Hello. It’s good to see that you attempt to make a landscape. My overall opinion is: U tried.
First of all, the colour of the sand. If you want that yellow spot to resemble a beach, please use another colour. It might be your texture pack that makes that colour look terrible, but at least change it to make it look more realistic.
Secondly, if I sneeze on a rock, it would look exactly the same as your green squirted parts on the mountain. By the way, there is usually a layer between grass and stone that’s called ‘Dirt’ and it makes the change from green to grey proper.
Thirdly, the transition from flat to steep looks awful to me. But what’s even worse, is that on the right bit there are some levels and on the left bit none… Weird.
Finally, I don’t know what those weird spots under the water are, but I think they are mistakes, so please delete them.
I would advise to pay a little bit more attention in geography lessons and practice a lot more with worldpainter,