Interesting question
@GetSwept! I have been playing primarily SkyWars for years now and I think I can give you some advice to become a better player.
Engineers needed heroes, so god created mechanics" (Since you want to be a god player, it is good to understand that the game full of technical nuances.)
Having said that, here is my advice on a number of aspects of the game. First of all,
throwable items, are your best friends! Snowball, eggs, enderpearls and rods can prevent a lot of direct pvp. Knocking people in the void, although it prevents you from getting precious items, can be your specialty. You can do more knock back by using throwable items to reset someones sprint for example. On the other side, enderpearls can be an absolute life-saver when falling down the void.
Maybe you'r just like me and you adore your stats? Consider
Killstealing. Even when someone is falling down the void, you can hit them with a snowball to get the kill on your name. This will be practise at the same time for a quick reaction speed.
@Smoothlyy said,
bridging is key! In your case, focus on
god bridging ;)
Using water to block your fall
When sprint jumping, instead of holding down jump, spam click it.
Barricading, by blocking yourself in or blocking someone else out
Also, this is an excellent extensive post on this subject: (I like that it also takes into account the things that you shouldn't do)
Hope this helped a bit!
~Tycho (Bubbeltjes)