So I have decided to dedicate today to try to Streak up to 100 Kills, My first attempt of streaking I got 98 kills in a row and the a Cheater KillAura+Reach+Bhopped me and I was mad. I then had a break and then came back a little while later, I got my streak back to 70 kills and then there was 2 Cheaters this time both Bhopping and using Kill Aura, they both decided to focus me down since I called them out in chat for their cheats ending another high kill streak I have made. I just run around using Warrior kit just to rack up points trying to avoid the cheaters as much as possible, they eventually got banned so I bought another set and this time I get to 35 kills and someone else join who is cheating, I saw many people call out in chat and then I encountered him ending my streak ONCE again. By this point I have lost well over 750 points to cheaters (There was only 2 times out of around 14 times I was killed by legit players who grouped on me) this happened over and over, one cheater would be banned, it would be calm for like 5mins and then another cheater would join to ruin mine and others streaking/gameplay. I am finding it very discouraging with this huge flood of cheaters making me waste my points and ruining my experience (I know I am not alone on this FOR SURE) It could be the spike in cheaters playing since most of the is currently in lockdown from the current world events. I am not sure if there will be anyway to help prevent cheaters as much as possible. I know I am not the only one being quite frustrated by this, so if anyone else has any problem like this I would like to hear about it since this is becoming a big problem in the community.. Thanks for your time!