1- Do not advertise (Includes but not limited to: Online/Offline Products, other servers or games, server addresses, phishing sites etc).
2- Posting YouTube videos is allowed only if they are appropriate and relevant (Media: YouTube).
3- Do not use swear (curse) words. Acronyms are allowed as long as they are not targeted towards a user.
4- Do not speak to other players in an offensive, racist, homophobic or sexist manner and respect all users.
5- No Necro-posting. This is replying to threads which haven't been posted on within 2 weeks. They are not allowed to be revived (does not include forum games or news threads).
6- Do not argue with/harass staff and obey their warnings.
7- Do not use alternative accounts to bypass a punishment.
8- DoS (Denial of Service) or DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks or threats thereof are not tolerated within our community.
9- Do not make threads or post comments asking when given updates, features, projects and maintenance are released.
10- Do not make threads or post comments with petitions.
11- Do post threads in their relevant section (e.g. Player reports at "Report a Player").
12- Do not spam tags (e.g.
@TlmeLord ), as it notifies the person you are tagging.
13- Do not "like farm" or "post farm". Anyone caught doing so will be warned. If you continue, your main account will be banned along side any alts.
14 - No inappropriate usernames and/or profile pictures.
15 - No pointless threads or posts.