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Should there be In-game moderators like every other MC server in the world?

  • Yes

  • No, hackers are awesome

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Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
Could people please stop mini modding and add actual content to this conversation. This is a legitimate concern for the players on this server. Not taking it seriously basically just lets the hackers have free reign to do whatever they want.
Okay 1 do you even know what "mini-modding" is? No because what you are saying it is... is not what it is
Also there are very few messages that are absolutely pointless for this thread, only 2 and that post is 1 of the,

And to your "have you ever used the report system? It's a pain" argument
Than even making that argument is a pain, If you are reporting a hacker all you do is record them in game (max is 5 minutes so your video doesn't take long to upload to youTube even if it is buffering, copy the URL, post it on the reports page, chose a time in the video, select a language, type the players name and (optional) add some extra information
It is so simple and takes about 2 minutes... and that is for a hacker, if you find that a pain than typing the original argument must be worse because that takes even longer

Now to you @ziploxian you do realise staff members are also humans, they need to sleep and compared to the actual amount of staff members there are (also excluding builders, devs, and Joe Henry) it isn't exactly like they can manage to be in every game,

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention @Tacosbefriends has confirmed soon there will be many more helpers (his milk shakes attract them)

Also here are a few links for you to see
Reports: https://reports.cubecraft.net/report
Read more about Sentinel: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/introducing-sentinel.185224/
Helper applications: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/helper-applications-open.139999/#post-823327 along with helper FAQ: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/helper-app-faq.187013/


Forum Veteran
Oct 2, 2016
Texas, US

And secondly, I hate how you put in the poll "No, hackers are awesome"
They are clearly not awesome.
Just because someone puts "No" doesn't mean that they think hackers are awesome.

Anyways, I say no for the reasons that people have said above.
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Feb 15, 2017
Mini Modding
"Mini-modding (or backseat moderating) is when a forum member acts like a moderator or administrator without having the authority to do so. This can include making any kind of “helpful” correctional comment that would normally fall to a moderator."

The video with the hacker I had was over 30 minutes. Which means I had to cut it down and specifically to the pieces which included his hacks. With absolutely no guarantee that any of this will matter in the end. Yes, it's a pain when it's not my job to even police the server for people who should be auto-kicked by the anti-cheat.

jollow250, you seem to be under the impression that this is a small personal server with a small crew of people. Not a For-Profit massive server with enough incoming money to hire a personal security team. This is a BUSINESS and therefore should fall under the same rules. If you can't support your customer count, you hire more employees. Yes, they're human. But so are employees of any other business.

However, the point is moot. Unless CubeCraft is willing to change, there is no reason to even debate or suggest anything.


Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
1 at no point is saying that someone can report a player somewhere acting like a staff member and two you are looking at in game rules... the forum rules are different
2 well than here is a suggestion read the text right above box for where you put in the YouTube URL in reports it specifically clarifies videos must be a max of 5 minutes
It isn't that hard to understand... if they were caught in a bigger recording than either copy the video and trim it or take a video of the footage of the hacker
3 if you haven't noticed the anti-cheat doesn't kick players all hack related kicks are either from staff members or nocheat+ Senitinel flags players throughout the day and than if sure each player is hacking bans them all at the same time that is how you can see hackers in game
4 the server and the staff team =/= a business, the staff team is here to ban players, help, make decisions about the server, handle bug reports and just generally be good staff members not to just make money
5 you can't just accept everyone that applies for helper, a lot of helper applications are from players who don't even fit the 100 message minimum also it isn't just accepted the application boom done there is also a voice chat interview and there aren't that many players whom are accepted anyways that is because most aren't good enough to become staff members
6 the reason they are not likely to change the punishment system much is because they have a perfectly fine 1 right now
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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2016
Could people please stop mini modding and add actual content to this conversation. This is a legitimate concern for the players on this server. Not taking it seriously basically just lets the hackers have free reign to do whatever they want. If you dont agree with this, then say that. Dont mini mod.
Nobody was mini modding in here ...
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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2017
Orion constellation
This is a BUSINESS and therefore should fall under the same rules. If you can't support your customer count, you hire more employees. Yes, they're human. But so are employees of any other business.
It is indeed a business but the majority of the people who want to work for the business are 13 and under. So hiring more employees is more complicated on MC servers than it is in McDonalds.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2017
Orion constellation
3 if you haven't noticed the anti-cheat doesn't kick players all hack related kicks are either from staff members or nocheat+ Senitinel flags players throughout the day and than if sure each player is hacking bans them all at the same time
Is that really how the anticheat works?


Novice Member
Jun 5, 2017
Canada, BC,
There are so many hackers at this point that there is no point in playing. I thought there was no way of getting them banned but clearly you guys started trying. I got a warning about my language when I logged in. Instead of giving me warning about my language, how about you do something about the hackers.

I tried to report the players, currently three with video evidence, but the website makes me sign in for a second time and when I do, it says password or user incorrect. I've started conversations with an admin and a mod but no answer. Just like the game... this is pathetic.

This is the only server with no in game mods to clean up the mess. Don't answer and I'll delete the videos I've got. I tried to help but seeing how hard it is to do so, it is not worth my time.
Umm, If You Would Like To Get Rid Of Hackers Report Them And Post Them On The Report Section Of The Forums,
And If You Do Not Feel Like Recording The Hacker Apply For Staff And Hope To Get Accepted,
I Do Not Believe There Should Be One Moderator In Every Game What I Think They Should Add Is Like They Have On Hypixel,
You Can Do /report (player name) (reason).
If You Agree Then Like,


Jan 3, 2017
It's hard for mods to be everywhere, but I agree that there isn't much hackers anymore, I used to experience a hacker every so often but now, I don't see much anymore, I used to record Eggwars everyday, I ended up reporting 6 people in a few weeks so they didn't occur that much but now, I don't really see any at all and I can enjoy my time.
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Feb 15, 2017
It is indeed a business but the majority of the people who want to work for the business are 13 and under. So hiring more employees is more complicated on MC servers than it is in McDonalds.

They legally can't "employ" anyone under 13. And you hire moderators on the same basis as you do "McDonalds"- Their previous experience. You also get the added bonus of being able to look up the person's information on the server to see what kind of person they are. It's a LOT less complicated than it is at McDonalds.
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