Ban For USING SpeedHack and AimBot
Basic Info about those hacks, SpeedHack Basically, Speed
AimBot, Aiming For you
I will Answer the question from the reply first
Q.I don't think sneaking(crouching) increases accuracy anyway
A. It really helps to get a correct shot, crouch helps me to stop perfectly
Ok If you watch the video you can clearly see that I am crouching whole time and moving fast with crouching.
I will accept that. It is a Lag or Glitch It could be SERVER OR REPORTER PC OR MINECRAFT
But Please Imagine You are KimchiGod and You are fighting with him, and you do crouch-fire-uncrouch-sprintjump-stop- recrouch ect... That's what i did on the video, BUT I don't know why the video looks like I am crouching.
AimBot, AimBot hack is terrible, No one can't make perfect AimBot Becuase Computer can't predict where you going, So it is impossible to use Aimbow.
Again Aimbow is nothing to do with speed aiming some people saying I pulled my bow really fast.... I don't know why you think that.
Comment From HyperBravo: No, I am not. I've seen the crouch glitch before but because usually hackers pair that with noslow, it looks suspicious at first. However, you didn't have noslow on. If you did, you would've been strafing at walking speed.
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