I actually don't hate the idea, i thought i was going to hate it but it would be nice to stop teamers.Hey guys, I'm _AmazingWays_ and after I got killed by teamers 4 games in a row I started thinking about how to prevent this.
After a few seconds I came up with an idea which I think is pretty nice. It's a little alteration but I think it will work very well.
The idea:
So if you are in a party and you join a Solo Skywars game you spawn on an island next to your party member(s). The same applies when you are not in a party but you join at the same time with your friends. But.... a part of the problem with teamers is solved when players spawn on random islands so not next to each other.
I made an example for the people who don't understand my suggestion:
Joined: Spawns on Island:
1st 1
2nd 4
3rd 9
4th 12
5th 2
6th 5
7th 10
8th 7
9th 3
10th 11
11th 8
12th 6
I hope you agree with this suggestion, I think this this would definitely help, but I'd love to hear your opinions! Don't say things like 'You can report teamers' or 'They can still go to each other ' I know that people won't stop teaming. But we can make it harder for them to team. ;) ------If you vote 'no' tell me why!
I think it will work. But they can go to mid and team there... But they will do it not so fast as now!Hey,guys, I'm _AmazingWays_ and after I got killed by teamers 4 games in a row I started thinking about how to prevent this.
After a few seconds, I came up with an idea which I think is pretty nice. It's a little alteration but I think it will work very well.
The idea:
So if you are in a party and you join a Solo Skywars game you spawn on an island next to your party member(s). The same applies when you are not in a party but you join at the same time with your friends. But.... a part of the problem with teamers is solved when players spawn on random islands so not next to each other.
I made an example for the people who don't understand my suggestion:
Joined: Spawns on Island:
1st 1
2nd 4
3rd 9
4th 12
5th 2
6th 5
7th 10
8th 7
9th 3
10th 11
11th 8
12th 6
I hope you agree with this suggestion, I think this would definitely help, but I'd love to hear your opinions! Don't say things like 'You can report teamers' or 'They can still go to each other ' I know that people won't stop teaming. But we can make it harder for them to team. ;) ------If you vote 'no' tell me why!