Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
You use Java for most of the things you use, so it isn't bad.

The fact that most of the things uses Java (that's not true, but we'll suppose it now) doesn't mean Java is good or bad at all. What determines if any language is good or bad is for example it's performance, Java is an interpreted language, not compiled, so it's a bit slower than other languages (eg. C++), but now you won't see any difference if the code is optimized.

Interpreted languages will be compiled at runtime, assembled and then executed, and compiled languages will only be assembled and executed.


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2016
New York, USA
Personally, I have had Java for quite some time, and I haven't experienced anything bad from it, however I do see how Java could have some problems being that it has no limits to what it can do to your computer. Personally I think it's harmless though!
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