to each rank. First because Stone Ranked players are only able to invite 2 people.
I wouldn't consider that a 'Party'. I can simply Skype with two of my friends or /fmsg them to come to a certain lobby to play.
Second, Cubecraft's maps are mostly '16 player maps'. Adding one more slot to Obsidian ranks will make them able to join with their full party one '16 player map'. So if they want to play some casual games with their friends only they're able to do that on 16 player maps, instead of 12 player maps.
Adding one more slot would also make every Rank happy. Not only Stone or Obsidian.


I hope everyone enjoyed it. If you do not agree please say why below.
Thanks for reading and as always

Be sure to check out my other threads:
Guild System
More Vanity
I agree 100%

This is what will kill Cube eventually...
Agree 101%


Novice Member
Jan 4, 2017
Netherlands // Albania
If you want this, go to hypixel. It has every single thing you mentioned. However, it might make CubeCraft better so I won't criticize everything yiu said. Therefore, I'll go over every single point you made and give my opinion. Great thread btw.

-Quick in-game join. YES! DO IT CUBECRAFT! This is so so convenient for dedicated players like me.

-Automatic kit selector. Not needed, just get used to it. For me, it has become a habit to immediately pick swordsman. However, it is annoying when there is a game starting right as I join so I can't choose a kit. Soooo... maybe?

-Voting rewards. Fine.

-Health bars. NO! Every sinhle server has this. It is so stupid. Why do you want to have this? It's basically a hack but implemented by the server itself. If you want this, download a damage indicator. If this is going to be a thing, make it like the labymod one and not like hypixel, where you literally have to stand 3 blocks away from a person in order to see it. Also, the bow thing is stupid. That's just hypixel's idea and not needed at all.

-Top 3 killers. NO! Well... maybe. As you probably have seen, cubecraft has the same lobby design for every game. Niw for Skywars, there is a solo and a team mode so 2 leaderboards are needed. Since there is only room for 2 leaderboards, top killer leaderboards can't exist. And if this happens, how about KDR, etc.?

-Cheaper ranks. Nope. At least it is nit for the player's benefit. Now, ranks are cool and exclusive. It is good like they are. However, for the server it would be a good idea since they would get more money to sustain the server. But that's also why sales exist. Idk.


-Campers and cleaners are part of the game. Just play strategically: clean or be cleaned. Don't start a fight if you see there is a third person. It's as easy as that.

-More/better loot at mid. NO! This will ruin skywars. Skywars on cubecraft is unique and I love it. You don't need to go to middle to get stacked. You can always make a comeback. If people are encouraged to go to middle, there will be one person with OP broken stuff that can kill the rest in a handshake. Together with regen perks he is invulnerable. And now THAT IS WHAT MAKES SKYWARS BROKEN! I love cubecraft skywars because everyone has a chance.

-Nerfing kits. No. Kits are kits, that's why they are kits. They give you an actual advantage. New players can play no kit mode and earn points to buy their first kit (which is not actually that expensive).

-Enderpearls and op bows only in mid chests. No. Yes they are overpowered, but that is why it is called overpowered. THATS THE POINT! Overpowered skywars and its originality has become a trademark of cubecraft. If it is changed, a lot of people will not like the server and leave, especially since skywars is by far the most popular minigame on the network.

-Refill/sudden death etc. No. That is hypixel. If one has mid control, he is insanely stacked after second refill. Not fair and makes the game broken.

-Removing items. Yes, in a way. I agree that certain items like string and rods (in 1.9) are stupid. Also why should wood pickaxes, gold pickaxes (with silk touch. WHY), and diamond pickaxes be in the game. Just one type is good enough.

-Regen perk. Maybe. New perks is what we need. Maybe not regen or strength or something ridiculous, but something nice.

-Changing maps. Yes. Add more small islands in between or semi-mids, similar to the maps in lucky islands. I love those. Maps with good mids are mushroom, bunny (rip), taiga, snowy, etc. Add small park-islands in paris with flowers and water or smth. Add a waterfall in jungle. Add music notes on music and move islands closer. Make mid bigger on trees and make actual nice trees, but dont move the location of the islands.

-Daily challenge revamp. YES! I love doing daily challenges and I think the concept is great, but the rewards are almost nothing. Also add more variety in the challenges like a system where you accept a certain challenge and you lose points if you fail. Like you pay to accept and get more if you win. This will attract more players. Now, everything is always boring and the same.

-Bulletin things. YES! AMAZING IDEA!

-Party inprovement. Fine, I guess.

So yeee this is my opinion, would love to see things change. Thanks!


Forum Veteran
Oct 2, 2016
Texas, US
*Big post incoming"

We need this for obvious reasons.
"Well what are those obvious reasons, Deeds?"

1- Our playerbase has decreased greatly imo. On New Years day we had 30,000 people playing, now we have 4-6 thousand people playing.
2- We need easier ways to do things on the server.
3- Just general updates are needed in general.


Forum Professional
Mar 13, 2015
Beyond time and space
-Health bars. NO! Every sinhle server has this. It is so stupid. Why do you want to have this? It's basically a hack but implemented by the server itself. If you want this, download a damage indicator. If this is going to be a thing, make it like the labymod one and not like hypixel, where you literally have to stand 3 blocks away from a person in order to see it. Also, the bow thing is stupid. That's just hypixel's idea and not needed at all.
Not everyone knows how to do this and also when some people try to download the mod and see the browser pop-up: "Keep this file? It can damage your computer", they will say no and not install it.
IMO It makes it more fair for everyone.
-Campers and cleaners are part of the game.
Yes, the part of the game that makes it less fun to play and the part of the game that makes people prefer hypixels skywars. That something is "part of the game" doesn't mean it's good.
-Refill/sudden death etc. No. That is hypixel. If one has mid control, he is insanely stacked after second refill. Not fair and makes the game broken.
"Not fair"
Everyone starts with the opportunity to go to mid. It also takes effort to gain mid control, mid needs to be valuable, giving players a reason to go to mid instead of camping on their island.


Novice Member
Jan 4, 2017
Netherlands // Albania
IMO It makes it more fair for everyone.

Yes, the part of the game that makes it less fun to play and the part of the game that makes people prefer hypixels skywars. That something is "part of the game" doesn't mean it's good.

"Not fair"
Everyone starts with the opportunity to go to mid. It also takes effort to gain mid control, mid needs to be valuable, giving players a reason to go to mid instead of camping on their island.
Mid is not always the way to go. Not going to mid does NOT equal camping on your island. On maps like trees where going to mid is basically impossible, I just go island-hopping. It works perfectly, mid is not needed.
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Forum Professional
Mar 24, 2016
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
This is the spectator mode from Hypixel. And do you want to know why I like that spectator mode so much?
Because I don't get sent to a lobby after I win the game or die. I can simply join another starting game by simply right clicking that piece of paper. We need a join another game feature.
(Not really a bug to fix, but that's not important)
This can save you, what, 10 seconds? And how would it even work?
Iron+ ranks get map selectors and stone ranks don't. So would it be a random map that they join? 'Cause if so, it's useless for the majority of the players.

- Add voting rewards. Doesn't matter if it's against the EULA. Less people are voting resulting into the Server going down from the server list. Resulting into less players.
Individual rewards would be great, but I think Cube would rather take voting goals.
I don't have a clue on how they would lure players into voting it, or how they would gain from it, but they have to think of something.
Voting is an essential part of any server.

- Ever heard of Health Bars?
Yeah I don't really have time to discuss whether Damage Indicators gives you in-game advantages or not. Just add some Health Bars above player names. Doesn't sound difficult and it also isn't. Also when you shoot someone it should say how much health they have left (Only for bows).
Health bars: Yes.
Arrow damage indicator: No.
Even if you have damage indicators installed, it's not as easy as you think it is to just look at how much health they have left.
This also spams the chat with unnecessary messages, and makes bowing people to death that much easier.

- Add a top 3 killers to every game and a kill Counter like in Survival Games.
Because why not. Currently people with high amounts of kill don't really have rights to brag. Because someone decided to remove the top kills leaderboards.
Agreed. It's always fun to see how much of the lobby you've killed.

-Reduce the Rank Price. What you currently have to pay for certain ranks are simply not worth it. I understand that it can be considered as support/donation to some but not to me. I doubt I'd pay €88.41 for only the ability to fly considering how I can get that on other servers for just €6,43. Besides I'm pretty sure more people will pay for cheaper rank resulting into more ranks being sold and you guys probably earning more money to keep the servers operational.
I don't know what their take is on this, but IF they consider it, they need to look at this thread by @Snap

Skywars is currently broken. Kits can't be called kits, they're too overpowered. Chests are unbalanced and can only contain extremely overpowered stuff (Even for Normal) or simply nothing. And people are regardless from the game mode constantly camping. Not to mention cleaners.
Cleaners aren't a huge problem, as 1.9 regen is pretty OP as it is.
Though on the chests & kits, I couldn't agree more. I've been considering making a rant thread about how kits are basically the things that win you the game, even though kits are supposed to give you an edge over the opponent.

- Better Loot at Mid:
  • Diamond Gear or Weapons will no longer be obtainable in spawning islands during Normal Mode or Hardcore Mode (only at mid). > (for Hardcore it will be Iron)
I'm not very fond of this idea... this would make TNT boosting close to impossible to pull off with long jumps. Especially when you have an unreliable ping.

E - Pearls will only be obtainable at mid during OP Mode.
Fair enough. I don't see any issues here.

Punch One bows and Power 2 Bows will only be obtainable at mid during OP Mode. (Spawning islands will contain normal bows)
Kind of makes OP, more like normal but then with better armor & swords. I think that the bows are fine as is.

Skywars has to be fast paced. It's not about people camping with bows or snowballs. This will probably encourage more people to go to mid.
It really doesn't have to be fast paced.
Besides, the amount of arrows & projectiles that campers get is a ridiculously small amount, maybe enough to buy 30 seconds of time or so.

Kits are meant to give players a little bit of an advantage when the game begins. The Swordsman and the Iron Golem are two kits which are game breaking. If someone voted for basic it would turn both kits overpowered compared to other kits.
That's why the Swordsman kit needs to give you a Sharpness I Stone sword.
While the Iron Golem kit needs to give you Full Chain Armor.
+ 2,147,483,647

- Balancing (Especially in OP):
  • Chest need contain enough amounts of armor, weapons and block.

- Add:
  • Add a Timer and a Sudden Death. I don't want to play 1 match for 30 minutes because some rando kid decides to camp with a Punch I bow.
  • Chest refills. Sounds fun, right?
  • Add a perk that gives you 2 second of Regeneration I after a kill. Can be max upgraded to 8 seconds of Regeneration II after a kill.
After 5 Minutes chests will refill and after 10 Minutes or so TNT Could start raining or Ender Dragon could spawn or players would simply be teleported to a Death Match Arena. And the regen will pretty much end cleaners.
Timer isn't necessary. People will die eventually and it can ruin the possibilty to trap someone. This is also a place where cleanups will happen. Y'know, the things you're trying to prevent.

Chest refills just encourage camping mid. Again, encouraging something you don't want.

8 seconds of regen 2 is WAY too freaking OP. I don't know if you realize this, but running around is easy to do. When you have this effect, whoever is trying to kill you is screwed.

Also, do we really want to make all of this look like something made by Hypixel or Mineplex? I despise having ender dragons & random TNT ruining games. I like skywars' pace as it is right now, and it doesn't need to be ruined by some random crap thrown at it.

MAP: Paris
Islands and mid are too far away. Adding a bit of ground in between would help allot.

MAP: Music
Mid is too far away. Adding some islands in between would help.

MAP: Swords
Please consider to add more ground to this map. It is just broken I need at least 32 blocks to go from 1 islands to another.

MAP: Glass
Again, mid too far away.

MAP: Birdhouse

A bit of land on that spot would help....
Paris: No. This would ruin the fun of TNT boosting, since people would arrive at mid in 15 seconds or so if they speed bridge. Going to mid needs to be a challenge, and you need to do something to earn the loot there.
Music: Same as Paris.
Swords: I never had any problems with it, but I wouldn't mind it being changed.
Glass: It has quite an OP mid, as you have enough gold to make an enchanted apple. Again, you need to be rewarded for your struggles.
Birdhouse: Sure, I guess... Most people wouldn't even hang out on the border & instead they'd try to get to the center.

Kit PvP:
Yeah, people can't get XP from playing the game. Maybe that bug should be fixed. Thanks.

- Add:
  • After a kill you get 3 experience. Just like Assassinations.
n o t a b u g
j u s t a n o v e r s i g h t
But sure. All games need to be rewarded with XP.

  • Add better XP rewards that actually makes sense. Easy gets about 200 - 400, Medium 500 - 1000 and Hard more than 1000.
The thing is: The difficulties don't matter, as the easy daily challenge can easily be harder than the hard daily challenge.
Increased XP is great and all, but I don't really think it's necessary.
BUT: Some of the challenges are broken in it, and NEED to be fixed.

Bulletin Board:
Some people may not like Daily Challenges. That's why every Gamemode needs their own Bulletin Board with Tasks, Challenges and Quests. Daily maybe even weekly and if possible a monthly challenge that gives you allot of XP.
  • Kill 20 players on Skywars Solo [Abilities] (Daily Challenge)
  • Win a game of Skywars Solo [Abilities] (Daily Challenge)
  • Kill 20 players on Skywars Team [Abilities] (Daily Challenge)
  • Win a game of Skywars Team [Abilities] (Daily Challenge)
  • Kill 150 players on Skywars [Abilities] (Weekly Challenge)
  • Win a game of Eggwars [Normal] (Daily Challenge)
  • Break 10 Eggs on Eggwars [Normal] (Daily Challenge)
  • Kill 20 players on Eggwars (Daily Challenge)
etc. etc. Most challenges will give you about 500 - 1000 XP. Weekly of course will give you more.
The Bulletin Board will have different challenges for that game every day. So one day it could say "Kill 20 players on Skywars Solo [Abilities]" and the other day it would say "Be the first one to look a mid chest in 5 games". Quests need variation.
I'd MUCH prefer the thing I suggested a while ago.
Both would be too much, though. All they really need to do is fix the daily challenges & add some spice into games.
- Add:
  • Add the ability to post pictures, GIFs on your signature. I'm not sure why you guys removed it. People whom had a picture still have it. For example Younisco. People are now using videos instead of pictures. Why not just change it back how it was. If someone has something inappropriate simply start a conversation with them.
  • Add the ability to center Signature text. I'm not sure why I'm not able to do it. Please fix that.
  • Add the ability to link my MC account with the forums. < Andy do it please. Thank you.
Miniscule vanity suggestions. Won't change the forums by much at all.

I suggest adding 1 more Party Slot to each rank. First because Stone Ranked players are only able to invite 2 people.
I wouldn't consider that a 'Party'. I can simply Skype with two of my friends or /fmsg them to come to a certain lobby to play.
Which is the alternative to buying a rank. You don't NEED a party to play. It's just nice to have. I think it's a nice donor perk to have X amount of slots.

Second, Cubecraft's maps are mostly '16 player maps'. Adding one more slot to Obsidian ranks will make them able to join with their full party one '16 player map'. So if they want to play some casual games with their friends only they're able to do that on 16 player maps, instead of 12 player maps.
Who even plays with 16 players?!
And to have this happen, you'd need to have a completely empty 16 player map.

Be sure to check out my other threads:
[URL='https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/introducing-cubecrafts-guild-system.188066/']Guild System
shameless plug
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Reactions: Laskyy


Dedicated Member
Jan 6, 2015
(Not really a bug to fix, but that's not important)
This can save you, what, 10 seconds? And how would it even work?
Iron+ ranks get map selectors and stone ranks don't. So would it be a random map that they join? 'Cause if so, it's useless for the majority of the players.

Individual rewards would be great, but I think Cube would rather take voting goals.
I don't have a clue on how they would lure players into voting it, or how they would gain from it, but they have to think of something.
Voting is an essential part of any server.

Health bars: Yes.
Arrow damage indicator: No.
Even if you have damage indicators installed, it's not as easy as you think it is to just look at how much health they have left.
This also spams the chat with unnecessary messages, and makes bowing people to death that much easier.

Agreed. It's always fun to see how much of the lobby you've killed.

I don't know what their take is on this, but IF they consider it, they need to look at this thread by @Snap

Cleaners aren't a huge problem, as 1.9 regen is pretty OP as it is.
Though on the chests & kits, I couldn't agree more. I've been considering making a rant thread about how kits are basically the things that win you the game, even though kits are supposed to give you an edge over the opponent.

I'm not very fond of this idea... this would make TNT boosting close to impossible to pull off with long jumps. Especially when you have an unreliable ping.

Fair enough. I don't see any issues here.

Kind of makes OP, more like normal but then with better armor & swords. I think that the bows are fine as is.

It really doesn't have to be fast paced.
Besides, the amount of arrows & projectiles that campers get is a ridiculously small amount, maybe enough to buy 30 seconds of time or so.

+ 2,147,483,647


Timer isn't necessary. People will die eventually and it can ruin the possibilty to trap someone. This is also a place where cleanups will happen. Y'know, the things you're trying to prevent.

Chest refills just encourage camping mid. Again, encouraging something you don't want.

8 seconds of regen 2 is WAY too freaking OP. I don't know if you realize this, but running around is easy to do. When you have this effect, whoever is trying to kill you is screwed.

Also, do we really want to make all of this look like something made by Hypixel or Mineplex? I despise having ender dragons & random TNT ruining games. I like skywars' pace as it is right now, and it doesn't need to be ruined by some random crap thrown at it.

Paris: No. This would ruin the fun of TNT boosting, since people would arrive at mid in 15 seconds or so if they speed bridge. Going to mid needs to be a challenge, and you need to do something to earn the loot there.
Music: Same as Paris.
Swords: I never had any problems with it, but I wouldn't mind it being changed.
Glass: It has quite an OP mid, as you have enough gold to make an enchanted apple. Again, you need to be rewarded for your struggles.
Birdhouse: Sure, I guess... Most people wouldn't even hang out on the border & instead they'd try to get to the center.

n o t a b u g
j u s t a n o v e r s i g h t
But sure. All games need to be rewarded with XP.

The thing is: The difficulties don't matter, as the easy daily challenge can easily be harder than the hard daily challenge.
Increased XP is great and all, but I don't really think it's necessary.
BUT: Some of the challenges are broken in it, and NEED to be fixed.

I'd MUCH prefer the thing I suggested a while ago.
Both would be too much, though. All they really need to do is fix the daily challenges & add some spice into games.

Miniscule vanity suggestions. Won't change the forums by much at all.

Which is the alternative to buying a rank. You don't NEED a party to play. It's just nice to have. I think it's a nice donor perk to have X amount of slots.

Who even plays with 16 players?!
And to have this happen, you'd need to have a completely empty 16 player map.

shameless plug

Effort is real

Despacito 2

Forum Professional
Dec 6, 2015
If you want this, go to hypixel. It has every single thing you mentioned.
Okay, bye.

-Health bars. NO! Every sinhle server has this. It is so stupid. Why do you want to have this? It's basically a hack but implemented by the server itself. If you want this, download a damage indicator. If this is going to be a thing, make it like the labymod one and not like hypixel, where you literally have to stand 3 blocks away from a person in order to see it. Also, the bow thing is stupid. That's just hypixel's idea and not needed at all.
Well, if you look at this thread you can see that most people want to get rid from the Damage Indicators mod. And since the majority wants it, it's likely going to happen. Unless Cubecraft implements a server sided health bars. Then people will have no rights to complain that the Damage Indicator mod gives the user a unfair advantage.
-Campers and cleaners are part of the game. Just play strategically: clean or be cleaned. Don't start a fight if you see there is a third person. It's as easy as that.
Oh yes, they definitely are. Having to play 30 minutes long matches because someone has and outstanding amount of Snow Balls is definitely the way to go and very fun. And after you kill a pack of players you definitely deserve to die by a Steve that came out of nowhere because Cleaners are a part of the game aren't they? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-More/better loot at mid. NO! This will ruin skywars. Skywars on cubecraft is unique and I love it. You don't need to go to middle to get stacked. You can always make a comeback. If people are encouraged to go to middle, there will be one person with OP broken stuff that can kill the rest in a handshake. Together with regen perks he is invulnerable. And now THAT IS WHAT MAKES SKYWARS BROKEN! I love cubecraft skywars because everyone has a chance.
Yeah man, everyone gets a chance:

> Can definitely win the game. Woo hoo! /s
Besides when I said better loot at mid I mean the current diamond gear you can find on your normal spawning islands.
Not that hard to kill a full Dia if you have skill ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Mid is not always the way to go. Not going to mid does NOT equal camping on your island. On maps like trees where going to mid is basically impossible, I just go island-hopping. It works perfectly, mid is not needed.
Then why did they add a mid to every single Sky Wars map? What's the purpose of it?
I'm pretty sure I can get to trees' mid with a TNT Launcher.

-Nerfing kits. No. Kits are kits, that's why they are kits. They give you an actual advantage. New players can play no kit mode and earn points to buy their first kit (which is not actually that expensive).
kits are supposed to give you an edge over the opponent.
This can save you, what, 10 seconds? And how would it even work?
Iron+ ranks get map selectors and stone ranks don't. So would it be a random map that they join? 'Cause if so, it's useless for the majority of the players.
It will be a random regardless of the rank.
It's not that I can't join another map the problem is that I have to type /leave or /hub to quite the current game I'm playing.
Really annoying tbh.
Individual rewards would be great, but I think Cube would rather take voting goals.
I don't have a clue on how they would lure players into voting it, or how they would gain from it, but they have to think of something.
Voting is an essential part of any server.
Me neither ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Health bars: Yes.
Arrow damage indicator: No.
Even if you have damage indicators installed, it's not as easy as you think it is to just look at how much health they have left.
This also spams the chat with unnecessary messages, and makes bowing people to death that much easier.
Then don't bow spam! Besides it could only show up after you shot someone from 10 blocks or something. Bow Spamming mostly happens when players are rather close.
Cleaners aren't a huge problem, as 1.9 regen is pretty OP as it is.
Yes they are. Especially if you get targeted.
8 seconds of regen 2 is WAY too freaking OP. I don't know if you realize this, but running around is easy to do. When you have this effect, whoever is trying to kill you is screwed.
I've been in many situations were I needed some regen after I killed a player. Maybe nerfing it to 8 seconds of Regeneration I could help.
Besides I just did some math and it will cost 36.350 points till a perk can be maxed. So I doubt it would be op.
The player paid enough, I guess.


Dedicated Member
Nov 5, 2013
I think these are all amazing ideas/things that should be fixed! Thing is some of these are less important than others so it would be good to see what players want to be fixed first (make a list in terms of priority)!


Novice Member
Jan 4, 2017
Netherlands // Albania
Okay, bye.

Well, if you look at this thread you can see that most people want to get rid from the Damage Indicators mod. And since the majority wants it, it's likely going to happen. Unless Cubecraft implements a server sided health bars. Then people will have no rights to complain that the Damage Indicator mod gives the user a unfair advantage.

Oh yes, they definitely are. Having to play 30 minutes long matches because someone has and outstanding amount of Snow Balls is definitely the way to go and very fun. And after you kill a pack of players you definitely deserve to die by a Steve that came out of nowhere because Cleaners are a part of the game aren't they? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yeah man, everyone gets a chance:

> Can definitely win the game. Woo hoo! /s
Besides when I said better loot at mid I mean the current diamond gear you can find on your normal spawning islands.
Not that hard to kill a full Dia if you have skill ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Then why did they add a mid to every single Sky Wars map? What's the purpose of it?
I'm pretty sure I can get to trees' mid with a TNT Launcher.


It will be a random regardless of the rank.
It's not that I can't join another map the problem is that I have to type /leave or /hub to quite the current game I'm playing.
Really annoying tbh.

Me neither ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Then don't bow spam! Besides it could only show up after you shot someone from 10 blocks or something. Bow Spamming mostly happens when players are rather close.

Yes they are. Especially if you get targeted.

I've been in many situations were I needed some regen after I killed a player. Maybe nerfing it to 8 seconds of Regeneration I could help.
Besides I just did some math and it will cost 36.350 points till a perk can be maxed. So I doubt it would be op.
The player paid enough, I guess.
And here, you're exaggerating. A skywars game generally lasts for about 3 minutes. In case of a camper: play strategically, let them come to you, build up, speedbuild, shoot them and then build, go around, make a different bridge, you can even build a tnt cannon if you want. In case of a cleaner: as I said, play strategically. If you get killed by a cleaner, that person made great use of the fact that you were low after a fight. It's a tactic. Maybe quite a lame tactic, but it works! You can do it too! And if you use the argument "you can kill a full diamond if you're skilled", then I'll use the argument "you can kill a cleaner if you're skilled". And if you're killed by a cleaner or camper, that's where sportmanship comes in. Say gg, type /hub, and join a new game in less then ten seconds. It shouldn't take you that long to win a game, if you're skilled. Thanks bye


Dedicated Member
Nov 5, 2013
And here, you're exaggerating. A skywars game generally lasts for about 3 minutes. In case of a camper: play strategically, let them come to you, build up, speedbuild, shoot them and then build, go around, make a different bridge, you can even build a tnt cannon if you want. In case of a cleaner: as I said, play strategically. If you get killed by a cleaner, that person made great use of the fact that you were low after a fight. It's a tactic. Maybe quite a lame tactic, but it works! You can do it too! And if you use the argument "you can kill a full diamond if you're skilled", then I'll use the argument "you can kill a cleaner if you're skilled". And if you're killed by a cleaner or camper, that's where sportmanship comes in. Say gg, type /hub, and join a new game in less then ten seconds. It shouldn't take you that long to win a game, if you're skilled. Thanks bye

Camping is a banable offence and in any case, the right thing to do is warn the player and if not record and report the player in question.


Forum Professional
Mar 24, 2016
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
Yes they are. Especially if you get targeted.
When you know you're gonna be cleaned, try and run and buy some time. Eating will allow you to have saturation to recover from the fight, and with a bit of skill you can take care of the janitor without a problem.

It will be a random regardless of the rank.
It's not that I can't join another map the problem is that I have to type /leave or /hub to quite the current game I'm playing.
Really annoying tbh.
Then they could make a custom spectator mode, where there's an item in your hot bar that you can click to leave. (Along with a confirmation, since not everyone wants to leave right away)

Then don't bow spam! Besides it could only show up after you shot someone from 10 blocks or something. Bow Spamming mostly happens when players are rather close.
*shoots arrow*
"It did 3 hearts?! omg!"
*runs and shoots more and more arrows so you can avoid melee*

I've been in many situations were I needed some regen after I killed a player. Maybe nerfing it to 8 seconds of Regeneration I could help.
Besides I just did some math and it will cost 36.350 points till a perk can be maxed. So I doubt it would be op.
The player paid enough, I guess.
Like we've said before on many other suggestions: High price =/= balanced feature.
Regen 1 could be nice, though. It would fit the Skywars ability theme much smoother.

And here, you're exaggerating. A skywars game generally lasts for about 3 minutes.
If you only play boringly, going from island to island with swordsman or iron golem.

In case of a camper: play strategically, let them come to you, build up, speedbuild, shoot them and then build, go around, make a different bridge
Sooo you want us to wait for the camper to come to us, and at the same time you want us to bridge from one side & then switch to the other side? Do you know how easy it'll be for the camper to escape like that?

you can even build a tnt cannon if you want.
Yay. A kit lets you win. Hurray.

And if you're killed by a cleaner or camper, that's where sportmanship comes in. Say gg, type /hub, and join a new game in less then ten seconds. It shouldn't take you that long to win a game, if you're skilled. Thanks bye
Can you show me the "good" in "good game" when you die to a camper / cleaner?
Literally anything can happen in a game, skill or no skill.

Camping is a banable offence and in any case, the right thing to do is warn the player and if not record and report the player in question.
Only if they're in an unkillable position.
Example: Going to sky limit & covering a bunker in lava.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2015
Northern Ireland
Agree with everything but I really like the KitPvP and Party System bits.

For KitPvP - I never realized it didn't give experience, so that change is 100% reasonable. I'd also like to point out that 1 point per kill is very low, like extremely low. Possibly bumping that up to 2 or 3 points per kill as well would make me want to play it more. Why play FFA for 1 point per kill and 0 EXP when I can just play some 1v1 and get 5 points per kill and 10XP + an extra 1XP for saying "gg"




It just makes no sense, it's almost like the KitPvP rewards were an afterthought.

And the Party System - I disagree with adding just 1 more, why have a limit to begin with? Like I know it gives another reason for players to donate but if I have to buy a rank just to get a full team of my friends then that seems kind of low and desperate for money.

Possibly adding 2-3 more would be amazing, it's unfair to give stone ranks such a low amount just because they haven't donated.
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