Everytime but EVERYTIME i play 1.8pvp
a hacker shows and if he beats me he is like LOL EZ MAN NOOB HAHAHHAHAHA LOSER but he hacks
And why are they bowbattles at 1,8 did anything change to the bows in 1.9
just create a bows 1.9 bows 1.8 then geez problem fixed
Its really anoying that hackers say AHAHA EZ MAN EZZ NOOB LOSER EZ HAHAHHAAHAHHAHA
and its annoying that he hacks and bullies people
so i want YOU there to report as many hackers
oh wait its a hacker reading this xD cubecraft is full of hackers every battle i lost in 10 tries is because a hacker
so stop hacking pls report them and CUBECRAFT THERE IS A PLUGIN NAMED ANTICHEAT INSTALL IT!!!!!
a hacker shows and if he beats me he is like LOL EZ MAN NOOB HAHAHHAHAHA LOSER but he hacks
And why are they bowbattles at 1,8 did anything change to the bows in 1.9
just create a bows 1.9 bows 1.8 then geez problem fixed
Its really anoying that hackers say AHAHA EZ MAN EZZ NOOB LOSER EZ HAHAHHAAHAHHAHA
and its annoying that he hacks and bullies people
so i want YOU there to report as many hackers
oh wait its a hacker reading this xD cubecraft is full of hackers every battle i lost in 10 tries is because a hacker
so stop hacking pls report them and CUBECRAFT THERE IS A PLUGIN NAMED ANTICHEAT INSTALL IT!!!!!