Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Forum Expert
Apr 9, 2016

Hey! I decided to make this short guide to enlighten anyone who may be struggling to get in contact with a staff member. It features the most efficient ways of contacting staff members, and a brief overview of each.

| Discord
This is, from my experience, the most effective way of getting in contact with a staff member. To make use of this feature, you will need to join the Discord. You can join the Discord simply by clicking here. Note, you may need to create a Discord account first. Once you have done that, look at the left-hand side of your screen. You will see a list of channels - you want the #staff-help channel. You can ask any question there, however for more delicate issues you may want to contact a staff member directly, which can be done by looking at the member list on the right-hand side, right-clicking a staff member and clicking "Message".

| Forums Messaging
This is - again, from my experience - the slowest way of getting in contact with a staff member, if they ever reply at all. Most staff members try to reply to every single message, however due to the sheer amount of messages they receive this isn't always possible. I highly suggest to use a different way of getting in contact with a staff member, however if you really want to PM a staff member on the forums you can do this by clicking on the speech bubble at the top right(ish) of your screen, then pressing "Start a New Conversation". You can then type the staff members name under "Participants". Please note, you must have a forums account to make use of this feature, and many of the Administrators and Developers have private messaging disabled.

| Messaging Staff Members on the Server
This is quite an effective way of getting in contact with a staff member, however it can be quite hard to find a staff member on the server. If you really need help, I don't suggest you go looking for a staff member on the server; try one of the two options above instead. However, if you do come across a staff member on the server, all you need to do is /tell <username> <message> and a message will be sent. Their response will show in chat.

| Reporting Rule Breakers and Appealing Punishments
Do not contact staff members about rule-breakers or ban appeals. You can appeal a punishment here. You can report rule-breakers here. If you are not sure how to use the reporting system, see this official guide. Contacting staff members directly about punishment appeals can result in the punishment being lengthened.

I hope you all found this short little guide useful in some way. If you have any suggestions or corrections don't hesitate to post below.




Forum Expert
Apr 9, 2016
Really nice guide!
I have only 2 things:
1. For the lazy people (me), you can also do: /msg <username> <message> which is 1 letter shorter! :p
2. If you're in a lobby you can do /who to see whether there might be a staff member in vanish or not.
/list and /who no longer show hidden staff members. This was in the originaldraft of the guide but was removed
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