I shall give off my swaggers to all of the kingdom of CCG.You are the queen of the swaggers! *gets on knees and bows* all hail the mighty queen o swagger!
Yes give some of your swagger to the noobs the need it the most. You know what they say, always give your used toys to the less fortanet.I shall give off my swaggers to all of the kingdom of CCG.
Person's Name or IGN: @Nyanbaz
How you met this Person: Just
What is awesome about this Person:
She's so freaking amazing and
sexy and everyone should love her
because she is awesome and you
should all be jelly of her skills.
ign: @LaserDolphin77IGN: @lonelyplop14 #2
Where we met: I banned him on assassins (lol)
What I like about him: He understands his ban is fair, and doesn't try to do anything otherwise. When I see him on forums, he looks to be helping as much as he can, and is a nice person overall :)
Gurl you dun deserve thisAwhh c: I got a few too ^-^
Person's Name or IGN: @kkbubble
How you met this Person: Factions from waaaay back c:
What is awesome about this Person: Everything C: Pffh and he's a icecream. Icecream is good. ;)
Person's Name or IGN: @Sugabuga9 @Julian10855
How you met this Person: Creative When We All Wern't Even Donators Yet ^-^
What is awesome about this Person: ohmygod these people must be the funniest person I know on here and the most loving ;3 and julians divergent of course
Person's Name or IGN: @Claudia
How you met this Person: Heh..Heh.. Long Story :3 c':
What is awesome about this Person: Claudia is the most fabulous person on this server. don't deny it. k? k.
@halothe23 (ish)
I feel ignored xD
@Religious Melon
These are all good friends... I cant do the format it will take to long.
@halothe23 (ish)
@halothe23 (ish)
Can I be your friend?I'll just tag my friends.
And many more I'm probably forgetting..