Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Novice Member
Jun 26, 2021
Well you made a lot of good and not debatable fact, I can't really know what is a real sweat since I'm one myself it's true but I'm not the best Minecraft player , since
I myself avoid player too (not necessary leaderboard just people that gonna slow us).

I just use good strat known as rush, same for the first leaderboard (he's the Xbox player not me). Rushing is a complex strat that need to be well executed but it's (or it was) possible for everyone. That strat seem to be a problem.

Well when I said my 11k games experience worth more,
It's only my point of view and my evolution proof that my opinion is not from just a random player complaining for no reason, it's just that sometimes some update could feel like mod don't play their game and moreover mod aren't sweat (from what I know) they can't truly know how it feel for us. I'm not saying that they don't play at all or they are dumb.
but making a game, and a perfect one is not easy

Edit: part 1 missclicked the post button.
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Novice Member
Jun 26, 2021
Part 2
(Making a game is hard, glad I'm not a mod dealing with every complain, and until now everything they done was great, except deleting game and map)
But sometimes it's not realistic no enchant in overporewed tho??, proof they needed to change it in 1.20.
They kinda fixed some price and generator too.

Yous said it even the most popular pvp server hypixel have sweat too, sweat are everywhere and needed to make a game good too:

So no game should be evolving? Nobody should evolve and stay at the same level or they get nerfed?

You made a lot of fact saying update is good but where are the fact saying it could be better:

Fact: the update reached the highest number of complain

Fact the update reached the highest number of change after the initial update

Fact the favourite sweat map almost got deleted and EVE (not a sweat map no idea Why they done that) in mega is gone (yes magic is back but It wasn't supposed to be initially deleted, a good thing that it's back)

Fact: 3 months later people still complain

Fact a lots of post and explanation was made in order to explain why it was good (a good update don't need to explain why it's good except maybe presentation by the mod)

Fact a whole community is targeted, rewarding farmer (way too much), and camper (pick respawn) (eggwars is suppose to balance Chance of winning but for everyone)

Fact the update is supposed to be good for everyone (for "sweat" too)

Fact cubecraft is just the best server in general, maybe people realised it, best party system, best games ,best community (in general) (when no update come to destroy it)

Fact not only sweat hate/dislike some aspect of the update, not like some people are trying to say

Sorry if I've been annoying or anything else but as a "sweat" I feel targeted as a problem for cubecraft for just winning fast and silenced when trying to give feedback on the update.

I'm Happy for you if you can enjoy 30 minute game now (it was also possible before). Atleast the update is "good" for you.
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Deleted member 601525

I sort of agree with a lot of the things you say now, but not all of them
Yous said it even the most popular pvp server hypixel have sweat too, sweat are everywhere and needed to make a game good too:

So no game should be evolving? Nobody should evolve and stay at the same level or they get nerfed?
Sweats are literally the reason why hypixel nowadays completely relies on skyblocks for players. More than half the server, the majority of it, is on skyblock. Bedwars, Skywars, and all the other pvp games have been losing players quite significantly for some time.

And for hypixel that data can traced back as far as several years ago. (IDK where to find it exactly, but I know its there somewhere if you google it)
Ironically, it was arond the time it peaked in player numbers due to an event in skyblock (Maybe the words "technoblade" and "dante" ring some bells if you know minecraft youtube well?) that it started losing players. And its not even because of factors like summer vacation, holidays and stuff, you can compare summer of 2021 to summer 2023, you will notice in 2023 hypixel had much less players.

And the sweats are now the reason the pvp gamemodes almost completely lack new players, the point at which you are skilled enough to just be able to survive for a few seconds longer is so high, that almost no new players will bother trying to reach it, nevermind any of them actually reaching it.

Sweats are literally, slowly, killing hypixel, they are doing the same with the hive.

Btw, the hive announced its removing treasure wars and adding bedwars instead, which will have new items and apparently, according to hive content creators, might be more friendly towards new players, so I think that the sweats aren't even a cubecraft-only problem on bedrock. Oh yeah, and the hive doing this shows that what cubecraft did may soon become a trend among minecraft servers because it worked so well.

Of course players should be evolving, but in a way that makes the game harder for everyone, but in a way that average players who want to become good players become good players, not in a way that good players become so good that they can not be stopped. Basically the evolution should be: bad -> average -> good.

And not good -> even better, as this harms the game and makes it harder for new players to enter and it technically also raises the gap for what is considered average as now average players who want to become good have to try much harder and be more skilled to do so. And by extension of that, bad players who just want to be average also have to put in more work.

Fact: the update reached the highest number of complain
Not entirely sure about that, but since I can't confirm or deny that, I am gonna say: its probably true.

Fact the update reached the highest number of change after the initial update
To be fair: The update initially had a lot of bugs as well as a lot of questionable changes in gamemodes that weren't eggwars and it changed the pvp system completely which affects all pvp games. Yes, it had the most changes after the update, but that's not suprising with all the bugs and new systems, not everything can work or be balanced perfectly initially, especially those days with how much game devs love to release unfinished products.

Fact a lots of post and explanation was made in order to explain why it was good (a good update don't need to explain why it's good except maybe presentation by the mod)
No, good things actually need a lot explanation as to why they are good. If you think something is good, but can not justify it or give reasons why, then its actually not as good as you made yourself believe it was.

Fact a whole community is targeted, rewarding farmer (way too much), and camper (pick respawn) (eggwars is suppose to balance Chance of winning but for everyone)
It did balance chances of winning for everyone. As you yourself said: most of the time, regardless of preparation, the "sweat" wins anyway. Skill still results in victory most of the time, it just that now without enough preparation and maybe even the right tactic/strategy the chance of a sweat winning is lower. Still high, a sweat is probably still gonna win 8 or 9 out of 10 times, but before that it was like 10/10 or 9.99999... out of 10,

The point was to even the chances, not remove someones chances entirely, and that point was achieved.

Fact the update is supposed to be good for everyone (for "sweat" too)
I have to disagree. An update specifically made to cater to worse and newer players can not be done in a game like this in a way that does not upset the "sweats", as proven by many other games as well as a bit of logic: sweats and worse/newer players have opposite interests.

Worse and new players prefer it slower, easier, and simpler. Sweats prefer it faster and more challenging. They are opposing each other in interests. Of course, cubecraft should seek to balance them, but with how little new players were coming and staying it was far too late to try to go for the "balanced" option, so they instead went with the option that is extremely new player-sided.

Fact cubecraft is just the best server in general, maybe people realised it, best party system, best games ,best community (in general) (when no update come to destroy it)
I mean: maybe? Its highly unlikely to be a coincidence that its only after the update that those players came and that only after the update eggwars became as popular as it is right now.

Fact not only sweat hate/dislike some aspect of the update, not like some people are trying to say
I am aware of that, some guy on the forums who says he is a mobile player and got used to being farmed on on the old update also found things to complain about. But that's the thing: the amount of non-sweats complaining is much lower than amount of sweats complaining. I am not saying non-sweats who don't like the update don't exist, I am saying they are hard to find.

Sorry if I've been annoying or anything else but as a "sweat" I feel targeted as a problem for cubecraft for just winning fast and silenced when trying to give feedback on the update.
I understand you, I wouldn't want to be viewed as a problem either. But that's also the thing: certain playstyles, even if they aren't explicitly forbidden or "bad" can still be problematic. Sweats and their playstyles are a problem in a lot of games, and one that is causing a lot of online games to not survive for very long.

The only thing that kept fortnite alive for several years by now are the updates that regularly completely redo the game and the addition of skill based matchmaking and bots to fill the lobbies which makes the sweats harder to find and much less of a problem and it makes the game very easy to enter as a newer player.

And also, no, noones trying to silence you, just like you have to right to have and voice an opinion I have to right to voice an opinion about what you said. Its a little thing called free speech, it would actually be suppression if I couldn't talk back.
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