This is definitely the most suggested feature on this server now by far. We need kills and other stats leaderboard and monthly leaderboard all on the original leaderboard with a toggleable sign or somethin
They should make 2 leaderboards; one ‘All time’ leaderboard (like the current) which is toggleable and one monthly leaderboard, which is toggleable as well.
So, in games where you can only play solo (e.g. MinerWare) there will be 2 leaderboards: a monthly toggleable and an ‘All time’ toggleable.
(Won’t affect anything in the lobby because currently, there already are 2 leaderboards in MinerWare)
And for minigames where you
also can play in team (e.g. Survival Games) there will be 4 leaderboards.... (1 solo monthly and toggleable 1 solo ‘All time’ and toggleable, 1 team monthly and toggleable, 1team ‘All time’ and toggleable!)
This won’t affect anything in the lobby because currently there already are 4 leaderboards in the SG lobby!
And indeed: for some lobbies (games) they need to find a solution to add 1 or 2 leaderboards... (e.g. In Skywars, they have to add 2 leaderboards to the lobby, and e.g. In Competitive Parkour, there will be one more leaderboard in the lobby (a total of 2)...
I don’t know exactly how hard it is to add leaderboards to a lobby, because I’m not a builder, but if this is possible, I think this will be the best way to do it! ^-^