Okie, well I was sent this thread to reply to it or because they thought I would be interested in replying. There is not a whole lot I can add that
@Younisco did not say, so if I repeat anything I am sorry.
I would
love to message the applicants that were denied and tell them that they were denied. It just is not feasible for several reasons. One of the main is that it will spur into a discussion why, which is fine, until it is over 1,000 applicants where we have to repeatedly say "you do not meet the minimum requirements", rinse and repeat. Also the amount of time it would take to tell each person, which you say divide it into three staff, but it would fall on my shoulders. I would not want the staff that review the applications with me to be known, as the less people know about the process the more genuine and legitimate the applications will be.
Here is another issue, and this is genuinely a problem that is
consistent. Most of the applicants either do
not have a forums/link an account, but the ones that do (that do not meet the requirements) do not log back in to the forums once they apply (like Youn said). We also get quite a lot of applications, and most of them do not meet the requirements, the ones that may may have other reasons for their denial.
I would love to do this, but I would also much rather have genuine candidates. The reason that I would rather keep the denial reasons minimal is because I want people to read the requirements, rules etc. and know based off that if they are or are not a good candidate. I do not want them to change their behaviour because they know we are watching. They would act better, then normal, to try and show us they are a good applicant. I do not want a mask, I want genuine people. :)
Now if it is something like forums activity, thats different, but again I do not want them to change just because we are watching.
Being staff is a lot of work, as any staff could attest. This means that placing a mask on to meet the requirements or get a rank, could result in the person being burnt out much faster as the amount of work actually hits them. They can not fake doing work on the team, as we are a team and we all bare the load of reports etc. I want to hire staff for the long term, not ones that are putting on a mask to look pretty, that either then resign or have to be fired.