Hello folks!
So, as only some of you know, I am trying to gather informations of some SkyWars maps that were no longer published online for everyone to play on, but only VIA Private Game obtion, for a YouTube Documentary video. I've gathered some informations, but I still need more, so I need your help to pass me as many imformations as you can, for each map I've mentioned bellow.
I have added a bit of info at some stuff, but if you think they are wrong or if there are more infos to be added, then please feel free to correct me and/or to message with a reply!
This map was first added on Java as a Lucky Island game, on 2016. Then later, on 2019 the map was added to Bedrock as a Winter event SkyWars solo map.
On Java, the map was removed right in the day when it got on Bedrock
This map was removed in 2020
This map was removed from Java because CubeCraft did not wanted the same maps to be in both Server Editions, active
This map appeared first on 6th September of 2015, on Java, as a Lucky Islands gamemode map. This map was never a thing on Bedrock, but it is avalible as Private Game in Bedrock
The map was removed somewhere 2017-2018
Reason - too much void betwen the islands, and the map did not had a very plat surface to fight on. Also the objects in spawn islands were annoying the players.
This map appeared on 2018 only on Java. There is another version of it also on Java, but with teams too. This map was also not actually avalible for Bedrock network, at that time, to be played.
The map was removed somewhere in 2022
Why did it got removed?
The map was introduced on July 23 2020
The map was removed on somewhere on 2022
Reason - The distance betwen the spawn islands and middle map was too large.
The SkyWars solo map Valentines was an even map that was meant for the Valentine days only.
This map appeared on Java servers on February 2018, then later it was removed and moved to Bedrock 1 year later, on February 2019. Map also returned in 2021 and 2022, but since then, the map never appeared back again.
Reason - This kind of event and all of the maps related to Valentines got replaced with the Lunar New Year event. But the Valentines Event MAY come back in one day.
The map was introduced as a winter event map on 2016. The map might of been remade into the festive map, Gifts
When did it got removed?
Why did it got removed?
This was somewhere added in July 2022.
This map was removed on October 2022, 3 months later after it was added
This map was removed because it ,,didn't belive that it meet the quallity requirements" as Story, an ex CubeCraft staff, mentioned
Anything will help, and if i find any information to be valid from anyone, then I'll make sure your name will be written in the description of the video!
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