Keep in mind that helpers are trial staff, they don't have perms to ban to begin with so giving them access to /sr won't really help you in the long run. Though if I'm not wrong, are you suggesting that the /sr command should be given to mods therefore we should report cheaters rather than punish them? :P
Though I should mention we do have helper apps opened for Bedrock users who do have the requirements and wish to
apply, though we in the recruitment team are hoping in the long run to bring new faces onboard onto the moderation team to help any shortcomings such as /sr's not being looked at for some time and to overall improve staff activity on Bedrock :)
Though unfortunately right now, if you have a /sr report (Keep in mind it requirements multiple reports on the same user in order for us to receive that report) that isn't being looked at, then you will have to record and report on the forums instead which will guarantee an response from the moderation team.