Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


May 7, 2023
My name is pvp989. I'm going to say a lot so I've broken it down in sections for you guys to read it easier.

Table of Contents:

1. Formal Introduction

Hi there. I am a regular American person I guess you could say. I enjoy reading (more recently), writing, listening to music, and I also like playing Minecraft, I also really enjoy debate and I always try to be open minded when thinking about the issues of life though I also try and stand firm for what I believe in. Anyways that's about all. I work a fast food job as well which is chaotic.

2. Getting Into Minecraft

So around 2015 a friend showed me Minecraft and I was very interested. It looked like a lot of fun so when I finally got it about 2016-17, I was thrilled. I got in on mobile and have played on different mobile devices up to today where I play on an iphone 12. Of course I'd love a nice Gaming PC or something like that but I don't have the money to spare on that for now.

3. Getting Into PvP

At first, I remember just playing on survival worlds and I'd want to pvp with my sisters but they never seemed interested. I pretty much learned about pvp from youtubers in "the pack" such as Prestonplayz who I thought was the best pvper then and Vikkstar123, TBNRkenworth, and Mrwoolfes. I did a bit with friends but we didn't have much time. I knew I needed a more reliable place to go so then I discovered servers again around 2016-17 I believe.

4. First Experiences on Servers

The first servers I remember playing on were Mineplex and Pigraid. Mineplex was the main server I knew about then and I soon found my favorite game in micro battles. On Pigraid, I played there factions mode where I would mainly just go around and fight but I also dueled some. It was a lot of fun and the community was a lot larger on both servers then. I don't really remember any players then.

5. Featured Servers Comes Out! (When I Found CC)

Featured servers came out as a new feature and I discovered from there Inpvp (Mineville), Lifeboat, Cubecraft, and of course Mineplex was still there. I like Inpvp skywars a lot so I played it more than any other gamemode back then. I enjoyed Lifeboat's many diverse gamemodes many of which are gone now such as Walls. I liked Cubecraft Minerware and there Skywars was my 2nd favorite. I also still enjoyed Mineplex Micro Battles. It was a fun and fresh time for the game. This happened around 2017.

6. Xbox Account and Cross Platform Play

With Xbox Account being required for play, I set one up and I also remember that with the better together update, cross platform play was a full reality around this time. I kept grinding Mineplex but I played a lot more on their then new gamemode "cakewars". I eventually switched to Cubecraft as Inpvp was becoming less enjoyable to me as my main for skywars. I kept playing Lifeboat some then and remember that the capture the flag community had some sweats at that point though I once again can't remember names. This was about 2017-18.

7. Becoming a CC Main

Eventually, Cubecraft Skywars became my favorite game overall. I had amassed a lot of levels on Mineplex (Around 45 as of now) but it was no longer as fun to me. I started playing solo skywars a ton and some TO4 as well which was also enjoyable. I also played a decent bit of Minerware then. Not much SG or Eggwars as I didn't enjoy those gamemodes as much and Eggwars literally always lagged. This was around 2018-19.

8. TO2 Skywars and Introduction the LB World

TO2 Skywars came out and I started playing. I encountered a player by the name of Dubbyplays in a game and he said gl before the game and I noticed he was killing everyone else which was pretty terrifying. I had seen some videos by a youtuber named Notsafe on a feature then where you could punch a player with a gapple and then it would eat so I knew I was going to use that with my gaps against this strong opponent. Well it got to be just him and me in a 1 v 1 and so I did what every mobile pro would do, I hid in my island. Dubby came in and I started chugging the gaps to his hits. Finally I ate the last one and went in full force. I got the kill and won the game and he typed gg. A few weeks later, he was back in my game and typed gl again. This time we fought early and I spammed blocks trying to escape. He eventually killed me but he said I was good and asked what I play on. He was surprised I was mobile and asked if I was on the leaderboard. Well I had no idea about it so he told me and I checked. It turned out I was in fact on the leaderboard and #1... jk I wasn't even close. I had around 400 wins in solo at the time and that was my best stat. We started playing a little on TO2 and I found out that he was a youtuber but he had pretty much quit at the point I found him. This was around 2019 and my introduction to the LB community.

9. The War of #1

When I saw the solo skywars leaderboard, I noticed the top player was named Elgera16 with an impressive 7,500 wins a the time. the #2 player was named Gamenight888 and he had a lot less wins (I immediately was reminded of the book series I'd probably read the most Gameknight999). Other top players I found through youtube or in the game were Digestedcave, Gusduck911, Callmejmall, FighterMD, Yettisnowfall, Cuteasami88, Slinkygnu05604, Justastevegut, Luixangel, and Shotgunraidse. I played some TO2 and TO4 with Cuteasami because they always joined my party requests; they were a player who I wouldn't say was a top pvper but who had really good gamesense and won like every game I played in with them. I thought to myself, if I play a lot, maybe I could reach 10,000 wins before gera and be the #1 player, that would be really nice. I started encountering Gera some and he beat me mostly but I got him once which felt satisfying. I always played against Gamenight and I could never seem to outplay him. I still wanted to be #1 or at least a Leaderboard player so I needed about 800 wins as the #50 player had 1,200 and I had 400.

10. Mega Comes out and Learning the Community More

As I grinded more, Mega came out and I was now starting to learn more of the players names and that was a lot of fun. I also became friends with Gamenight because I found him in a game with Digestedcave and helped grind so Digested would stay #1 for the time and that's where I learned that Gera is actually a lot worse than Gamenight. Some players I met or found out about then are as follows: JuliusVDL, Geodas11, KohiMC, Lmaowalls, Jpants36, Saltyshadows, TNTNOOBIE100, FPSaltyracoon, Dark Velak, Xclutchingg, Meleemarth, Arebseri, Secreteagle, Darkninja, That1Turtle2, Goodyannathan, Breakingcandy30, Tateerq, Clonut, CY Avalon, t0xiii, LemaXB1, Kittynation420, Soledai, Kxhil, Snowingcake, Hoodini Lies, Zexri Lies, Chr7st, FluffysnowFox, FxVoidz, Truucalichin, Relatednoobs and probably a lot more I forgot to include. I remember playing mega with Gamenight who was the original #1 player and Johnny1234 (Dream6787) who was #2 and then soon became #1 as Gamenight wanted to finish his grind but more on that in a bit. It was a really fun time for the game in my opinion. Well Gera got back to grinding and he hit the 10,000 wins first while I was still getting up to 1,000. I was definitely playing a lot but being a mobile player makes gameplay slower and I generally lost a lot of games from mistakes like the void, bad gamesense, or getting straight up outplayed so it was a long grind. Gamenight had been grinding a massive amount and he finally passed Gera who had slowed down after getting 10k. It was an awesome moment and probably the biggest event in old KB era that I witnessed.

11. Other Servers

Mineplex: I met one of top pvpers on micro battles named Xdlordlol who has grinded Mineplex for a while and is one of the top players I know of there. They told me of a player named Sheld0nMC who they thought was the best but didn't play Mineplex anymore because they were banned. I later found a lot of back and forth on the subject (Sheld0n denied it to me) but I can only say that he's the Verzide of bedrock if anything. Another strong player was Aceproskills who also played a lot of java and had fought but lost to Grapeapplesauce and Tylarzz. Speaking of other more popular players, I had become a major fan of watching UHC at this point and especially the old badlion player Reb_Hi who won a UHC Mundial once. I also watched Jdgoederen, Halfdumb, Danteh, Stimpy, Fruitberries, and some others then.

Galaxite: I started playing some Galaxite some and found besides A8dn who also plays cubecraft and I've never met or heard of, the top pvper I knew there was named Xxshyw0lf. From what I could tell she was legit but she said she was falsebanned from Cubecraft and used to grind FFA and Survival Games. She said players such as That1Turtle2 and Xclutchingg were easy which was quite interesting to hear from a player I had never heard of before but she was cracked. I also think based on her username that she might have been the victim from the Elgera16 drama but thats another story entirely.

Hyperlands: I have played a lot of Hyperlands. In the old community I remember two players Urbanestunic and Ruggedturtle that played it a lot. Its honestly a pretty fun server to me still today.

Hive: I played a lot of death run somewhat influenced by the old youtuber Saddlesneeze who also played cubecraft some but I never liked Hive as much as Cubecraft and still feel the same.

Versai: Versai used to be the top practice server on bedrock. I believe it's where the old top player Dreachos started at. I played it some but I got wrecked by a pc sweat almost every game.

Ectary: Ectary is a lot like Versai but I kind of like it better because mobile players hits actually swing even if your not aiming on a player and I believe that that's good for getting the first hit.

Zeqa: I play Zeqa now and then. It's a good server.

12. The Deadbush Official Era

This youtuber started uploading cubecraft content by the name of Deadbushofficial. He was probably my favorite CC youtuber of the time. I never was invested in some of the others such as Vanhouten, Insaneorbitzz, and Sl4tes. Other players I learned from this time were Goodusername22, Opeikogamer, and Littlecolt615. His content was enjoyable but then he quit suddenly.

13. The Lightchips Era

By this time most everyone was starting to move on but the top players were Jukaido and Lightchips who I had never heard of before. Crocombos, L3natic, Mrsblaze, Mrblaze, Ninja Felixx, xFinalhunter, Spyroyal, Ewigi, were some other players I learned about at this time. New KB was now in full swing and the server would never be quite the same.

14. The Future...

So now I am somewhat burntout from grinding. I have about 2929 wins in solo so I am thinking about going for 3000 and then formally retiring from grinding. I also would love to reach level 100 and I am about level 76 I believe now. I'd say that my main focus for the moment is making friends in the community and trying to just relax and have a good time playing. I hope you all enjoyed my story and I hope to talk soon!


Forum Expert
Sep 11, 2022
Somewhere in the North pole
Nice to meet you pvp989 I wish you luck in getting 3000 wins. Here have this picture of a polar bear family

Mr Jii Gamer

Dedicated Member
Jun 10, 2022
My name is pvp989. I'm going to say a lot so I've broken it down in sections for you guys to read it easier.

Table of Contents:

1. Formal Introduction

Hi there. I am a regular American person I guess you could say. I enjoy reading (more recently), writing, listening to music, and I also like playing Minecraft, I also really enjoy debate and I always try to be open minded when thinking about the issues of life though I also try and stand firm for what I believe in. Anyways that's about all. I work a fast food job as well which is chaotic.

2. Getting Into Minecraft

So around 2015 a friend showed me Minecraft and I was very interested. It looked like a lot of fun so when I finally got it about 2016-17, I was thrilled. I got in on mobile and have played on different mobile devices up to today where I play on an iphone 12. Of course I'd love a nice Gaming PC or something like that but I don't have the money to spare on that for now.

3. Getting Into PvP

At first, I remember just playing on survival worlds and I'd want to pvp with my sisters but they never seemed interested. I pretty much learned about pvp from youtubers in "the pack" such as Prestonplayz who I thought was the best pvper then and Vikkstar123, TBNRkenworth, and Mrwoolfes. I did a bit with friends but we didn't have much time. I knew I needed a more reliable place to go so then I discovered servers again around 2016-17 I believe.

4. First Experiences on Servers

The first servers I remember playing on were Mineplex and Pigraid. Mineplex was the main server I knew about then and I soon found my favorite game in micro battles. On Pigraid, I played there factions mode where I would mainly just go around and fight but I also dueled some. It was a lot of fun and the community was a lot larger on both servers then. I don't really remember any players then.

5. Featured Servers Comes Out! (When I Found CC)

Featured servers came out as a new feature and I discovered from there Inpvp (Mineville), Lifeboat, Cubecraft, and of course Mineplex was still there. I like Inpvp skywars a lot so I played it more than any other gamemode back then. I enjoyed Lifeboat's many diverse gamemodes many of which are gone now such as Walls. I liked Cubecraft Minerware and there Skywars was my 2nd favorite. I also still enjoyed Mineplex Micro Battles. It was a fun and fresh time for the game. This happened around 2017.

6. Xbox Account and Cross Platform Play

With Xbox Account being required for play, I set one up and I also remember that with the better together update, cross platform play was a full reality around this time. I kept grinding Mineplex but I played a lot more on their then new gamemode "cakewars". I eventually switched to Cubecraft as Inpvp was becoming less enjoyable to me as my main for skywars. I kept playing Lifeboat some then and remember that the capture the flag community had some sweats at that point though I once again can't remember names. This was about 2017-18.

7. Becoming a CC Main

Eventually, Cubecraft Skywars became my favorite game overall. I had amassed a lot of levels on Mineplex (Around 45 as of now) but it was no longer as fun to me. I started playing solo skywars a ton and some TO4 as well which was also enjoyable. I also played a decent bit of Minerware then. Not much SG or Eggwars as I didn't enjoy those gamemodes as much and Eggwars literally always lagged. This was around 2018-19.

8. TO2 Skywars and Introduction the LB World

TO2 Skywars came out and I started playing. I encountered a player by the name of Dubbyplays in a game and he said gl before the game and I noticed he was killing everyone else which was pretty terrifying. I had seen some videos by a youtuber named Notsafe on a feature then where you could punch a player with a gapple and then it would eat so I knew I was going to use that with my gaps against this strong opponent. Well it got to be just him and me in a 1 v 1 and so I did what every mobile pro would do, I hid in my island. Dubby came in and I started chugging the gaps to his hits. Finally I ate the last one and went in full force. I got the kill and won the game and he typed gg. A few weeks later, he was back in my game and typed gl again. This time we fought early and I spammed blocks trying to escape. He eventually killed me but he said I was good and asked what I play on. He was surprised I was mobile and asked if I was on the leaderboard. Well I had no idea about it so he told me and I checked. It turned out I was in fact on the leaderboard and #1... jk I wasn't even close. I had around 400 wins in solo at the time and that was my best stat. We started playing a little on TO2 and I found out that he was a youtuber but he had pretty much quit at the point I found him. This was around 2019 and my introduction to the LB community.

9. The War of #1

When I saw the solo skywars leaderboard, I noticed the top player was named Elgera16 with an impressive 7,500 wins a the time. the #2 player was named Gamenight888 and he had a lot less wins (I immediately was reminded of the book series I'd probably read the most Gameknight999). Other top players I found through youtube or in the game were Digestedcave, Gusduck911, Callmejmall, FighterMD, Yettisnowfall, Cuteasami88, Slinkygnu05604, Justastevegut, Luixangel, and Shotgunraidse. I played some TO2 and TO4 with Cuteasami because they always joined my party requests; they were a player who I wouldn't say was a top pvper but who had really good gamesense and won like every game I played in with them. I thought to myself, if I play a lot, maybe I could reach 10,000 wins before gera and be the #1 player, that would be really nice. I started encountering Gera some and he beat me mostly but I got him once which felt satisfying. I always played against Gamenight and I could never seem to outplay him. I still wanted to be #1 or at least a Leaderboard player so I needed about 800 wins as the #50 player had 1,200 and I had 400.

10. Mega Comes out and Learning the Community More

As I grinded more, Mega came out and I was now starting to learn more of the players names and that was a lot of fun. I also became friends with Gamenight because I found him in a game with Digestedcave and helped grind so Digested would stay #1 for the time and that's where I learned that Gera is actually a lot worse than Gamenight. Some players I met or found out about then are as follows: JuliusVDL, Geodas11, KohiMC, Lmaowalls, Jpants36, Saltyshadows, TNTNOOBIE100, FPSaltyracoon, Dark Velak, Xclutchingg, Meleemarth, Arebseri, Secreteagle, Darkninja, That1Turtle2, Goodyannathan, Breakingcandy30, Tateerq, Clonut, CY Avalon, t0xiii, LemaXB1, Kittynation420, Soledai, Kxhil, Snowingcake, Hoodini Lies, Zexri Lies, Chr7st, FluffysnowFox, FxVoidz, Truucalichin, Relatednoobs and probably a lot more I forgot to include. I remember playing mega with Gamenight who was the original #1 player and Johnny1234 (Dream6787) who was #2 and then soon became #1 as Gamenight wanted to finish his grind but more on that in a bit. It was a really fun time for the game in my opinion. Well Gera got back to grinding and he hit the 10,000 wins first while I was still getting up to 1,000. I was definitely playing a lot but being a mobile player makes gameplay slower and I generally lost a lot of games from mistakes like the void, bad gamesense, or getting straight up outplayed so it was a long grind. Gamenight had been grinding a massive amount and he finally passed Gera who had slowed down after getting 10k. It was an awesome moment and probably the biggest event in old KB era that I witnessed.

11. Other Servers

Mineplex: I met one of top pvpers on micro battles named Xdlordlol who has grinded Mineplex for a while and is one of the top players I know of there. They told me of a player named Sheld0nMC who they thought was the best but didn't play Mineplex anymore because they were banned. I later found a lot of back and forth on the subject (Sheld0n denied it to me) but I can only say that he's the Verzide of bedrock if anything. Another strong player was Aceproskills who also played a lot of java and had fought but lost to Grapeapplesauce and Tylarzz. Speaking of other more popular players, I had become a major fan of watching UHC at this point and especially the old badlion player Reb_Hi who won a UHC Mundial once. I also watched Jdgoederen, Halfdumb, Danteh, Stimpy, Fruitberries, and some others then.

Galaxite: I started playing some Galaxite some and found besides A8dn who also plays cubecraft and I've never met or heard of, the top pvper I knew there was named Xxshyw0lf. From what I could tell she was legit but she said she was falsebanned from Cubecraft and used to grind FFA and Survival Games. She said players such as That1Turtle2 and Xclutchingg were easy which was quite interesting to hear from a player I had never heard of before but she was cracked. I also think based on her username that she might have been the victim from the Elgera16 drama but thats another story entirely.

Hyperlands: I have played a lot of Hyperlands. In the old community I remember two players Urbanestunic and Ruggedturtle that played it a lot. Its honestly a pretty fun server to me still today.

Hive: I played a lot of death run somewhat influenced by the old youtuber Saddlesneeze who also played cubecraft some but I never liked Hive as much as Cubecraft and still feel the same.

Versai: Versai used to be the top practice server on bedrock. I believe it's where the old top player Dreachos started at. I played it some but I got wrecked by a pc sweat almost every game.

Ectary: Ectary is a lot like Versai but I kind of like it better because mobile players hits actually swing even if your not aiming on a player and I believe that that's good for getting the first hit.

Zeqa: I play Zeqa now and then. It's a good server.

12. The Deadbush Official Era

This youtuber started uploading cubecraft content by the name of Deadbushofficial. He was probably my favorite CC youtuber of the time. I never was invested in some of the others such as Vanhouten, Insaneorbitzz, and Sl4tes. Other players I learned from this time were Goodusername22, Opeikogamer, and Littlecolt615. His content was enjoyable but then he quit suddenly.

13. The Lightchips Era

By this time most everyone was starting to move on but the top players were Jukaido and Lightchips who I had never heard of before. Crocombos, L3natic, Mrsblaze, Mrblaze, Ninja Felixx, xFinalhunter, Spyroyal, Ewigi, were some other players I learned about at this time. New KB was now in full swing and the server would never be quite the same.

14. The Future...

So now I am somewhat burntout from grinding. I have about 2929 wins in solo so I am thinking about going for 3000 and then formally retiring from grinding. I also would love to reach level 100 and I am about level 76 I believe now. I'd say that my main focus for the moment is making friends in the community and trying to just relax and have a good time playing. I hope you all enjoyed my story and I hope to talk soon!
I am honored to know these details about you
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Happy Birthday! 🍌 🎉
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Happy Birthday! 🥳

… and nice pfp! 🌕
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You’re new pfp is so pretty!
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Cool new banner and pfp!
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