Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Deleted member 59979

Lucky islands banner.png

This thread will cover:

1. How to play
2. Basic features
3. Lucky block drops
4. Solo map overviews
5. Team map overviews
6. Achievements
7. Other
8. Credits

How To Play
The main aim of the game is similar to most other PvP games. You have to be the last player or team left. Its very similar to skywars but instead of chests on your island there are lucky blocks. These blocks will randomly drop something or do something to help you, or slow you down, from killing other players. There are both team games and solo games so that you can play either alone, or on a team with your friends.

Basic Features
In lucky islands you can vote for 2 options. Voting option 1 is for the gamemode. Vote option 2 if for the time of day. There are 3 options for gamemode – normal, blessed and crazy.

In blessed all loot obtained from the lucky blocks is good. There is a 0% chance of you getting something bad.
Normal is classic lucky islands. Normal chances of getting good or bad loot.
In crazy mode there is a chance of spawning either an event or crazy item out of a block. The events are listed below.
Time of day
Time of day voting is the same as any other gamemode. There is day, sunset and night.

There is a total of 15 kits for lucky islands. The total cost of all the kits is 5200 points.

Scout - The scout kit costs 250 points and gives you 3 speed potions.

Heavy - The heavy kit costs 400 points and gives you a leather helmet, leather leggings, leather boots and a chain chestplate.

Bomber - The bomber kit costs 450 points and gives you 10 TNT, 2 stone pressure plates and a trap lucky block.

Diamonds - The diamonds kit costs 500 points and gives you a diamond block.

Egg farmer - The egg farmer kit costs 250 points and gives you 16 eggs.

Archer - The archer kit costs 350 points and gives you a bow with 12 arrows.

Lucky - The lucky kit costs 450 points and gives you 2 lucky blocks.

Healer - The healer kit costs 250 points and gives you 3 health potions.

Enchanter - The enchanter kit costs 350 points and gives you an enchanting table, 32 lapis and 32 bottle o’ enchanting.

Miner - The miner kit costs 250 points and gives you a diamond pickaxe.

Barricade - The barricade kit costs 200 points and gives you 8 obsidian and a cage trap.

Wizard - The wizard kit costs 600 points and gives you a random wand.

Tamer - The tamer kit costs 400 points and gives you a pet wolf, snowman and cat.

Villager - The villager kit costs 350 points and gives you 2 villager spawn eggs and 16 emeralds.

For winning a game of either solo or team lucky islands you get 120 experience and 20 points. You can then also get 2 points for each kill. There are also the regular chances of getting a cubelet.

Texture pack
When you join lucky islands the texture pack will automatically load. This pack changes the textures of sponge to lucky blocks and it also puts the textures for wands. The pack usually will make your game extremely laggy when joining. You can reduce lag slightly by going to your settings and setting it to prompt before downloading.

Lucky block drops
Here is a list of all the things you can get out of lucky blocks. Items will be colour coded for which game type they are available in.

All modes
Normal and crazy
Just crazy

The TNT Wand - Shoots a block of TNT which explodes. Found on all modes.
The Regen Wand - Heals you when you right click. Found on all modes.
The Slime Wand - Throws a slime which attacks enemies. Found on all modes.
The Shield Wand - Summons a dome around you to protect you. Found on all modes.
The Dragon Breath Wand - Spawns fire in front of you. Found on all modes.
The Splash Potion Wand - Throws out a random potion, can be good or bad. Found on all modes.
The Frost Path Wand - Creates a path of ice where you are looking. Found on all modes.
The Explosive Bow - Creates an explosion where the arrow lands. Found on all modes.
The Automatic Bow - Shoots up to 20 arrows without needing charge up. Found on all modes.
The Frozen Shot Bow - If it hits it traps the player in ice. Found on all modes.
The Shotgun Bow - Shoots five arrows at once at different angles. Found on all modes.
The Normal Bow - Comes with either 12 normal arrows or 6 spectral arrows and 6 tipped arrows
Armoured Zombie - Spawns a zombie with armour. Not on Blessed.
Villager Towe r- Spawns villagers riding each other and 32 emeralds. Found on all modes.
Pig - Spawns a pig with a saddle and carrot on a stick. Found on all modes.
Blaze - Spawns a blaze, drops fire aspect blaze rod in death. Not on Blessed.
Chickens - Spawns 9 chickens, sometimes one is upside down. Found on all modes.
Pets - Either a wolf or a cat that you can name. Found on all modes.
Frosty - Spawns a snowman named Frosty. Found on all modes.
Enderman - Spawns an enderman holding a chest you can open when it has died. Not on Blessed.
Witch - Spawns a witch riding a bat. Not on Blessed.
Knight - Spawn boss mob Knight. Only on Crazy.
Just a normal pig - If you punch it, it makes a pig king. Only on crazy.

Tools and Weapons:
Diamond Sword - Particle effect then a diamond sword. Found on all modes.
Set of tools - Pickaxe Shovel and Axe, either stone or iron. Found on all modes.
Fire Sword - Iron sword that shoots fire when you right click. Found on all modes.
Knock Back Sword- Has Knock Back Two, used 3 times before break. Found on all modes.
Sharpness Stone Sword- Stone Sword with Sharpness one to three. Found on all modes.
Diamond Pickaxe- Spawns a pickaxe. Found on all modes.
Shield- Give you a shield that you can use.

3x3 Hole- Spawns a hole that drops you in the void. Not on Blessed.
Exploding Chest- A chest spawn that explodes when you open it. Not on blessed.
Pressure Plate- Gives you sometimes a good thing sometimes a bad thing. Not on Blessed.
Cage Trap- Gives you a pressure plate when someone stands on it, it traps them. Found on all modes.
Lucky Block Trap- You place it and if someone else breaks it, it explodes. Found on all modes.
Zombie Cage- Puts you in a cage with a zombie in it. Not on blessed.
Iron Block- Spawns iron and also a lightning bolt. Not on blessed.
Obsidian- Spawns blocks of obsidian around you. Not on blessed.
Ores- Spawns a pickaxe and then iron gold diamond ores around it. Found on all modes.
Craft Fast- A crafting table and some material that is disappearing. Found on all modes.
Blocks- Gives some blocks either stone dirt or sandstone. Found on all modes.
Ender Pearls- Gives you two or three ender pearls. Found on all modes.
Grapple Bow- When you shoot you can fly towards where the arrow is. Found on all modes.
Elytra- Gives you elytra to glide with. Found on all modes.
Tracking Compass- Compass to locate the nearest player. Found on all modes.
Food- Gives a few of either bread carrots or apples. Found on all modes.
Potions- Gives five potions, two poison, one harming, one regen and one speed. Found on all modes.
Water and Lava- Spawns source blocks of these. Water on all, lava not on blessed.
Speed Potion- Gives a player so much speed they run off the edge. Not on blessed.
Armour Stand- Random armour, sometimes with a pumpkin or lucky block. Found on all modes.
Chest- A chest with random things in it. Found on all modes.
Enchantment Table- Spawns an enchantment table with lapis and xp levels. Found on all modes.
Tower- Spawns a tower out of stone. Found on all modes.
Melons- Spawns a melon tower with a lucky block at the top. Found on all modes.
Hot Potato- Throw it and it explodes where it lands. Found on all modes.
Beacon- Spawns a beacon with gold to use in it. Found on all modes.

All events are temporary and only last for a period of time unless stated otherwise. Events usually only appear in crazy mode but have an extremely low chance of happening in normal mode. Events do not happen in blessed.

Lucky rain – Lucky blocks rain from the sky.
Meteor shower – Fireball rain from the sky exploding on impact
Withershower – Withers rain from the sky exploding on impact and giving the wither effect to anyone hit.
Dragon – An ender dragon spawns in.
Bunny mode – Everyone is given a jump boost.
Ultra-Hardcore – Health does not regenerate naturally. Health regen items do work.
Enderpearl generator – Everyone is given an enderpearl at specific intervals. If you do not have enough space in your inventory it will be dropped on the floor.
Lucky loot – Everyone has a higher chance of getting good loot for 30 seconds.
World corruption – The map starts to go “corrupt” and turn into the nether starting at the block it was spawned from. This event is permanent and spreads over time.

Solo Maps

Most of the images of the maps do not belong to me and are images that I found on the news threads. All images are imgur links due to image limits.

List of maps
- Savannah
- Blossom
- Bonsai
- Bridges
- Candy
- Clouds
- Crossroads
- Food
- Frost
- Nest
- Pond
- Portal
- Ruins
- Starfish
- Stranded
- Summer
- Trees
- Underwater
- Village
- Western

Overview of each map

Team Maps

Most of the pictures of the maps do not belong to me and are the images I found on the news threads. All images are imgur links due to image limits The number of people per team is in brackets next to the map name.

List of maps
- Art (2)
- Butterfly (2)
- Dinner (2)
- Fantasy (2)
- Lumber Mill (2)
- Steampunk (2)
- Tokyo (2)
- Yeti (2)
- Cactus (3)
- Ducks (3)
- Elven (3)
- Hourglass (3)
- Jurassic (3)
- Music (3)
- Temple (3)
- Hell (4)
- Jungle (4)
- Orc (4)
- Science (4)
- Stonehenge (4)
- Oasis (5)
- Athens (6)
- Winter (6)
- Creek (8)

Overview of each map


Solo Lucky Islands achievements

Feeling Lucky – Open 25 lucky blocks in 1 game – 50 points 250 xp
Over 9000 – Break over 9000 lucky blocks – 200 points 500 exp
Iron belly – Kill someone while starving – 100 exp
What’s a lucky block? – Win a game without opening any lucky blocks – 1 cubelet 300 exp
Yer a wizard – Obtain one of every wand in 1 game – 1 cubelet 200 exp
Glow blow – Hit an enemy with a spectral arrow shot from an exploding bow – 25 points 200 exp
Lucky cluck – Eat 7 cooked chickens in 1 game – 15 points
Blaze it – Kill a blaze with a blaze rod – 20 points 150 exp
Ping cushion – Survive getting shot by arrows 25 times in one game – 1 cubelet 300 exp
Summoner – Kill an enemy using a slime summoned by the slime wand – 75 points
Vampire – Kill a player shortly after using the regeneration wand – 100 exp
Sunsinger – Set yourself on fire using the dragon’s breath wand – 50 exp
Camouflage – Kill an enemy using a bow whilst under the effects of the invisibility wand – 25 points 100 exp
Trapped – Trap someone with a cage trap – 25 exp
Unlucky – Open 3 negative lucky blocks in a row – 30 exp
??? – You get this achievement randomly – 100 exp
Fire proof – Equip the pig king’s crown – 20 points 150 exp
Say hello to my little friend – Shoot someone with an automatic bow – 20 exp
Fast and furious crafter – Craft at least 3 different armour pieces from quick craft loot – 1 cubelet 30 points 200 exp
Beginner’s luck – Win your first game of solo lucky islands – 120 exp
Feeling lucky punk – Win 10 games of solo lucky islands – 1 cubelet 150 exp
Luck streak – Win 100 games of solo lucky islands – 2 cubelets 50 points 1000 exp
Luck freak – Win 1000 games of solo lucky islands
Probably a leprechaun – Win 10,000 games of solo lucky islands – 5 cubelets 5000 points 10000 exp

Team lucky islands achievements

Lucky day – Win a game without anyone on your team dying – 1 cubelet 200 exp
10 marathons – Walk over 262,180 blocks – 1 cubelet 200 exp
Destructor – Shoot 25 TNT using wands in a single game – 150 exp
Lucky kills – Kill 1000 other players – 25 points 300 exp
Dragon slayer – Slay an ender dragon – 1 cubelet 500 points 2000 exp
Field medic – Heal a teammate with a splash potion – 150 exp
Se7en – As a team, kill 7 players without a teammate dying – 50 points 1 cubelet
Lucky to be alive – Win a game of lucky islands with your whole team alive while your health is below 2 hearts – 1 cubelet 250 exp
Ramblin’ gambler – Talk to your teammates 7 times in one game – 50 exp
Squad goals – Equip your entire team with golden armour without a teammate dying – 50 points 300 exp
High explosive – Kill 3 players in a game using the TNT wand – 1 cubelet 250 exp
Detainment – Kill an enemy that you have trapped using the shield wand – 50 points 250 exp
Crazy cat person – Get every type of cat in a game – 80 exp
I believe I can fly – Get shot by a shulker – 10 exp
Knight slayer – Kill the knight – 1 cubelet 150 exp
Heavy rain drops – Get hit by lucky rain – 50 exp
Short memory – Open your own trap lucky block – 25 exp
Split your luck – Shoot a lucky block from a fortune ghast while its in the air – 50 exp
Teamwork – Be part of a kill with at least 2 assists – 100 exp
Just your luck – Win your first game of team lucky islands – 120 exp
Luck of the draw – Win 10 games of team lucky islands – 1 cubelet 150 exp
Lots of luck – Win 100 games of team lucky islands – 2 cubelets 50 points 1000 exp
Good luck charm – Win 1000 games of team lucky islands – 3 cubelets 500 points 5000 exp
Good luck farm – Win 10,000 games of team lucky islands – 5 cubelets 5000 points 10,000 exp


You can keep track of the lucky island leaderboards over on @RemiO05's thread here


@ImLqved for letting me use her thread for the drops in lucky islands which can be found here
All of the builders and staff for the pictures of the maps that I found on the news threads. Most of the images belong to them apart from the few I took myself.

If there is anything I missed or you want me to add then just let me know. I crammed it all into a day and a half so I probably made a mistake or two :3
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Forum Veteran
Jul 3, 2016
The map solo maps Blossom and Nest have been re-made a bit. Whenever you have time, get some new screens. ;)
Good job with the thread! I'd never ever get enough energy to make a thread like this.


Senior Moderator
Team CubeCraft
🛠️ Sr. Moderator
Mar 31, 2018
Aren't the fortune ghasts a crazy event? I don't play too much crazy mode so I'm not completely sure.
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