Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
After a long, long while, I'm finally going to be sharing more awesome screenies! This time, I'll be showing you all around in an SMP and sharing all the progress we've had made until now! I promise it's more interesting than it sounds...
It started off with just @Wildd and I. After a while of precious material gathering, we made iron gear and... Wildd, why did you make diamond gear the moment we had just barely enough... 
Either way, since the start we were travelling around, looking for a good place to set up base. We managed to find some saddles in loot chests, which we eventually used to travel faster. We even took a little screenie together!
As we travelled, we came across various biomes. But the true highlight of the journey is this screenshot I took of a taiga biome and another one of a forest.
Using our horses, we managed to find a nice large village in a flower forest covering the bottom, side and top of a mountain. We figured it would be a good place to stay for a while. We decided to expand on the small village house we had moved into. Look! It's a wild Wildd fishing in our custom pond.
From then on, more players joined and we all expanded upon the village. I decided to change the shape and roof of our village house so we could build an attic and have more space that way. However, that's not everything! I also decided to expand the base downwards to create my own little room (as Wildd decided to have his room in the attic). I had plans to further expand downwards to create a storage area and more, but at the time there was no need.
@Alcyone taking a quick nap in Wildd's bed with @wheatyl <3 watching over him like a guardian angel...
Whilst rebuilding our little house, Wheaty made his own little place on the side of the mountain and Alcy took over one of the other villager houses. From here on, I started using the Faithless resource pack to make everything look much prettier! I also decided to start performing some terraforming on the mountain to make it look much smoother and to make it more accessible.
I then helped build a garden for Wheaty! Look at how beautiful this is.
Then, I continued terraforming to cover the entire base of the mountain and to also create a path to Alcyone's house! Additionally, we had @thegod1231326 join our fun world!
I then decided to decorate my room! A simple and little, but fun project. c:
Then, finally, we had our first netherite of the server. Cruz had many ingots ready, but we had insane trouble finding the upgrade templates... hehe.
Fortunately, I managed to find some eventually and duplicate them to get a whole 12 of them! I managed to get the first netherite tool of the SMP, and cruz the first netherite gear... Good job!
We also managed to get level 30 enchantments just before this!
But the best of all things in the SMP? I present to you, Lake Sugarcane, my special creation in honour of @xOmqrr! These pictures show the progress from how it started to how it looks now. Though, I will definitely expand it in the future; That's a must!
It was time to finally work on that base expansion. Here are the results!
Our "Journey"
It started off with just @Wildd and I. After a while of precious material gathering, we made iron gear and... Wildd, why did you make diamond gear the moment we had just barely enough... 
Either way, since the start we were travelling around, looking for a good place to set up base. We managed to find some saddles in loot chests, which we eventually used to travel faster. We even took a little screenie together!
As we travelled, we came across various biomes. But the true highlight of the journey is this screenshot I took of a taiga biome and another one of a forest.
Using our horses, we managed to find a nice large village in a flower forest covering the bottom, side and top of a mountain. We figured it would be a good place to stay for a while. We decided to expand on the small village house we had moved into. Look! It's a wild Wildd fishing in our custom pond.
From then on, more players joined and we all expanded upon the village. I decided to change the shape and roof of our village house so we could build an attic and have more space that way. However, that's not everything! I also decided to expand the base downwards to create my own little room (as Wildd decided to have his room in the attic). I had plans to further expand downwards to create a storage area and more, but at the time there was no need.
@Alcyone taking a quick nap in Wildd's bed with @wheatyl <3 watching over him like a guardian angel...
Whilst rebuilding our little house, Wheaty made his own little place on the side of the mountain and Alcy took over one of the other villager houses. From here on, I started using the Faithless resource pack to make everything look much prettier! I also decided to start performing some terraforming on the mountain to make it look much smoother and to make it more accessible.
I then helped build a garden for Wheaty! Look at how beautiful this is.

Then, I continued terraforming to cover the entire base of the mountain and to also create a path to Alcyone's house! Additionally, we had @thegod1231326 join our fun world!
I then decided to decorate my room! A simple and little, but fun project. c:
Then, finally, we had our first netherite of the server. Cruz had many ingots ready, but we had insane trouble finding the upgrade templates... hehe.

We also managed to get level 30 enchantments just before this!
But the best of all things in the SMP? I present to you, Lake Sugarcane, my special creation in honour of @xOmqrr! These pictures show the progress from how it started to how it looks now. Though, I will definitely expand it in the future; That's a must!
It was time to finally work on that base expansion. Here are the results!