I heard you play op eggwars...
I get it, if you are a professional left clicker being forced to use a shield can be an issue. I for one like the 30 minute games that used to happen on good maps such as team trees. On those maps you aren't stuck for all that time, you usually have an option to build somewhere. Stalemate situations occur mostly on the old solo maps. Also I personally don't like the new type of pillar camping, I am surprised that all the professional left clickers are ok with that.
Either way, allowing players to choose what game they want to play is clearly the best option. If there are not enought total players reduce the amount of maps that are open at once. Maybe group the maps so that at each point one map of each category is open:
Good Maps (Trees)
Tiny Islands (Music, mushroom, old solo maps)
Huge mid (Alien, Toxic, School, new solo maps etc.)
Abeolutely disgusting (Pacman)
OP eggwars is meant to be a slow paced gamemode, that's the nature and the thrill of it, go to youtube and search up videos which have the highest view counts relating to eggwars, pretty much all of them are the long games.
Skywars on the other hand is meant to be a fast paced game at heart. Again go to youtube, with the exception of mega skywars, most games last about 3-4mins.
Its not that we hate bows/projectiles, its just that nobody (apart from like 3 people on cubecraft) wants to spend ages placing 1 block per minute to bridge to the last guy on a map, then when you finally get there they get an enderpearl from their kit, pearl to some other island, then you have to do it all again. Or those games when there's 3-4 of them left all sitting on their islands. It completely kills the game.
I understand, maybe you are one of those people that likes to sit on their islands and do that, but it is just not fun for the rest of us as we just want to play a fast paced game, we don't want to be spending ages placing 1 block per minute, shielding 90% of the time and looking around at every angle just to kill some naked kid with a bow that will probably pearl away once you get there anyway. (One way to fix this however, is for the islands on maps to be closer and not 5 billion blocks away so you have less bridging to do)
The only common problem projectile lovers (and indeed non-projectile lovers too) have with non-projectile mode is people who skybase, but that's mostly cubecraft's fault for not decreasing the build limit.
If people truly didn't like No Projectile mode, then nobody would vote for it. No projectiles is superior. All hail no projectiles.