;-; sprity,
You were a really good friend and I always enjoyed playing skywars with you... Out of all people, i thought you would be the last to go :( really going to miss you sprity.. I always enjoyed your jokes and when you would help me when
i was stuck on a math equation, i
remember when I first met you, I was a
nub who posted something in the wrong
place on forums, and you were showing
your traps. Thats when i first met you in
game, when I asked you to show me how
one of your traps worked on the candy
map. When you went from stone, to iron,
to lapiz. You were one of the first people i
met on forums. I hope that someday you
will come back so I can play some more
skywars with you.. I'm just sorry we
couldn't hang out more, I know these moments come for everyone at some
point, but when its one of my really good
friends, its hard to say goodbye. You were
a great part of the community. Just remember, you're always going to keep your spot on my friends list. So spam my chat 'SpritySpritz joined the server!' whenever you can. Okay? Hope you do well my friend, you will defiantly be missed by peaty