Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
This discussion focuses on SkyWars, try to stay on topic!


Team CubeCraft
🔨 Moderator
Apr 9, 2020
Czech Republic
I absolutely love skywars so I don't have anythink I wouldn't like.

But one interesting think you could possibly improve is matchmaking system. Nowadays you can play against all types of peoples like noobs, or on otherside pros. New matchmaking will add feauture where you will fight only against peoples with similar Skywars level.

Skywars level would be also new feature that will help matchmaking system identify and seperate players so you'll could fight only against players with Skywars level similar to your.

Also if you are playing in a party, system will only react to party leader's level so if party leader is a big pro than you will be playing against other very experienced players.

I dont know if people will like this or not but this is only sugestion so you can help me to know!
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Jun 18, 2022
Hello, I'm here again to ask you guys for your suggestions!

SkyWars is one of our networks' biggest games and is loved by most CubeCraft players. Today I'm here to ask for you to help us with our next SkyWars update. Suggestions must be reasonable, possible and must not majorly change the concept of CubeCraft SkyWars. The last thing we want is to make SkyWars completely different and change the mechanics of the core game, which most people will not like. If you have any suggestions for the following topics, comment on them below:
  • Quality of life features (Things to make the game nicer and better to play).
  • New kits.
  • Kit re-balancing.
  • Additional chest loot.
  • Changes to chest loot.
  • Map/design improvements.
  • Other small general improvements.
  • If you want a Lucky Islands map in SkyWars, suggest and give your reasons why it should be added.

We might not reply to all suggestions, but do not worry, we are reading them and considering them. Not every suggestion will make it into the game, so don't worry if your suggestion isn't implemented.

Thanks for reading!
Everyone from the CubeCraft Team.
Possibly a new map with lots of chests on an island? Or maybe a kit with a sword and a few blocks for an easy headstart. Yeah, that kit sounds pretty nice.
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Apr 25, 2022
It would be nice if the shields given in overpowered mode durability would be lowered! The compass to locate players who are camping is really glitchy and hard to use. I wish if you wanted to locate a player the server would give a glowstone effect to the player who is hiding making it easier to locate them.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2022
Bunny Town
It would be nice if the shields given in overpowered mode durability would be lowered! The compass to locate players who are camping is really glitchy and hard to use. I wish if you wanted to locate a player the server would give a glowstone effect to the player who is hiding making it easier to locate them.
For Bedrock edition the glowstone effects aren't a thing, so It wouldn't work, sadly :( For Java it would be a good suggestion though!
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May 8, 2022
Hello, I'm here again to ask you guys for your suggestions!

SkyWars is one of our networks' biggest games and is loved by most CubeCraft players. Today I'm here to ask for you to help us with our next SkyWars update. Suggestions must be reasonable, possible and must not majorly change the concept of CubeCraft SkyWars. The last thing we want is to make SkyWars completely different and change the mechanics of the core game, which most people will not like. If you have any suggestions for the following topics, comment on them below:
  • Quality of life features (Things to make the game nicer and better to play).
  • New kits.
  • Kit re-balancing.
  • Additional chest loot.
  • Changes to chest loot.
  • Map/design improvements.
  • Other small general improvements.
  • If you want a Lucky Islands map in SkyWars, suggest and give your reasons why it should be added.

We might not reply to all suggestions, but do not worry, we are reading them and considering them. Not every suggestion will make it into the game, so don't worry if your suggestion isn't implemented.

Thanks for reading!
Everyone from the CubeCraft Team.
Hello, I'm here again to ask you guys for your suggestions!

SkyWars is one of our networks' biggest games and is loved by most CubeCraft players. Today I'm here to ask for you to help us with our next SkyWars update. Suggestions must be reasonable, possible and must not majorly change the concept of CubeCraft SkyWars. The last thing we want is to make SkyWars completely different and change the mechanics of the core game, which most people will not like. If you have any suggestions for the following topics, comment on them below:
  • Quality of life features (Things to make the game nicer and better to play).
  • New kits.
  • Kit re-balancing.
  • Additional chest loot.
  • Changes to chest loot.
  • Map/design improvements.
  • Other small general improvements.
  • If you want a Lucky Islands map in SkyWars, suggest and give your reasons why it should be added.
More TNT in OP chests, (atleast 5-10 in each mid chest) most people dont bother using it but if laying around it could be used for tnt jumping, blowing up people hiding in starter islands, and much more.

Make the old maps bigger, (ie desert, trees,) with those maps you can just do an endless rush in a continuous circle all around the map with out ever going to mid (which also takes a huge chunk of blocks to even get there). not only that but with small maps in OP chests, you cant really stretch out and relax because if you’re at mid, the only way of healing is chugging gaps whilst being damaged because of the small space, and with pearls there‘s only a few places you can pearl to, and even then, your opponent might have pearls too making the chase longer. Make it so that the old smaller maps fit in with the newer moderetly larger maps. (ie mushroom, autumn)

this might be alot so like TL;DR - more tnt in op chests + make the old maps bigger


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2021
My Cat's Basket
Just one comment on that...
More TNT in OP chests, (atleast 5-10 in each mid chest)
5-10 in each chest might be a bit too much! Maybe 5-10 in the centre chests  altogether?

I would quite like some TNT part of the maps, it would be cool if you could blow up people's islands as a trap! You could for the Lunar New Year Fireworks map, at the centre and other islands, I would love a year-round variation of that!
May 8, 2022
5-10 in each chest might be a bit too much! Maybe 5-10 in the centre chests  altogether?
im thinking 5-10 tnt in each chest because, take hypixel for example, they put 10 tnt in most of the mid chests and it goes underused to most people, and if theres people with tnt experience, they could take all the tnt and use it with right timing, because every play for tnt needs right timing to use them, whether its making sure the opponent doesnt move or they’re stuck in one place, so they’re still balanced in a way. In OP chests, the tnt is really scarce there (there being only 1 tnt in about every 2 chests) so you can really only get around 3 - 5 tnt if you’re able to get to mid fast enough and being able to loot the chests at all, so 5- 10 in each chest would give almost everyone atleast some tnt (since everyone always goes to mid quicker in op).
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Deleted member 410172

remove enchantments like smite and bane of uselessness


Oct 26, 2022
There could be a lot of kit balancing, so here are my kits, my aim is to make sure that every kit has unique effects so they all have uses depending on how you want to play

The Redstone kit is useless right now, to balance it, the kit should consist of ~3 TNT, 2 sticky pistons, 2 pistons, 25 restone dust, 2 levers, 5 repeaters, 3 restone torches, and a flint and steel with ~5 uses. In overpowered mode 5 TNT and the rest are the same

The wolf kit is also relatively bad, a way to help balance it is 2 wolves, with 12 raw beef and the same dyes. In overpowered, it has 3 wolves and 12 raw beef but has black dye as well

The chef is not very good, a rebalance could be 5 pumpkin pies (because it's called chef), an iron sword, and a white-dyed leather helmet, and has mastered the arts of cooking and takes no fall damage. In overpowered the kit gets 10 pies and a diamond sword

The kit builder could be changed so that it has 24 oak planks, iron boots and a yellow-dyed leather chestplate, and a stone sword with knockback 1. In overpowered the sword has knockback 2 and the blocks could be 32 obsidian

Add a warrior kit with an iron sword with a sharpness of 2 or 3 and leather boots dyed black. in overpowered the sword could be diamond

The tank kit should have a chain chestplate and leggings with protection 3 or 2 and a wooden sword. In overpowered make the armour iron chestplate with protection 3 and diamond boots with protection 2

Add a witch kit that has 2 splash potions of speed 1 for 30 seconds and 2 splash potions of jump boost 2 for 25 seconds, a wooden sword and a black dyed leather helmet and purple dyes leather chesplate

So there are my suggestions, they may not be fully balanced, but I tried my best, based on the loot in chests and every kit should be unique.


Novice Member
Aug 11, 2022
There could be a lot of kit balancing, so here are my kits, my aim is to make sure that every kit has unique effects so they all have uses depending on how you want to play

The Redstone kit is useless right now, to balance it, the kit should consist of ~3 TNT, 2 sticky pistons, 2 pistons, 25 restone dust, 2 levers, 5 repeaters, 3 restone torches, and a flint and steel with ~5 uses. In overpowered mode 5 TNT and the rest are the same

The wolf kit is also relatively bad, a way to help balance it is 2 wolves, with 12 raw beef and the same dyes. In overpowered, it has 3 wolves and 12 raw beef but has black dye as well

The chef is not very good, a rebalance could be 5 pumpkin pies (because it's called chef), an iron sword, and a white-dyed leather helmet, and has mastered the arts of cooking and takes no fall damage. In overpowered the kit gets 10 pies and a diamond sword

The kit builder could be changed so that it has 24 oak planks, iron boots and a yellow-dyed leather chestplate, and a stone sword with knockback 1. In overpowered the sword has knockback 2 and the blocks could be 32 obsidian

Add a warrior kit with an iron sword with a sharpness of 2 or 3 and leather boots dyed black. in overpowered the sword could be diamond

The tank kit should have a chain chestplate and leggings with protection 3 or 2 and a wooden sword. In overpowered make the armour iron chestplate with protection 3 and diamond boots with protection 2

Add a witch kit that has 2 splash potions of speed 1 for 30 seconds and 2 splash potions of jump boost 2 for 25 seconds, a wooden sword and a black dyed leather helmet and purple dyes leather chesplate

So there are my suggestions, they may not be fully balanced, but I tried my best, based on the loot in chests and every kit should be unique.
Yea I agree with these and along with these I would add an e pearl kit (just one pearl, nothing else, and in overpowered mode it will give 2 pearls) and a miner kit that gives an iron pickaxe with eff 5 along with a chain chestplate and boots both with protection 3. In overpowered mode, I think the pickaxe should be diamond with eff 6 or 7, along with protection 1 diamond chestplate and boots.
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