Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2017
Roosendaal, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
As many of you may know, xp increasement on Cubecraft uses a linear function:

XP needed= baseXP + level x 200

I made an error by saying leveling is linear, while obviously XP increasement is.
The amount of total XP gained at a certain level is the sum of all baseXP + level x 200 when level-1 is inserted after every calculation.

The problem I have for those who still don't understand is:
I can't figure out how many XP you need when you want to achieve your first level up.

The formula of the leveling system is XP required = level x 200 +800 starting at level 0.
I have attached a Exel file containing the XP needed for every level. I would be nice, if anyone reading this could check this for his/her level. You can sum all of the XP (or parts of it) to check how many XP you need for a certain level. The total XP you need to get to level 100 (this is the level where you get your final level based vanity item, the troll hat, it might also be the maximum level) is equal to 1070000 XP.
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Forum Expert
Oct 21, 2015
For those who don't like maths: How many XP you need to go from level 0 to 1?
If you use your compass in your hotbar, then you can see your own Minecraft head. This will show your Minecraft username, amount of (Vanity) Points and currently level. It also shows how long it takes to level up. Maybe you can take a look at that? :)
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Despacito 2

Forum Professional
Dec 6, 2015
I actually never tried calculating because Levels aren't really worth it here. They don't give you any special rewards, so what's the deal? If you just play you'll simply lvl up.
I can't calculate it right now because I'm on my phone and not really going to turn on my pc. But I might try doing it tommorow.
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Despacito 2

Forum Professional
Dec 6, 2015
@Klompie This would mean b=800 but at what level do you start?

200x+b = y
y = 10600
x = 49

200 x 49 + b = 10600
10600 - 49 x 200 = b
800 = b
That would mean b is 800 indeed.
200 x 49 + b = 10600
10600 - 49 x 200 = b
10600 - 9800 = b
800 = b
b = 800

Anyway, maybe we could compare 2 different lvls?
I'm currently 45. So if someone who's lvl 50 or 40 or any other lvl could give the amount of xp they need to lvl up? We would have enough information to solve this formula.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2017
Roosendaal, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
I'm sure b=800 but one final question: at which level do you start? Do you start at level 0 going to level 1 or are you going to level 2 from level 1? This could also change 'b' as it might mean that it doesn't start at x=0 but at x=1
BTW, My friends always make fun of me as being unlucky. I opened at least twice as much cublets, but still don't have the orange/cyan glass. Everyone knows pink>cyan/orange, so I want level 50 so bad ;) I just calculated how much XP it would took me (lvl 49 atm) to get to level 100 (caus troll hat). It would be around 800.000 more o.0
I've checked if b could be different and if that was the case a has to change> This isn't the case meaning you start at level 0 at level up to become level 1, requiring 800 XP.
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Well-Known Member
May 31, 2017
Roosendaal, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
I changed the threat again, adding a final conclusion. I have included a Exel file that will give you the amount of XP needed to level up + a way to sum up all the XP needed, which you can change to be appropriate for you (I can check how many XP I need to become level 100 by changing the blue box to level 49 up to 100). Can anyone reading this open the file and check if the XP required at a level matches with his/her xp required that is told by the compass on cubecraft, to check if everything is right?
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