@Manusizwe Here is your new avatar! What do you think?

@TattyTeddy45671 You are next to get your avatar!
And @blockdragon84 please use the template:

@TattyTeddy45671 You are next to get your avatar!
And @blockdragon84 please use the template:
Btw, guys from now on can you please use this request template.
To those who haven't and are still waiting for their avatar, rewrite your request using this:
IGN: (Input your IGN here)
Type of Avatar: The choices are: Face, Team Crafted, Body (No Pose), Body (Pose) or Custom.
Background: (Input the picture that you want the background to be here. I recommend putting it in a spoiler to avoid lag while loading the image)
Extra information: (Input any extra information here)
Example of a request:
IGN: MagmaTheDude
Type of Avatar: Team Crafted
Background: Extra information: Nothing else. :)
Types of Avatars:
Face: Team Crafted: Body (No Pose): Body (Pose): Custom: You give me the details of your avatar and I'll get to work.
I hope this helps! :p