Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2016
United Kingdom
Hi Cubecraft Mods/Admins/Players,

I have played on Cubecraft for a long time now and finally, it has come to an end as I will be leaving Minecraft. I have greatly supported the Cubecraft Community by reporting several hackers who have been banned due to my efforts as you will be able to see on your logs. I have always tried to help players in Cubecraft, new or just confused, but now I wish for some help back. The time is when I will be leaving, and during my time on Cubecraft, I have played 1000s of games and collected 15,000 points which I feel will be wasted when I leave. I have 3 very active friends who I feel will benefit greatly from these points. I am hoping for Cubecraft to take my points away and give it and I can give any verification needed for this to prove it is me. There will be no point in 15000 points sitting abandoned in my account, Nevstar, hence I feel it is right to give these points
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Forum Professional
Mar 24, 2016
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
One of the main reason this isn't a thing is:
Player has their MAIN account, and has a friend that uses alts to hack to win & get points.
That friend pays the MAIN account all of their points before they get banned, and essentially the MAIN account is the one "hacking" if you will.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2016
United Kingdom
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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2016
I understand that you want to help/give back to your friends but these points should be earned.


Forum Professional
Mar 24, 2016
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
View attachment 129798 Gainfullterror, I appreciate your concern but as I have stated previously in my statement, I am a loyal member in the Cubecraft Community and having played for such a long period, I would never hack and this can be checked through any logs. Instead I have reported several people as seen in my screenshot. If I were to be a hacker then I would have been banned a long time ago. I also wish to let you know that I have spent over 30k points on this account???? So If I was transferring then I would have been transferring 45k. Also, the fact that I wish to split my points amongst 3 people is very clear that I am not tranferring It TO ONE main account.

I simply want to give my friends points as they have been great friends to me during my time in Cubecraft. This is simply a favou I wish to ask from Cubecraft.
I know, I'm not saying that you have done that in the past, but I can guarantee you that this will definitely be done by others if it were implemented, as others can be THIS desperate.


Dedicated Member
Aug 27, 2016
The jungle
Sorry to hear your leaving dude.
I would advise you to maybe speak to an admin directly regarding what you want to do.
I doubt it will happen but I think it's easier way for you to discuss your issue.
Find one whose online and start a conversation with them.

Spyridon Agnew Dragon

Dedicated Member
May 27, 2016
As far as i know and from a* cubelet lost* thread in the past staff cant move points cubelets or vanity points to another player, just remove them they are bsically permanently stuck to you

Also just because you report players dosent mean you dont hack weve had hackers try to report other hackers/teamers/chat offenders, im not claiming you are a hacker im saying we do have players that do that


Forum Professional
Jul 2, 2015
You (and staff) can't transfer points to another account. I believe only owners can do it, but they won't.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2016
United Kingdom
I understand that everyone disagrees with this idea as a result of security but Cubecraft does have logs just like many other servers????????
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Forum Professional
Jul 2, 2015
I understand that everyone disagrees with this idea as a result of security but Cubecraft does have logs just like many other servers????????

And I am certain that being an active user for such a long time means I CANT be a hacker.
From my experiences in coding java, C and my knowledge of Databases, I can strongly say that Points can be transferred but not in the way that non-coders think. You can remove the points from one user completely. Then you can insert points into another user. So it is not technically a transfer.

I never expected to get so many opposing responses when all I am asking for after all this time playing and helping Cubecraft is to give my 3 friends points.
I am obviously not transferring to one main account as I want to give it to 3 different friends.

I really did not think it would be so difficult just to grant 1 wish before I left.

If an Admin can give me a direct reply or message me it would be helpful. Thanks "chimpzee" for the suggestion

You (and staff) can't transfer points to another account. I believe only owners can do it, but they won't.
Even if an admin decides to respond, they will say the same thing as everybody else just did.


Forum Professional
Jul 2, 2015
Marieke2001, I never said that I SPECIFICALLY could do it nor staff. I mean owners can do it, and I am asking a favour.

I am not trying to have a debate with you whether it is possible or not; I simply would like a favour back from the help I have given
to Cubecraft.

I am aware that an Admin might give the same response as you, Marieke2001, but as I have previously stated many times, I AM NOT trying to debate with people whether it is possible, I AM just asking a FAVOUR from Cubecraft.

If finally, an Admin wishes to say "No" then I am fine with it, but I just want to ask a
FAVOUR from Cubecraft after all the help I have provided.

Thanks, Nev~
I know you're asking for a favor, but as you said you ASKED for it, which means you can get a no or a yes as answer. In this case., it's a no. EDIT: Im not debating if it's possible or not, because I know it's not ;).


Forum Professional
Mar 24, 2016
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
I understand that everyone disagrees with this idea as a result of security but Cubecraft does have logs just like many other servers????????

And I am certain that being an active user for such a long time means I CANT be a hacker.
From my experiences in coding java, C and my knowledge of Databases, I can strongly say that Points can be transferred but not in the way that non-coders think. You can remove the points from one user completely. Then you can insert points into another user. So it is not technically a transfer.

I never expected to get so many opposing responses when all I am asking for after all this time playing and helping Cubecraft is to give my 3 friends points.
I am obviously not transferring to one main account as I want to give it to 3 different friends.

I really did not think it would be so difficult just to grant 1 wish before I left.

If an Admin can give me a direct reply or message me it would be helpful. Thanks "chimpzee" for the suggestion

I mean, is it really worth the hassle for a small favor?
Anyways, if the network does it for ONE person, that means they'd have to do it for EVERYONE.
EVERYONE could include people that have friends hacking and them (the friends) paying the points (for falsely winning) to the people
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Forum Professional
Mar 24, 2016
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
Marieke2001, I did previously mention "I am not debating" although you still feel the audacity to give me such a patronising reply saying that you "know its not possible."
Also, I would like to point out :D that when you "ask" for something, it is not always "yes" or "no", in fact most replies are different. Let me give you an example, "How are you?" I asked, reply "Great thanks."

Now, Now Marieke2001???? Is that a yes or no answer???? Please do not try to patronise people on posts when I am not asking you to just further justify your answer.
Please let me know if you are able to pass my points to the three friends listed below.
You asked a yes or no question.

I could get an answer such as "We will try and let you know." The word "maybe" exists and many adjectives to go along with that
I already explained why this is going to be a no.
And for everyone that's lazy (I obviously don't mean you, as you've read through your own thread):

I mean, is it really worth the hassle for a small favor?
Anyways, if the network does it for ONE person, that means they'd have to do it for EVERYONE.
EVERYONE could include people that have friends hacking and them (the friends) paying the points (for falsely winning) to the people
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Forum Professional
Jul 2, 2015
Marieke2001, I did previously mention "I am not debating" although you still feel the audacity to give me such a patronising reply saying that you "know its not possible."
Also, I would like to point out :D that when you "ask" for something, it is not always "yes" or "no", in fact most replies are different. Let me give you an example, "How are you?" I asked, reply "Great thanks."

Now, Now Marieke2001???? Is that a yes or no answer???? Please do not try to patronise people on posts when I am not asking you to just further justify your answer.

I could get an answer such as "We will try and let you know." The word "maybe" exists and many adjectives to go along with that so please do not post such direct responses towards me
Why can't I post direct responses? Isn't that the whole thing of creating threads? Besides, I have the right to respond to your thread since it's not privately.
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Forum Professional
Mar 24, 2016
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
Okay, guys, so you want me to forget about it???? You are not helping me, especially Marieke2000 and Gainfullterror who keeps trying to prove me wrong. Marieke, I would like to know why you dislike my idea of getting a favour from Cubecraft?? Did you have a previous experience that got denied???? So you do not want others to benefit?????

If so Great.........

Marieke, you still debate despite all I said. Here, this shows. "I have the right"

If you do not like me personally getting my points transferred, just say it although, it is obvious that you have no reason to object.

At least Gainfullterror had a relevant response whereas, you have the cheek to respond with no reason; instead saying statements only giving the idea of "no."

It is clear you have a specific problem from a previous experience.

I think that in this case, it's better for her just to say "no" instead of the same thing I'm saying.
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