SGTkuzey It's in the NBT tags for teams. The rank is actually the same thing that causes color for teams, when you set a color for teams, it creates a section sign followed by the hexadecimal digit for that color in the prefix slot. In the case of a rank, it doesn't have the formatting code (or the rank is after the formatting code, thus not connected to the section sign), so the rank appears for the same reason that words appear in a book after the formatting code, but the section sign and the digit after it don't appear for the same reason they don't in a book. The suffix is a reset code, so that the formatting doesn't overflow to other players in the tab list or on a scoreboard, but can be not a formatting code the same way a prefix can.
Also, I'm actually designing an RPG server and I've set it up so that OPs/ Mods will be referred to as "<Name> the Great," so this could be useful/fun, just restrict the length.