Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
This discussion focuses on SkyWars, try to stay on topic!
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Forum Veteran
Apr 10, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria

Hello CubeCrafters!
As many of you already know, Skywars is a popular Minecraft minigame with a simple premise: fight until one player or team is left alive. CubeCraft Games provides this fun mini-game, along with beautiful maps, a great variety of kits, achievements, and abilities that make the game even more entertaining.

This thread will cover:
Java SkyWars:
General Information
Solo Maps
Solo Maps pt.2
Team Maps
Team Maps pt.2
SkyWars Shop
SkyWars Achievements

Bedrock SkyWars:
General Information
Solo Maps
Team Maps
Chaos Maps
SkyWars Kits

Have ideas what more can be added? Let me know!

Huge thanks to my awesome teammate @SpringWarz for helping me take the pictures needed for the thread!
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Forum Veteran
Apr 10, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria

Facts about the game:

  • After winning a Solo SkyWars game, you’ll be rewarded with 125 experience and 25 points.
  • After winning a Team SkyWars game, you’ll be rewarded with 100 experience and 25 points.
  • After losing a game of SkyWars, you'll receive 5 experience.
  • If you die in a game of Team SkyWars and your team wins, you'll still receive the win.
  • There are no hidden chests on any of the maps.
  • There is a Kill Counter next to all the names so you know exactly how many kills everyone is on.
  • Assisting with kills gives you hot bar message, showing how much % of the total damage you did to the enemy.
  • There are current game statistics which will show after you die or game ends. This shows : what place you got, how long you survived, number of kills, number of assists and bow accuracy (percentage of arrows that hit an enemy)
  • There are achievements, abilities and auto kits.
  • Keep your eyes peeled for chest refills. Chest refills are splitted into stages (Supply > Equipment > General):
Supply: In the supply refill you will receive the essential items such as: blocks, tools, projectiles, buckets of water/lava, exp bottles, shield and food (Golden apple and enderpearls if in OP chests).


Equipment: In the equipment refill you will receive gear such as: armour, weapons, higher chance of obtaining enderpearls.


General: The general refill is a combination of the previous two refills however with a much higher chance of obtaining enderpearls.


How to see our game statistics?
SkyWars NPC → SkyWars Statistics → Solo/Team SkyWars

How to see the leaderboards?
SkyWars NPC → SkyWars Statistics → Solo/Team SkyWars Leaderboard
or view them at: https://www.cubecraft.net/leaderboards/

How to see our achievements?
Profile (Main Lobby, Your Inventory) → Achievements → SkyWars

or use /achievements .

How to see the SkyWars Shop?
Shop (Main Lobby, Your Inventory) → SkyWars

SkyWars Features:

1. Map selection

- Select a map to play.
SkyWars NPC → Team/Solo game mode → Select a map

Ranks that can give you this feature:

2. Vote for Time

- Choose the time the game takes place in.
Join a SkyWars game → Voting → Time

Available Options:
Day Time - Play the game at day time.
Night Time - Play the game at night time.
Sunset - Play the game at sunset.

Ranks that can give you this feature:

3. Vote for Projectiles
- Choose whether projectiles are available in a game.
Join a SkyWars game → Voting → Projectiles Options

Available Options:
No throwables - Chests don't contain any projectiles. Any kits containing projectiles are banned.
Normal projectiles - Chests contain eggs and bows.
Soft blocks - Any blocks hit by a projectile causes it to break.

Ranks that can give you this feature:

4. Vote for Chest Types
- Choose the kind of chests available in a game.
Join a SkyWars game → Voting → Chest Types

Available Options:
Basic - Chests will contain weak armour, low damaging swords, average food, and other stuff.
Normal - Chests will contain average armour, average weapons, average food and minimum golden apples, and other stuff.
Overpowered - Chests will contain strong armour, robust weapons, more golden apples and enderpearls, and other stuff.

Ranks that can give you this feature:


Visit the store HERE.
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Forum Veteran
Apr 10, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria


16 players


20 players


12 players


16 players


24 players


16 players


16 players


16 players


12 players


12 players


12 players


12 players

End 1.9+

24 players


12 players


16 players


12 players


12 players
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Forum Veteran
Apr 10, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria

Team SkyWars Pre-Lobby


16 players (8 teams of 2)


16 players ( 8 teams of 2)

Lumber mill

12 players (6 teams of 2)


40 players (20 teams of 2)


32 players (16 teams of 2)


24 players (12 teams of 2)


24 players (12 teams of 2)


16 players (8 teams of 2)


32 players (16 teams of 2)


24 players (12 teams of 2)


24 players (8 teams of 3)


24 players (8 teams of 3)


30 players (10 teams of 3)
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Forum Veteran
Apr 10, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria


36 players (12 teams of 3)


36 players (12 teams of 3)


24 players (8 teams of 3)


12 players (4 teams of 3)


32 players (8 teams of 4)



16 players (4 teams of 4)



16 players (4 teams of 4)


24 players (6 teams of 4)


40 players (8 teams of 5)


20 players (4 teams of 5)


24 players (4 teams of 6)


48 players (8 teams of 6)


32 players (4 teams of 8)


16 players (2 teams of 8)


20 players (2 teams of 10)
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Forum Veteran
Apr 10, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria

SkyWars Kits


Price: Free

Wood Pickaxe
Wood Spade
Wood Axe
Wood Sword
5 x Bread
Leather Chestplate
Leather Leggings

Price: Free

25 x Brick
Wood Sword
Leather Helmet (Yellow)

Price: 200 points

Fishing Rod (2 Enchantments)
5 x Cooked Fish
Water Bucket
Leather Boots (Yellow, Enchanted)

Price: 200 points

Stone Axe (2 Enchantments)
10 x Log
Stone Pickaxe

Price: 350 points

15 x Web
Potion of Leaping II
Leather Helmet (Red)
Leather Chestplate (Blue)
Leather Leggings (Red)
Leather Boots (Blue)

Price: 400 points

32 x Exp Bottle
Enchanted Book
Enchanted Book
Diamond Helmet

Price: 400 points

Iron Pickaxe (2 Enchantments)
5 x Diamond Ore
8 x Iron Ore
5 x Coal Ore

Redstone Master
Price: 500 points

20 x Redstone
3 x Redstone Repeater
Redstone Comparator
2 x Sticky Piston

Price: 500 points

Gold Hoe (Enchanted)
Gold Leggings (Enchanted)
3 x Golden Carrot

Spawn with 5 chickens

Price: 600 points

32 x Egg
Iron Leggings

Price: 600 points

8 x TNT
3 x Redstone Torch
Splash Potion of Harming
Wood Sword
Redstone Block
3 x Stone Plate

Price: 600 points

Stone Sword
3 x Splash Potion of Speed II

Price: 650 points

Flint And Steel
Lava Bucket
Potion of Fire Resistance
Chainmail Chestplate (Enchanted)

Price: 800 points

10 x Arrow
Chainmail Chestplate

Price: 800 points

Enchantment Table
32 x Exp Bottle
16 x Lapis Lazuli
5 x Bookshelf

Price: 850 points

2 x Care Package

Price: 1000 points

20 x Ender Stone
Leather Helmet (Black)
Leather Chestplate (Black)
Leather Leggings (Black)
Leather Boots (Black)

Enderpearl after 3 minutes
Enderpearl after 6 minutes
Enderpearl after 9 minutes

Iron Golem
Price: 1000 points

Iron Helmet
Iron Leggings
Iron Boots

Price: 1150 points

Potion of Healing II
Splash Potion of Healing
Splash Potion of Regeneration

Price: 1200 points

14 x TNT
2 x Tripwire Hook
5 x String
10 x Redstone
Wood Plate
Gold Boots (2 Enchantments)

Price: 1400 points

Stone Sword (Enchanted)

To purchase all kits, you need 13200 points.

SkyWars Abilities


Adrenaline Boost
Gain a speed boost when you take damage.

Level 1 (4%) - 50 points
Level 2 (6%) - 100 points
Level 3 (8%) - 200 points
Level 4 (10%) - 1000 points
Level 5 (12%) - 2000 points
Level 6 (14%) - 5000 points
Level 7 (16%) - 10000 points
Level 8 (18%) - 20000 points

To upgrade all levels of this ability, you need 38350 points.

Aggressive Mode
Inflict more damage when you have low health.

Level 1 (2%) - 50 points
Level 2 (4%) - 100 points
Level 3 (6%) - 200 points
Level 4 (8%) - 1000 points
Level 5 (10%) - 2000 points
Level 6 (12%) - 5000 points
Level 7 (14%) - 10000 points
Level 8 (16%) - 20000 points

To upgrade all levels of this ability, you need 38350 points.

Instantly smelt ores when mining.

Level 1 (8%) - 25 points
Level 2 (16%) - 50 points
Level 3 (24%) - 100 points
Level 4 (32%) - 500 points
Level 5 (40%) - 1000 points
Level 6 (48%) - 2500 points
Level 7 (56%) - 5000 points
Level 8 (64%) - 10000 points

To upgrade all levels of this ability, you need 19175 points.

Take no damage from enderpearls.

Level 1 (5%) - 25 points
Level 2 (10%) - 50 points
Level 3 (15%) - 100 points
Level 4 (20%) - 500 points
Level 5 (25%) - 1000 points
Level 6 (30%) - 2500 points
Level 7 (35%) - 5000 points
Level 8 (40%) - 10000 points

To upgrade all levels of this ability, you need 19175 points.

Extra Protection
Once per game, gain a random extra protection enchantment on a piece of armour after a kill.

Level 1 (4%) - 50 points
Level 2 (6%) - 100 points
Level 3 (8%) - 200 points
Level 4 (10%) - 1000 points
Level 5 (12%) - 2000 points
Level 6 (14%) - 5000 points
Level 7 (16%) - 10000 points
Level 8 (18%) - 20000 points

To upgrade all levels of this ability, you need 38350 points.

Feather Weight
Take 50% less fall damage.

Level 1 (4%) - 50 points
Level 2 (6%) - 100 points
Level 3 (8%) - 200 points
Level 4 (10%) - 1000 points
Level 5 (12%) - 2000 points
Level 6 (14%) - 5000 points
Level 7 (16%) - 10000 points
Level 8 (18%) - 20000 points

To upgrade all levels of this ability, you need 38350 points.

Fire Resistance
Take 50% less fire damage from fire sources.

Level 1 (4%) - 50 points
Level 2 (8%) - 100 points
Level 3 (12%) - 200 points
Level 4 (16%) - 1000 points
Level 5 (20%) - 2000 points
Level 6 (24%) - 5000 points
Level 7 (28%) - 10000 points
Level 8 (32%) - 20000 points

To upgrade all levels of this ability, you need 38350 points.

Lumberjack Luck
Receive 2x logs when chopping wood.

Level 1 (4%) - 25 points
Level 2 (8%) - 50 points
Level 3 (12%) - 100 points
Level 4 (16%) - 500 points
Level 5 (20%) - 1000 points
Level 6 (24%) - 2500 points
Level 7 (28%) - 5000 points
Level 8 (32%) - 10000 points

To upgrade all levels of this ability, you need 19175 points.

Mining Luck
Receive 2x resources when mining ore.

Level 1 (4%) - 25 points
Level 2 (8%) - 50 points
Level 3 (12%) - 100 points
Level 4 (16%) - 500 points
Level 5 (20%) - 1000 points
Level 6 (24%) - 2500 points
Level 7 (28%) - 5000 points
Level 8 (32%) - 10000 points

To upgrade all levels of this ability, you need 19175 points.

Find hidden treasures in dirt.

Level 1 (4%) - 25 points
Level 2 (6%) - 50 points
Level 3 (8%) - 100 points
Level 4 (10%) - 500 points
Level 5 (12%) - 1000 points
Level 6 (14%) - 2500 points
Level 7 (16%) - 5000 points
Level 8 (18%) - 10000 points

To upgrade all levels of this ability, you need 19175 points.

Projectile Magnet
Retrieve projectiles that hit you.

Level 1 (6%) - 25 points
Level 2 (10%) - 50 points
Level 3 (14%) - 100 points
Level 4 (18%) - 500 points
Level 5 (22%) - 1000 points
Level 6 (26%) - 2500 points
Level 7 (30%) - 5000 points
Level 8 (34%) - 10000 points

To upgrade all levels of this ability, you need 19175 points.

Projectile Tank Skin
Take 50% less damage from projectiles.

Level 1 (4%) - 50 points
Level 2 (6%) - 100 points
Level 3 (8%) - 200 points
Level 4 (10%) - 1000 points
Level 5 (12%) - 2000 points
Level 6 (14%) - 5000 points
Level 7 (16%) - 10000 points
Level 8 (18%) - 20000 points

To upgrade all levels of this ability, you need 38350 points.

Quick Heal
Instant Health
Gain a health splash potion after killing someone.

Level 1 (4%) - 50 points
Level 2 (6%) - 100 points
Level 3 (8%) - 200 points
Level 4 (10%) - 1000 points
Level 5 (12%) - 2000 points
Level 6 (14%) - 5000 points
Level 7 (16%) - 10000 points
Level 8 (18%) - 20000 points

To upgrade all levels of this ability, you need 38350 points.

Triple Arrow Shot
Shoot 3 arrows at the same time.

Level 1 (4%) - 50 points
Level 2 (6%) - 100 points
Level 3 (8%) - 200 points
Level 4 (10%) - 1000 points
Level 5 (12%) - 2000 points
Level 6 (14%) - 5000 points
Level 7 (16%) - 10000 points
Level 8 (18%) - 20000 points

To upgrade all levels of this ability, you need 38350 points.

Void Treasure
Steal an item from an enemy when you push them into the void

Level 1 (6%) - 25 points
Level 2 (10%) - 50 points
Level 3 (14%) - 100 points
Level 4 (18%) - 500 points
Level 5 (22%) - 1000 points
Level 6 (26%) - 2500 points
Level 7 (30%) - 5000 points
Level 8 (34%) - 10000 points

To upgrade all levels of this ability, you need 19175 points.

To upgrade all abilities, you need 441025 points.
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Forum Veteran
Apr 10, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria

Solo SkyWars - General Achievements
Enchanter (Easy)
Enchant an item.

25 Experience

Just horsing around (Easy)
Sneak 100 times in 1 game.

150 Experience
25 Points

Mining diamonds (Easy)
Mine 15 diamonds in 1 game.

150 Experience
1 Cubelet

Oops (Easy)
Walk into lava.

50 Experience

Throwing knife (Easy)
Throw a stone sword.

100 Experience

Too hydrated (Easy)
Drown in a game of solo SkyWars.

50 Experience

Wrong person (Easy)
Shoot yourself with a bow and arrow.

50 Experience

Anti looter (Medium)
Win a game without opening any chests.

100 Experience
50 Points

Axellent (Medium)
Kill 100 players using an axe.

500 Experience
25 Points

Long time (Medium)
Play for 10 hours in total.

250 Experience
1 Cubelet

Revenge (Medium)
Set up your opponent so that they die within 3 seconds of you dying.

200 Experience
30 Points

Sniper (Medium)
Kill a player 50 blocks away.

150 Experience

The gunshow (Medium)
Have 15 bows in your inventory at one time.

150 Experience
35 Points

Big savings (Hard)
Do a level 30 enchantment.

200 Experience
1 Cubelet

Cement shoes (Hard)
Win without sprinting.

300 Experience
1 Cubelet

Katniss (Hard)
Get 3 bow kills with 100% shot accuracy.

200 Experience
30 Points

Remote miner (Hard)
Break 100 blocks in a single game of soft blocks mode with projectiles.

100 Experience

Terrible builder (Hard)
Win a game without placing a single block.

150 Experience
50 Points

The armourless (Hard)
Win without putting on any armour.

250 Experience
1 Cubelet

The pacifist (Hard)
Win without dealing any damage to anyone.

250 Experience
2 Cubelets

The starved (Hard)
Win a game without eating.

150 Experience
1 Cubelet

After completing all solo SkyWars general achievements, you will receive a total of 3525 experience, 8 cubelets, and 245 points.

Solo SkyWars - Progressive Achievements

Awesome winner (Easy)
Win your first game of solo SkyWars.

10 Experience
1 Cubelet

Getting addicted (Easy)
Get 10 wins in solo SkyWars.

150 Experience
1 Cubelet

Totally addicted (Medium)
Get 100 wins in solo SkyWars.

1000 Experience
2 Cubelets
50 Points

SkyWars attacker (Hard)
Get 1000 wins in solo SkyWars.

5000 Experience
3 Cubelets
500 Points

Sky warrior (Hard)
Get 10000 wins in solo SkyWars.

10000 Experience
5 Cubelets
5000 Points

Beginnings (Easy)
Get your first kill in solo SkyWars.

10 Experience

Killer (Easy)
Get 10 kills in solo SkyWars.

25 Experience
2 Points

Executioner (Medium)
Get 100 kills in solo SkyWars.

100 Experience
25 Points

Bloodthirsty (Hard)
Get 1000 kills in solo SkyWars.

500 Experience
100 Points

Liquidator (Hard)
Get 10000 kills in solo SkyWars.

3000 Experience
3 Cubelets
500 Points

Double kill (Easy)
Kill 2 players in one game.

25 Experience

Killing spree (Easy)
Kill 3 players in one game.

50 Experience
10 Points

Rampage (Medium)
Kill 5 players in one game.

150 Experience
25 Points

Unstoppable (Hard)
Kill 7 players in one game.

300 Experience
50 Points

Godlike (Hard)
Kill 10 players in one game.

500 Experience
2 Cubelets
100 Points

After completing all solo SkyWars progressive achievements, you'll receive a total of 20820 experience, 17 cubelets, and 6362 points.

Solo SkyWars - Kits Achievements
What’s a kit? (Easy)
Win a game of solo SkyWars using no kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Decent player (Easy)
Win a game of solo SkyWars using the Noobly kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Wicked builder (Easy)
Win a game of solo SkyWars using the Builder kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Fishy fishy fishy (Easy)
Win a game of solo SkyWars using the Fisherman kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Wood you look at that! (Easy)
Win a game of solo SkyWars using the Lumberjack kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Spider (Easy)
Win a game of solo SkyWars using the Spiderman kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Blacksmith (Easy)
Win a game of solo SkyWars using the Blacksmith kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Dug to victory
Win a game of solo SkyWars using the Digger kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Simple science (Easy)
Win a game of solo SkyWars using the Redstone Master kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Sky farmer (Easy)
Win a game of solo SkyWars using a Farmer kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Cluck (Easy)
Win a game of solo SkyWars using the Chicken kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Ha ha ha (Easy)
Win a game of solo SkyWars using the Joker kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Fast winner (Easy)
Win a game of solo SkyWars using the Scout kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Fire!!! (Easy)
Win a game of solo SkyWars using the Pyromaniac kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Bows and arrows (Easy)
Win a game of solo SkyWars using the Archer kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Enchanting victory (Easy)
Win a game of solo SkyWars using the Enchanter kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Smug smuggler (Easy)
Win a game of solo SkyWars using the Smuggler kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Teleporting terrifically (Easy)
Win a game of solo SkyWars using the Enderman kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Man of iron (Easy)
Win a game of solo SkyWars using the Iron Golem kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Immortal (Easy)
Win a game of solo SkyWars using the Healer kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Boom (Easy)
Win a game of solo SkyWars using the Bomber kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Successful swordsman (Easy)
Win a game of solo SkyWars using the Swordsman kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

After completing all solo SkyWars kits achievements, you'll receive a total of 3300 experience and 220 points.

Team SkyWars - General Achievements
Enchanter (Easy)
Enchant an item.

25 Experience

Kill stealer (Easy)
Kill an enemy by doing 5% or less damage to them.

100 Experience

No man left behind (Easy)
Win a game without losing a teammate.

200 Experience

Sharing is caring (Easy)
Drop food for your teammate.

50 Experience

Sidekick (Easy)
Get at least 3 assists with no kills.

60 Experience

That was close (Easy)
Kill a player finishing on half a heart.

200 Experience
50 Points

Blacksmith (Medium)
Craft an Anvil.

150 Experience

Club boots (Medium)
Get everyone on your team to wear leather boots.

100 Experience
50 Points

I’m bready (Medium)
Eat 20 loaves of bread in a single game.

100 Experience
1 Cubelet

I’m helping! (Medium)
Get an assist by doing only 1% of the total damage.

1 Experience
1 Cubelet
1 Point

Sniper (Medium)
Kill a player 50 blocks away.

150 Experience

Team architect (Medium)
Place 500 blocks in 1 game.

200 Experience
30 Points

Unlucky boxes (Medium)
Open 35 different chests in a single game.

200 Experience
20 Points

Armourless (Hard)
Win a game without putting on any armour.

200 Experience
1 Cubelet

Big savings (Hard)
Do a level 30 enchantment.

200 Experience
1 Cubelet

Didn’t need to help (Hard)
Win a game without anyone on your team killing an enemy.

250 Experience
1 Cubelet

Eggspert shot (Hard)
Kill 2 players using eggs in under 10 seconds.

200 Experience
1 Cubelet

Invincible (Hard)
Win a game without taking any damage.

350 Experience
1 Cubelet

Katniss (Hard)
Get 3 bow kills with 100% shot accuracy.

200 Experience
30 Points

Remote miner (Hard)
Break 100 blocks in a single game of soft blocks mode with projectiles.

100 Experience

After completing all team SkyWars general achievements, you'll receive a total of 3036 experience, 7 Cubelets, and 181 points.

Team SkyWars - Progressive Achievements
Team win (Easy)
Win your first game of team SkyWars.

10 Experience
1 Cubelet

Aerial survival (Easy)
Win 10 games of team SkyWars.

150 Experience
1 Cubelet

Anti gravity winner (Medium)
Win 100 games of team SkyWars.

1000 Experience
2 Cubelets
50 Points

Team worker (Hard)
Win 1000 games of team SkyWars.

5000 Experience
3 Cubelets
500 Points

Team sky warrior (Hard)
Win 10000 games of team SkyWars.

10000 Experience
5 Cubelets
5000 Points

Beginnings (Easy)
Get your first kill in team SkyWars.

10 Experience

Killer (Easy)
Get 10 kills in team SkyWars.

25 Experience
2 Points

Executioner (Medium)
Get 100 kills in team SkyWars.

100 Experience
25 Points

Bloodthirsty (Hard)
Get 1000 kills in team SkyWars.

500 Experience
100 Points

Liquidator (Hard)
Get 10000 kills in team SkyWars.

3000 Experience
3 Cubelets
500 Points

Double kill (Easy)
Kill 2 players in one game.

25 Experience

Killing spree (Easy)
Kill 3 players in one game.

50 Experience
10 Points

Rampage (Medium)
Kill 5 players in one game.

150 Experience
25 Points

Unstoppable (Hard)
Kill 7 players in one game.

300 Experience
50 Points

Godlike (Hard)
Kill 10 players in one game.

500 Experience
2 Cubelets
100 Points

After completing all team SkyWars progressive achievements, you'll receive a total of 20820 experience, 17 cubelets, and 6362 points.

Team SkyWars - Kits Achievements
Simple success (Easy)
Win a game of team SkyWars using no kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Not too bad (Easy)
Win a game of team SkyWars using the Noobly kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Bridge builder (Easy)
Win a game of team SkyWars using the Builder kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Fishing for fun (Easy)
Win a game of team SkyWars using the Fisherman kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Look out! It’s tree man (Easy)
Win a game of team SkyWars using the Lumberjack kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Horrible web (Easy)
Win a game of solo SkyWars using the Spiderman kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Team anvil (Easy)
Win a game of team SkyWars using the Blacksmith kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Mole (Easy)
Win a game of team SkyWars using the Digger kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Team Trapper (Easy)
Win a game of team SkyWars using the Redstone Master kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Team farmer (Easy)
Win a game of team SkyWars using a Farmer kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

What has feather and wins games? (Easy)
Win a game of team SkyWars using the Chicken kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

You must be kidding (Easy)
Win a game of team SkyWars using the Joker kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Let’s scream and scout (Easy)
Win a game of team SkyWars using the Scout kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Fireman (Easy)
Win a game of team SkyWars using the Pyromaniac kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Bowrilliant (Easy)
Win a game of team SkyWars using the Archer kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Experience matters (Easy)
Win a game of team SkyWars using the Enchanter kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Our special chest (Easy)
Win a game of team SkyWars using the Smuggler kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

It was worth it in the end (Easy)
Win a game of solo SkyWars using the Enderman kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Irony (Easy)
Win a game of team SkyWars using the Iron Golem kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Team support (Easy)
Win a game of team SkyWars using the Healer kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

Explosive (Easy)
Win a game of team SkyWars using the Bomber kit.

150 Experience
10 Points

That’s one powerful sword (Easy)
Win a game of team SkyWars using the Swordsman kit.
150 Experience
10 Points

After completing all team SkyWars kits achievements, you'll receive a total of 3300 experience and 220 points.
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Forum Veteran
Apr 10, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria

Facts about the game
  • There are 3 game modes - Solo, Team, and Chaos SkyWars.
  • After winning a game of Solo SkyWars, you'll be rewarded with 125 experience.
  • After winning a game of Team SkyWars, you'll be rewarded with 100 experience.
  • After winning a game of Chaos SkyWars, you'll be rewarded with 125 experience.
  • After losing a game of SkyWars, you'll receive 5 experience.
  • Chaos SkyWars is just like the normal SkyWars with the chaotic scale set to 10! This mode adds insane chest items such as explosive bows and eggs and OP armour and weapons such as protection 3 diamond and a sharpness 4 swords. Other cool items include automatic bridges, leap feathers, speed potions and more.
  • To be able to join Chaos SkyWars you need to be a VIP level 1. But do not worry, if you have a friend who is, they can just invite you to a party and you'll be dragged into the game, no matter what VIP level you are.
  • There are no game achievements, abilities, and purchasable kits.
  • There are current game statistics which will show after you die or game ends. This shows : what place you got, how long you survived, number of kills, number of assists and bow accuracy (percentage of arrows that hit an enemy)
How to see our game statistics?
Go to Social Menu → Profile → Game Statistics and choose SkyWars.

How to see the leaderboards?
Go to Social Menu → Profile → Game Statistics and after choosing SkyWars, click on leaderboards. You can also view the leaderboards at https://www.cubecraft.net/leaderboards/

How to become VIP Level 1?
The more CubeCraft content that you own, both on the server and on the marketplace, the higher your VIP level will be. Each piece of CubeCraft store content has a VIP experience associated with it. You need at least 300 VIP experience to get this level.​
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Verbramdt wrote on Keanu's profile.
jamesthesignificant wrote on kfccaleb's profile.
Hope this guy comes back soon
Hoshi wrote on Kozi's profile.
KOZIIIIIIIIIIII!!! Happy bdayy!! 🍰 🎉
Kazwa wrote on Kozi's profile.
happy birthday! 🎉
Kazwa wrote on Deeds's profile.
happy birthday!
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