Hello cubecrafters
Today I have a new idea to improve the lobby games, to make them more interesting.
my idea is that you can get achievements to each game like other games, for example, skywars or egg wars, I know it is a little confusing but I'm going to explain it with examples:
first in the achievements menu obviously has to have an item that represents the lobby games achievements and inside of it other 3 for the 3 games.
now the examples
For fishing and relic hunting:
to find an item for the first time
to find all the items. (it gives you XP points and cubelets like others)
to find a specific item (it gives you XP points and cubelets like others)
to find a specific item specific times: example: you fund a fish 50 times (it gives you XP points and cubelets like others)
to fish or fund a quantity of items example: you fished 100 items it sums all the items you have fished and the times you fished each item.
to walk a specific distance example: you have walked 100000 blocks (for relic hunting and chest chaser)
to launch the fishing road a specific number of times it doesn't matter if you fish something or not. example: you launch the fishing road 26 times (for lobby fishing)
to fish or hunting for a time example: you have been fishing for 1 hour (it is not necessary for a row
for chest chaser:
to find the chest for the first time
to find the chest a number of times
to cick the chest at the same time that other player
to find the highest chest (to find a chest with the most thing you can get on it: 150 points 4 cubelets 300 experience)
to find the chest a time of weeks in a row example: you fund the chest 2 weeks in a row
there are examples of achievements you have to get, it could make the games more fun and entertainment because you have more things to do if you already have gotten all the items and could make the players to play more because nowadays the player just play to get the 50 daily points and stop playing so it could be more fun by this way
Today I have a new idea to improve the lobby games, to make them more interesting.
my idea is that you can get achievements to each game like other games, for example, skywars or egg wars, I know it is a little confusing but I'm going to explain it with examples:
first in the achievements menu obviously has to have an item that represents the lobby games achievements and inside of it other 3 for the 3 games.
now the examples
For fishing and relic hunting:
to find an item for the first time
to find all the items. (it gives you XP points and cubelets like others)
to find a specific item (it gives you XP points and cubelets like others)
to find a specific item specific times: example: you fund a fish 50 times (it gives you XP points and cubelets like others)
to fish or fund a quantity of items example: you fished 100 items it sums all the items you have fished and the times you fished each item.
to walk a specific distance example: you have walked 100000 blocks (for relic hunting and chest chaser)
to launch the fishing road a specific number of times it doesn't matter if you fish something or not. example: you launch the fishing road 26 times (for lobby fishing)
to fish or hunting for a time example: you have been fishing for 1 hour (it is not necessary for a row
for chest chaser:
to find the chest for the first time
to find the chest a number of times
to cick the chest at the same time that other player
to find the highest chest (to find a chest with the most thing you can get on it: 150 points 4 cubelets 300 experience)
to find the chest a time of weeks in a row example: you fund the chest 2 weeks in a row
there are examples of achievements you have to get, it could make the games more fun and entertainment because you have more things to do if you already have gotten all the items and could make the players to play more because nowadays the player just play to get the 50 daily points and stop playing so it could be more fun by this way