Hi everyone,
This is a suggestion based on the party system that is currently on both networks.
The suggestion is being able to send a player a message when you invite them to a party.
I got this Idea from @Buuuddy who made a similar thread about this 4 years ago
What is it exactly?
You basically have the possibility to send a message within the party invite, for example stating a reason for why you send the player a party invite.
You are not forced to send a message. If you do not send a message within the party invite, the player will receive the party invite WITHOUT the message.
What will it look like?
The command will look like this:
As said above, when [message] is empty, no message will be given to the invited player.
This is what it would look like from the invited players perspective:
Why is it needed?
It is not really necessary, but being able to send a message asking if he wants to play along with a party invite, makes things quicker because you can accept the party invite right after you read the message if you want to join. Players will immediately know that they can't/won't play with you if they deny your party invite.
Instead of sending a separate message and a party invite after the response, we can put those 2 things together and make party inviting way quicker.
Problems that may arrive
The only thing I can think of, right now, are inappropriate messages being sent within the party invite.
This should be reportable just like regular chat offenses.
Thank you!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them.
Any ideas/changes are always welcome!
This is a suggestion based on the party system that is currently on both networks.
The suggestion is being able to send a player a message when you invite them to a party.
I got this Idea from @Buuuddy who made a similar thread about this 4 years ago

What is it exactly?
You basically have the possibility to send a message within the party invite, for example stating a reason for why you send the player a party invite.
You are not forced to send a message. If you do not send a message within the party invite, the player will receive the party invite WITHOUT the message.
What will it look like?
The command will look like this:
As said above, when [message] is empty, no message will be given to the invited player.
/p invite [player] [message]
Party invite received from xTypical
Let's play Skywars together? :D
Let's play Skywars together? :D
Why is it needed?
It is not really necessary, but being able to send a message asking if he wants to play along with a party invite, makes things quicker because you can accept the party invite right after you read the message if you want to join. Players will immediately know that they can't/won't play with you if they deny your party invite.
Instead of sending a separate message and a party invite after the response, we can put those 2 things together and make party inviting way quicker.
Problems that may arrive
The only thing I can think of, right now, are inappropriate messages being sent within the party invite.
This should be reportable just like regular chat offenses.
Thank you!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them.
Any ideas/changes are always welcome!