Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Forum Expert
Jul 24, 2015
a place where everything you touch turns to gold.
Hi do you know when it will be out of maintenance?

I know I said early summer, but it will still 100% be out this summer. Delays are due to us making sure its 100% as good as it can be. Its being worked on as fast as possible, I promise

As you can see, it will be out for Christmas or a bit later.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2014
Potato land
I think we have to wait a bit longer, It's probably worth the wait! We just have to be patient since CCGN is busy with many projects wot I heard.;)

ye its not like it almost took a year already without any known process or what so ever, oh ye and tons of other updates have taken place already.
but okej there are still 24 days left until the end of summer so maybe this time they keep their promise
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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2016
Hi CubeCrafters!

You may have noticed that our freebuild area has recently suffered a lot of issues due to it's growth. SkyBlock is down with no forseeable fix and creative is very laggy and also needs a lot of TLC. Instead of constantly trying to hack around the issues we are having it's been decided that we're going to put all of Free Build into an extended maintenance whilst we rewrite everything from scratch.

This means: Skyblock, Creative and Factions will all be unavailable.

We apologise for this but there is an upside!

We want to know what you want from Skyblock and Creative - since we're doing everything from the beginning we're looking to add some amazing new and unique features - let us know what you want!

There is no set date for the release of the new freebuild, but I can assure you it will be as soon as possible :)

Looking forward to hearing your awesome idea!

CubeCraft Dev Team!
Yes, there's more than one.
when will the parkour be back up?


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2016
SOON ..............

Un año llevan "trabajando en esto", pero claro estamos en el server donde la opinión de los usuarios importan nada, donde en vez de reparar los minijuegos "antiguos" que son por los que se hizo grande el server prefieren darle prioridad a otros minijuegos que siendo sinceros son una mierda.
La verdad es que el equipo de developers no están a la altura de un server grande asi a muchos les duela que diga esto, me canso de ver como otros servers supuestamente pequeños hacen todo lo que aquí llevan meses o años haciendo no solo hablo de free build hablo tambien de UHC de parkour de un sistema de party decente, llevan meses con los escudos personalizados, meses que no hay nuevas hats ni cosméticos nuevos, los vanitys points no sirven de nada, bugs que llevan meses reportados.

Lo único que pido es que dejen de engañar a los jugadores, muchos compraron sus rangos por free build.

Estamos cansados de que la respuesta para todos sea SOON, prefiero que digan sinceramente free build no volverá o volverá en un año o dos a que sigan haciéndonos esperar sin saber si en realidad vuelve pronto.

PD: Si alguien puede traducir esto a ingles le agradecería mucho, mi ingles es muy malo :D

PD 2: @Mac habia dicho que free build volveria a inicios de verano y el verano le quedan 10 dias o menos; seria bueno que dejara de esconderse y hablara, asi como hizo promesas falsas al menos de la cara de decir que paso.

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