Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Release Manager/Team Ops 🏳️‍🌈
Team CubeCraft
💙 Admin Team
Jul 23, 2015
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Hello CubeCrafters!

It's time to introduce what we've been working on the past couple of months and what we've slowly been releasing into each of our games. Armoury is our brand NEW shop and kit system for our network.

What is Armoury title.jpg

Armoury is our brand new automatic kit selection and kits/abilities shop. It holds everything such as kits, abilities and tower paths. Everything a minigame has to offer via a shop will be controlled by Armoury. You may notice in the future when a featured game is released, that the shop will not be Armoury controlled, this is because Armoury is only implemented into permanent gamemodes, but this may change in the future.

Armoury allows you to select a default kit for a game and avoids you from needing to select a kit every time you play a game, it remembers the kit you want! With this new implementation, we also allow you to purchase kits whilst in-game and give you an "are you sure" option before purchasing a kit, just in case you miss-click.

Armoury also provides you with more information about the kit, with a better layout in the hover-boxes and menu. You can also shift click on a kit and it will open a separate menu to show you the contents the kit offers, only if it does come with contents. Armoury will also tell you when you unlocked the kit, how much is costs and gives each kit a little description.


CubeCraft Plus users now have access to use /report! If you come across a cheater or rule breaker and you have Plus, simply type /report and follow the layout. Type "/report help" for a more detailed understanding of the command. For example if you want to report a cheater for Killaura, you'd type "/report Camezonda killaura". If you want to report for more than 1 report type, you'd type "/report Camezonda ka fly".

A report will be made and a staff member will be able to view your report and deal with it correctly. If the command is abused you will lose its privileges. Only report players that you are 100% sure are breaking the rules.

This does not guarantee staff members will always be able to ban the rule breakers in time, but there's a chance that the rule breakers will be punished in the same playing session.

If you enjoyed this update, let us know by commenting below! :D


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2015
Yo sigo pensando que a los obsidiana deberian dejarnos poner el /report es un rango bastante caro y creo que tenemos pocas ventajas (incluido el votar, ya que sale siempre como 1 voto) y ahora con el plus, sin tener rango ni nada puedes hacer ese tipo de comandos y tener mas ventajas que otros que hemos pagado más por un rango.
Le estais dando mas cariño a este tipo de rangos.
Es mi opinión. Acepto respuestas de otros usuarios.


Forum Veteran
Nov 15, 2016
2. I guess you want hackers to be banned, why should you make the /report function for plus rankers only? If you just make it for everyone, you catch more hackers, right?

I'm assuming because if everyone had access, moderators would be run ragged going everywhere. Like what Spoon said:
LOL lots of plus users often hackusate and rage, gl with fake reports

If just about everyone had access, then there would be quite a few salty players making false reports.


Dedicated Member
May 18, 2017
The Netherlands
I'm assuming because if everyone had access, moderators would be run ragged going everywhere. Like what Spoon said
People, even plus rankers, will make fake reports, they won’t report fake hackers via the website cause why should you do all that effort to make a fake report on the site. Via minecraft it’s just completed in 3 seconds, way more fake reports from those plus rankers at all. Completely useless...


Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
Wooo, quality of life update! I don't care for it personally, but apparently there are too many people who "forget" to choose a kit so I'm sure they'll appreciate you compensating for their forgetfulness.

It is terrific that CubeCraft Plus is getting some actual useful perks now, but I'm not sure restricting /report to them is very practical. It's like selling people a Mod rank on a Twitch stream; the people willing to pay for it don't necessarily have the streamer's best interests at heart. I'm sure there are plenty of more qualified people deserving of the /report command than just the people willing to pay a monthly subscription. I think players over a certain level should also be given the command, say level 50 or so, since dropping money on a rank doesn't necessarily mean you have a lot of experience (See any Call of Duty Season Pass holder who goes 3-27 in every match they play).

Edit: Being able to revoke this perk from players is a really good addition! Perhaps over time, once the false reporters have been filtered out, this system will be more practical. Could a Plus player appeal a decision to revoke their command though? Imagine losing it because you genuinely thought a player was hacking, or because the hacker left the game / stopped hacking when their report was responded to. Will you only lose it after a tracked number of false reports?

Further thoughts: Assuming somebody consistently reports a genuine rule-breaker, this would be an incredible way to encourage more staff applications since you'd be promoting it only to the right people. After reporting say, 25 people with the /report command, a staff member should maybe get into contact with them and suggest they apply. The staff team is a bit of a ghost town right now with more and more people resigning, and the forums isn't really filling up with any new players who would qualify if they applied.

Bringing /report back = good.
The way /report was brought back = ehh, I'm sceptical.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2016
This is so sad... Alexa play Despacito!
Nah jk... it's good to see cubecraft getting updated with some new features! ;)
Regarding the new report sytem, I'm assuming you also updated the anticheat "Sentinel", and that's good to hear too.

Best regards,


Forum Expert
Sep 17, 2017
CubeCraft Plus users now have access to use /report! If you come across a cheater or rule breaker and you have Plus, simply type /report and follow the layout. Type "/report help" for a more detailed understanding of the command. For example if you want to report a cheater for Killaura, you'd type "/report Camezonda killaura". If you want to report for more than 1 report type, you'd type "/report Camezonda ka fly"
Why only plus?
A lot of plus has no idea about cheating.
Ok, is the cheaper rank but is a bad idea give the /report with a rank

I think are better ways to give the /report to users, like a minimum lvl or a minimum handled report.
This is pay to ban :(
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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
CubeCraft Plus users now have access to use /report! If you come across a cheater or rule breaker and you have Plus, simply type /report and follow the layout. Type "/report help" for a more detailed understanding of the command. For example if you want to report a cheater for Killaura, you'd type "/report Camezonda killaura". If you want to report for more than 1 report type, you'd type "/report Camezonda ka fly".

A report will be made and a staff member will be able to view your report and deal with it correctly. If the command is abused you will lose its privileges. Only report players that you are 100% sure are breaking the rules.

This does not guarantee staff members will always be able to ban the rule breakers in time, but there's a chance that the rule breakers will be punished in the same playing session.

You want money or you want to make the server better
i don't understand anything.


Forum Veteran
Nov 15, 2016
People, even plus rankers, will make fake reports, they won’t report fake hackers via the website cause why should you do all that effort to make a fake report on the site. Via minecraft it’s just completed in 3 seconds, way more fake reports from those plus rankers at all. Completely useless...

You're confusing false reports and fake reports. Some people just don't accept the fact that maybe someone isn't hacking. So whether they make a false report isn't decided by them "faking" the evidence and reporting it via the website.

And your argument just suddenly contradicts itself. You originally said giving everyone access to the perk would be more beneficial, but you just said that it wouldn't be, because there will be a lot more false reports. And that's exactly what I'm getting at. Less people with this perk = less running around for nothing.
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