Me and my friend used to play eggwars all the time, almost daily and we were pretty good I think. But we took a break and when we came back we tried to play speed eggwars duos but when we tried to find speed eggwars it was gone, at this point we were very confused but decided to just play regular, we went to go to the lobby but the was no specific lobby. At this point we were even more confused but figured there was probably a different map select. For the map select we needed a rank, a rank just to play with each other person. We can't honestly be the only ones who find the to seem like a cheap at attempt at a cash grab from something we otherwise found great. This completely ruined the game for us and even when we try it now we still feel no fun in it because there is always someone random trying to do different things than what we wanted to do. It just feels like you are so hungry for money that you are trying to take money in exchange for a fun time with friends. Is it really that hard to add buttons to join a duos, trios, etc game? It just makes playing with friends nearly impossible as groups get either get split up or forced to play with some random, unless they requeue time after time to maybe get into a game with the right team size. YOu already had this system implemented before, it just doesn't make sense to usTldr: We are very angry at the fact that you have to buy a rank to be able to choose a map and player team count ex 2 players on boldore, it just feels like a cheap way to get money for us to have fun.