Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Cubecraft Resource Pack
I'm once again saying hello to my fellow (Java) CubeCrafters out there!About a year ago, I made a thread saying I planned on making a Java resource pack dedicated to CubeCraft; A little something to enhance the Cube-xperience. I completely forgot about this project I'd promised. Whilst scrolling through my all-time threads, my memory was refreshed as I saw the name of the thread I had forgotten about. Feel free to view this thread and its replies: cubecraft.net/threads/296175/
I wish to revive this project, and actually work on it this time instead of only being talk. Over the last year, I can say I've definitely improved my skin and texture making skills, even if only a little. Re-reading the thread gave me the motivation to start working on this project.

With the recent announcement regarding the future of CubeCraft, many people have been wondering whether or not CubeCraft is going to close on Java. Minigames that I loved have been deleted and I have to say I'm very sad to see those go. However, I saw some inspiration in the changes they're planning to make too. The resource pack would no longer be limited to an early version: 1.19+. Therefore, it opens up a lot possibilities when it comes to creativity and refining past ideas. And who's to say they won't add certain minigames back? Perhaps with a twist, a whole refined version or some new creative concepts for minigames! There are plenty of sides to see these changes from, but let us focus on the positive.
Progress So Far & The Idea
Over the course of the past few days, when I found myself having some spare time, I've made a small start to the resource pack. I've brainstormed and figured out what feel/theme I want to keep the pack in and even made a start on some of the textures!The thing I want most in this resource pack is for it to enhance the vanilla experience. These days, it's actually more difficult to come by a person who uses the default resource pack on Java than someone who uses a PvP-based pack. How about mixing the 'PvP resource pack' aspects with vanilla? Not only this, but I wish to make improvements to some of the vanilla textures that could use some changes. This, of course, alongside enhancing the CubeCraft experience with custom textures based on names, et cetera.
The progress so far is as following:

In my previous thread, many people requested short swords. These may not have different colours or styles, unlike many other resource packs, but as I said, I wish to enhance the vanilla (resource pack) experience. A shoutout and free notification to everyone who suggested short swords: @Critly, @Grove, @Buckyy, @YoshiGameplayX.

@YoshiGameplayX, here is your suggested redesign of a bow, with my personal touch! @Buckyy, I also added your idea to the bow: to add different colours depending on the pull strength.
My future plans for textures are as following. I'll add any ideas I come up with later on & the ones that you think of, so get creative!

→ Recolour (and/or redesign) of the EXP bar.→ Possibly new sounds.
→ Redesigning (certain) particles.
→ Clear inventory HUD.
→ CCGN themed hearts, either colour or logo.
→ References to (staff) members, past CubeCraft events, et cetera.
→ Custom textures based on item names (Gadgets, loot menu item, minigame items, etc.)
→ Splash texts.
Recently, I've noticed the forums kind of dying out when it comes to creativity. All I've been seeing is videos submissions in the Creations subforum, along with a build or coding thread every couple weeks. As a community, I think we're lacking creativity. The community has definitely changed a lot, as fewer players from back in the day revisit the forums and server and new members introduce themselves. People come and go, after all. However, even though many of our old talented well-known community members have gone, new members join in on the fun daily. I don't think anyone wants to miss out on some freshly new skilled individuals.

It would truly be a pity to see CubeCraft and its server and forums die out so soon and so suddenly. Call it clinging to the past, I really don't wish for such an unfortunate thing to happen to the Minecraft server that I've grown up with.
I think that if we all contribute to keeping the server (and forums) alive with our creative ideas, constructive feedback and will, especially in times like these, it won't die out, and we'll get to see another phase of the server we all love so much. Creation threads about your skins, your videos, your builds, your coding, or suggestion threads, continuation of forum games, et cetera. I believe we can all help. This way, people will see that there is hope for the server, instead of them predicting the closing of Java. Get creative!

I would love it if everyone posted their suggestions on this thread. It would help me a lot, and I want to include all of your ideas and opinions (no matter how crazy)!
- A wild Hoshi
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