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Gameplay Engineer
Mar 18, 2017
the selfie area
Here's a bump, since I've experienced ALL of these actions at least once (mostly more).
And I don't want this thread to get locked by Necro-posters


Gameplay Engineer
Mar 18, 2017
the selfie area
Why are people so negative about the new update of Lucky Islands its like every other update like skywars and eggwars there where negtive thinngs about it
It actually is not like any other updates, of course there are good things about this update (but they aren't always obvious), I'm playing this gamemode like every day, and I'm telling the developers and the community what I really don't like about this update,that's why I am so "negative" about this update

Despacito 2

Forum Professional
Dec 6, 2015
1. The knight is actually pretty easy. Its AI is so dumb you just have to build 3 blocks up and it won't hit you. It isn't able to go down ladders and after a while it will just focus another player. Lol.
2. It's actually pretty easy to combat this. Just make a 2 block wall or just get a shield. I'm pretty sure iron and wood aren't rare in Lucky Islands. Besides most people have terrible aim.
2.1. Didn't know it could be destroyed by tnt. That's an interesting bug.
I still like that bow tho. It's a nice weapon to catch up to a player or run away from one.
3. Lol, stop whining. This could happen in any game. Survival Games, Skywars even Infection. Someone got lucky. Adapt to your situation and overcome it.
4. Pretty much another bug.
5. Another bug.
6. Uhm, sure why not.
7. Other people were complaning about players rushing them through middle. I really don't see a problem. Just try another opponent or something.
8. Meh, I quite like the lobby.
9. I don't mind this. Potions aren't a big problem.
10. No. Just no. Adding a cooldown a Elytra is just no fun. Besides it's just 2 points from 1 player.
11. Or get a compass.
12. Sure.
13. I'm not sure why that happens. Doesn't really happen to me.
14. Or you adapt to your situation instead of whining about it? Like mining some stone, chopping some trees. Waiting until you get some food or blocks from a Lucky Block.
15. Most people wait for their loot. Which slows down the game. I like it that way. People rather wait instead of rush. I do agree it can be difficult during a fight. But why would you open a cubelet during a fight? You can aswell defeat that player and then open a cubelet.
16. That indeed can be annoying.
17. They're just cats. In Survival Games you have dogs. Same thing right. Just place some lava or water. It's not that hard.
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Oct 20, 2013
Hello thanks for you feedback!

Hi! I saw your thread yesterday: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/lets-complain-about-lucky-islands.202682/ Honestly I can't wait to reply, however I want to play more before I do (Only have 4 hours after update). I only play on my alt (stone player) so I can experience more from a players perspective and it also helps me find any rulebreakers. Lucky Islands is my favourite game on the network, I think I'm one of the few staff that love it. I've only had a chance to play the update at Christmas so I'm coming across quite a few issues you've raised.

Sorry took a while :P

1. Knight: I don't like the idea of nerfing the knight, yes it's powerful and it's unlucky if it spawns on your island, but that's what lucky islands is, unpredictable. There is an easy counter of just building up, what I tend to do. You get an achievement in team lucky islands for killing the knight because it's hard. However I really like your idea of specifying the person that killed the knight and getting points for the kill.

2. Automatic bow: It is a very OP weapon, it's a weapon that can save your life if you have no gear and a full geared dude is charging at you. Yes it's super annoying to get killed by because of the knockback, but it's equally satisfying to be the one doing the killing. After reading your ideas, I do feel it would be wise to nerf it a little, whether that's less arrows or increase rarity of it spawning.
Frozen shot bow: When a player has multiple frozen bows it can be extremely annoying. "When you shot an arrow with one bow, all frozen shot bows will charge up". This could work, it could also be viewed by a user as a bug. I feel the charge rate should be slower or the rarity of a frozen shot bow should be extremely rare.

3. Ore vein: You're right. After playing quite a few games and I found one of these veins, RIP other players. The amount of diamonds should be decreased and perhaps changing gold ore to coal.

4. Tower: Sounds fair!

5. Beacon: Good idea!

6. Blessed mode: Adding your suggestions sounds good!

7. Underwater map: So I moved the inner island down due to players rushing with a sword. A staff member brought this up to me during lucky islands testing and that same day I had been killed instantly everytime I played this map, so I agreed with changing the map. Although after reading this feedback you gave, I have been a lot more careful when making little edits to maps. As a result staff now ask forum users their opinions on edits to maps:

As for changing this map back, I will create a thread in future with a similar format, as I want feedback.

8. Lobby: It's good to add a fresh lick of paint every now and then. I'd be willing to create a new lobby if we made major changes to our lobby format or introduced a new mode.

9. Potion kit: This is quite confusing why you get 2 poison potions, changing one of them to a health potion is a good idea.

10. Elytra: Personally I've had or seen no issues with elytras, they're just cool to use.

11. Players hiding: This happens in near enough every game, it's really dependant on the map with how difficult it is. If it's near the end of the game, you'd typically have a player tracker solving the issue.

12. Tree + Axe: Improving this luckyblock so the axe doesn't fly away sounds good.

13. Detected too many packets: It's pretty annoying having to wait, however I'm not sure if can be fixed. I'm not a developer with years of experience in Java, if they are asked to try and solve it and simply can't due to Minecraft mechanics, then it can't be fixed. They know our infrastructure and java development better than anyone.

One potential solution is implementing a system similar to what we did with Ender, but the amount of times everyone played without the texture pack because they ran past, forgot it existed or didn't know it existed made the game half as good as it should be.

14. Clouds: As you probably know I've been making edits to some lucky islands maps, I'll make sure to add haybales to this map when I push that update. (Shouldn't take long).

15. Animations: To me they look amazing, pretty sure grappling bow shows a hook, and shotgun bow shows 5 arrows being shot? Seem pretty different to me.

16. Last second games: It's called 'Quick Join' so the system tries to find a full game, so you can play 'quick'ly. Preset kits is a feature I know a lot of people wanted for so long.

17. Cats: I like the addition of cats, they can be hard to fight but it adds a new challenge to try and counter. Idk I don't have any issues with em.
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Oct 20, 2013
I think it is safe to say that the update ruined everything xD
I wouldn't be as drastic as to say it has ruined an entire gamemode. Sure, some of the lucky blocks aren't perfect that doesn't mean they can't be polished. A lot of the features we implemented, we took from suggestions.

This thread is where the potion wand came from and blessed mode. Yup these ideas were written down a while back. @jollow250

A lot of general ideas came from here.

Took achievement ideas from here. @Sophie

With the major update, we got more achievements, new textures, new wands and new gamemodes.

Premium voting options that can change the game to be insane or the ability to only get lucky loot. In comparison to pre-release were you could only vote for the time of day (booooooring). Not sure how this specific change has "ruined everything" like you mentioned.

When we get feedback from community members, it helps us improve our gamemodes. Why this is such a great thread by @SanCookie and as you can see from the threads above, we didn't ignore their ideas.

AFreakingCookie (Hank)

Dedicated Member
Apr 3, 2016
I wouldn't be as drastic as to say it has ruined an entire gamemode. Sure, some of the lucky blocks aren't perfect that doesn't mean they can't be polished. A lot of the features we implemented, we took from suggestions.

This thread is where the potion wand came from and blessed mode. Yup these ideas were written down a while back. @jollow250

A lot of general ideas came from here.

Took achievement ideas from here. @Sophie

With the major update, we got more achievements, new textures, new wands and new gamemodes.

Premium voting options that can change the game to be insane or the ability to only get lucky loot. In comparison to pre-release were you could only vote for the time of day (booooooring). Not sure how this specific change has "ruined everything" like you mentioned.

When we get feedback from community members, it helps us improve our gamemodes. Why this is such a great thread by @SanCookie and as you can see from the threads above, we didn't ignore their ideas.
Oke. I didn’t mean that the game was bad though.


Gameplay Engineer
Mar 18, 2017
the selfie area
1. Okay building 3 blocks up isn't always possible, since it can spawn on the first Lucky block, I'm actually talking about these situations, sorry if that wasn't fully clear.
I like the idea of where you get kill credit for slaying the knight much more xD
2. This bow depends on everything but aim if the players are standing about 10 blocks from each other, and building a 2 high wall to defend isn't easy if you get knocked about a block every second, but I get what you mean.
2.1. Yeah it is, I am not going to report it anyways, since I don't really like the bug report layout.
3. I know this can happen in any game, but in Lucky Islands, this gives a huge advantage. Most of the players don't get any armor at all, and they can't just get it from chests, it's a bit too OP.
4. I woudn't say it's a bug, but maybe you're right.
5. Same as 4.
Well, good!
7. Probably, as long as they don't change pond, it's ok.
8. Some do, some don't.
9. It actually is, getting poisoned for 45 seconds is not fun at all, it ruins the whole game as you're just hiding, waiting to get 1-hit.
10. It is annoying as it already are only 2 points, if this happens 100 times (which actually does happen that much, or I'm just unlucky) you missed 200 points.
11. What if I didn't get a compass the whole game? So annoying.
12. Oki
13. Mostly depends on your computer, but on other servers, I don't have this problem at all, even if it's a much bigger texture pack.
14. Food isn't that common anymore with the new stuff that got added. Hay bales really are needed on this map. And about the building blocks, yes, for one time, it's ok, for 10 times, it can get annoying, but if Lucky Islands is your regularly mode, and you played that map 100 times, at least, then it really gets annoying, that's the reason why I quit the map a long time ago.
15. Cubelet? But ok I know what you mean, it's a strategy, to test your luck while you're running, you could get a diamond sword and fight back, or a frozen shot bow and sho... never mind, it takes 5 seconds to get the bow, your opponent already got the bow.
16. True!
17. Uh if lava/water buckets were actually a thing in Lucky Islands I woudn't complain about it, the only problem is that you won't get a bucket from a Lucky Block.
@The First Hokage here's your reply!


Gameplay Engineer
Mar 18, 2017
the selfie area
Thanks for your reply anyways! Let's see what I can reply to it! ;p
1. Yes, it can be annoying, but if it spawns on the first 3-5 lucky blocks, there's mostly no way to build up. I guess it's just a part of the game, if you're unlucky.

2. Nerfing the bow sounds good for me, doesn't need to be that much, but still.
2. That's an idea! Making it extremely rare, I like it :)

3. Totally right! Can't wait to smelt those iron ores! (;

4+5. Yay!

6. Glad to hear that!

7. Luckily that's a thing now, and I guess the most players won't agree to this, but players like me, who like rushing, will agree to this, but there aren't that many like us. We'll see.

8. Sounds fair enough for me, then, I'll be hoping for a new lobby format soon :p

9. If that was already confusing, the [0:20] seconds posion potion already was a health potion, but it got changed to that potion, could this be because someone made a little mistake? I don't know, but I didn't like it that much ://

10. Oh, well, I guess I play too much then, because I commonly see these things happen.

11. I am that unlucky I don't get a player tracker very often, even not after opening every lucky block in the game, so I had a lot of experience with this problem in the past. (most of the times, it happens on the map Frost).

12. Thanks!

13. Well, other servers have a custom texture pack too, but it doesn't seem to happen on these servers, it depends more on the pc players use. I myself have a bit of a bad laptop and experience the problem every day multiple times. It's mainly an anticheat effect.

14. Thanks for listening! :)

15. Although it's right what you say, I meant something else, it's the time of these animations that bother me, they can take up longer than destroying a wood block with your fist.

16. It's a thing they can add because many people want this, please :p

17. Don't underestimate cats, they are, exept from the void, my main reason to dying xd

Thanks again for your reply, I can't wait untill some changes will be added! :)
I think it is safe to say that the update ruined everything xD
I agree with all changes suggested on this thread!
Well, thanks! (but it didn't ruin everything, just brought an insane amount of bugs) xd

Despacito 2

Forum Professional
Dec 6, 2015
1. Okay building 3 blocks up isn't always possible, since it can spawn on the first Lucky block, I'm actually talking about these situations, sorry if that wasn't fully clear.
I like the idea of where you get kill credit for slaying the knight much more xD
Well you could mine some... It's not that hard if you have a good pickaxe as kit.
3. I know this can happen in any game, but in Lucky Islands, this gives a huge advantage. Most of the players don't get any armor at all, and they can't just get it from chests, it's a bit too OP.
Well you could also take the slow path and mine some ores on each Island? That's how I get my gear most of the times. Besides knockback works too against full Diamond players.
10. It is annoying as it already are only 2 points, if this happens 100 times (which actually does happen that much, or I'm just unlucky) you missed 200 points.
I still don't think you should remove the fun of using an elytra just because players are not able to get their points.
15. Cubelet? But ok I know what you mean, it's a strategy, to test your luck while you're running, you could get a diamond sword and fight back, or a frozen shot bow and sho... never mind, it takes 5 seconds to get the bow, your opponent already got the bow.
Oops, I meant a Lucky Block.
17. Uh if lava/water buckets were actually a thing in Lucky Islands I woudn't complain about it, the only problem is that you won't get a bucket from a Lucky Block.
Well you could always craft them. 3 iron isn't much you know. Some maps have water and lava in certain places which you could use.


Gameplay Engineer
Mar 18, 2017
the selfie area
Well you could mine some... It's not that hard if you have a good pickaxe as kit.
I don't always pick the miner kit, if it spawns on the first block , your game is ruined

Well you could also take the slow path and mine some ores on each Island? That's how I get my gear most of the times. Besides knockback works too against full Diamond players.
If it fails, you'll still die, it's annoying to make every game about 10 minutes when I'm just going for wins

I still don't think you should remove the fun of using an elytra just because players are not able to get their points.
It's still annoying

Oops, I meant a Lucky Block.

Well you could always craft them. 3 iron isn't much you know. Some maps have water and lava in certain places which you could use.
Some maps, not all of them, actually there aren't a lot of maps where you'll get lava
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Novice Member
Apr 23, 2017
Lucky Islands complainings

Hello there, I have been playing Lucky Islands a lot before and after the update. I think the update ruined a lot of stuff and brought many bugs and glitches with it. I have reported the bugs I found so far, but people seem to find new bugs every day, wich is very annoying.
Here are things that annoy me the most in Lucky Islands:

1. Knight: The knight is a skeleton that spawns with iron armor and a sword, it doesn't spawn on blessed mode. Imagine you playing Lucky Islands, nobody voted, and you open your first Lucky Block, and you get a Knight, well, or you have to run and hide from it, so you're trapped there for the game, or you die from it, because what are you going to do? Punch it to it's death? Wrong: It doesn't take knockback. Run backwards while killing it? Wrong: it still poisons you.
Solution? Make the knight slower, and let it take knockback, so people can throw it in the void.
Also give kill credit (and potental points?) to the player who killed it. Now when someone kills the knight, the message "Knight has been slain." will pop up in chat. This could be chagned to "Knight has been slain by [player]". Killing the Knight could give you 1 point (keep in mind that killing a player only gives you 2 points, not 3, like skywars).

2. Bows:
2.1 Automatic bow: This is a bow, given with 10-35 arrows, when you right click it, it keeps shooting arrows untill you stop holding right click, or when it hits it limit of 20 arrows. It doesn't charge up too long, and can be used again, like before. There is a bug where you can't fire "special" arrows (like spectral arrows for example). It can be abused with a Fletcher villager. (A villager that gives you 9-12 arrows for 1 emerald) because when you trade arrows, you'll get 4-5 stacks sometimes. Players can't do anything since they get knocked back so much.
Solution? Reduce the amount of arrows that this bow can shoot to 15 arrows (or 10 arrows) and/or make the charging up time longer.

was someone drunk when they suggested automatic bows on lucky islands? wtf -a Discord user, 2017

2.2 Frozen shot bow: This is a bow, given with 3-6 arrows, when you shoot someone, they will get stuck in an ice cage for a couple of seconds. When you get 2 or 3 of these, it can be very annoying for your enemies, because they get frozen the whole time. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the bow, but I also don't like it, there could be a better version of this bow. Also a player can suffocate in the ice cage, mostly when their momentum is high and they get shot by this bow. The cage can't be destroyed by a player, but can get destroyed by tnt, wich makes the person who got trapped stuck in the air.
Solution? Make the ice cages tnt proof, and make the charging up for all the frost bows the same (when you shot an arrow with one bow, all frozen shot bows will charge up).

3. Ore veins: This is an ore vein, based on a star shape, that spreads 3 blocks in all directions from where the lucky block was opened. It contains iron, gold and diamond ores. Because of this, players can get full diamond armor, and a diamond sword from the start, wich gives them a huge advantage. Ok, you can say "well he got lucky, that's how the mode is called". But when you get that lucky, it isn't fun anymore for other players.
Solution? Reduce the diamonds in a vein. (Can be replaced with coal ores?)

4. The tower: This is just a tower, built layer by layer, from bottom untill the flag. Every block that is in it's way, will be destroyed and be dropped somewhere you won't expect. There is this problem where you can suffocate in this, and there is no escape from it. Also when you are standing on a path block, and a tower spawns on that path block, you will get stuck in the stone brick because the path block is 2 pixels lower than a normal block.
Solution? Check if a player is suffocating and remove the block where he is in AND don't change the lowest layer to stone bricks if there are path blocks.

5. Beacon: This is just a beacon, spawned with a gold ingot and 9 iron blocks below it wich are unbreakalbe. You can choose between the effects speed and haste. However if the beacon spawns on your head, you will suffocate in it.
Solution? Let us break the blocks, but dont drop them, if they are broken they can't come back.

6. Blessed (mode): On blessed mode, only Lucky Lucky blocks should spawn. But some of the drops don't spawn in blessed, for example the "Quick craft" drop, it's just a drop where you have to craft fast your items fast. I don't see a part about it that is unlucky. Or a farm, it's a circle of 8 dirt blocks with potatoes on it, water in the middle and wood blocks on the outside. The potatoes don't grow anyways to prevent skybasing (you can't even tile a dirt block with a hoe).
Solution? Add the farm and the quick craft to the blessed mode.

7. Underwater (map): This is a map on solo mode wich can be played on Solo Lucky Islands. The middle between the 3 islands has been lowered down. Nobody knows why. But if you jump on that as first, your neighbours can literally bully you by shooting you, throwning tnt at you or throwing slime at you. A bit annoying? YES!
Solution? Bring the sub-middle back to it's original place.

8. The lobby: Ok there is a lobby for lucky islands, but it has been the same for quit some time, maybe the building team could do a lobby challenge to challenge people to build a lobby for lucky islans (or other gamemodes).

9. Potion kit: There is a potion kit you can get, no matter what the voted mode is, you will get a poison potion [0:20], a poison potion [0:45], an instant damage II potion, a regeneration potion [0:22], a speed II potion [0:22]. With the speed and regeneration is nothing wrong, but the poison, I complained about it before the update was released, I asked if the poison duration could get lowered down. They added another poison potion and removed an instant health II potion, I really don't know why.
Solution? Remove the poison potion [0:45] and add the instant health II potion back, it was an easy way to gain health back after you got poisoned. (In most cases you get the instant health II potion after killing the guy who poisoned you)

10. Elytra: This is an elytra (wings) to get around the map easily, I like the elytra in Lucky Islands, but not when it gets abused: mostly when you hit someone off who has an elytra, that person will fly forever in the void, and you won't get any kill credit at all.
Solution? Make the elytra usable for x seconds, and add a cooldown to it.

11. Players hiding: This isn't a secret: there are so many players who hide the whole game, they make a 1x2 hole and shift there. That's their way of playing. This is absolutely boring, they mostly don't even understand english either, so if you ask where they are, they won't awsner.
"But report it for camping" No, it is not camping, a few moderators told me this.
Solution? Give every player a glow effect after 10 minutes.

12. Tree + Axe: This is a tree and a stone axe, only spawned when blessed isn't selected. (Don't ask me why this could be unlucky, because I don't know.) But when you get this, the axe mostly flies far away (sometimes in the void) because it was spawned in the tree. Very annoying when you want wood from the tree.
Solution? Spawn in the axe one block from the tree. (A block isn't air.)

13. Detected too many packets: Everytime when I switch to the Lucky Islands mode, I get kicked at least once. The message says "(Kicked from server) Detected too many packets". This is very annoying because the resource pack switch can take a while for my computer.
Solution? Detect when a player wants to join Lucky Islands and stop detecting packets for that user for a certain time. (Like 45 seconds, most users will be ready then.)

14. Clouds (map): This is another map on solo Lucky Islands, the food you can get is melons, wich aren't good for the saturation. The second problem about this map is the fact that you need half a stack of blocks to get to the middle. That's very annoying.
Solution? Add hay bales and place the islands closer to the middle.

15. Too long animations: Since the new Lucky Islands update, there have been added a lot of new items. These items spawn in with an animation. But these animations can take up to 5 seconds, it's a lot of time, for example if you're running from someone and quickly want to grab something to defend yourself. Just no. Also the new bow animations are almost all the same. (Grapping hook bow, Shotgun bow and Frozen shot bow) I can't tell what bow I got untill the end (the Frozen shot bow makes breaking glass sound at the end) or untill I got the bow. (I don't look at the particles because I'm always opening more than 1 Lucky Block, waiting for loot is boring if the animations are that long.)
Solution? Make the animations much shorter and more unique for the three bows I told about above.

I can take a coffee every time I open a Lucky Block because it's taking so long wth-an anonymous friend, 2018

16. Last second games: Ok this one doesn't only apply for Lucky Islands, but since I'm a Lucky Islands player, I experience it the most on Lucky Islands. What I mean with this is, when you want to play a random map (by hitting the armorstand next to the map board), you might get put in into a game that starts in one second. Result? You can't pick your kit and can't select voting options (only for certain ranks).
Solution? Add a setting in the menu for every gamemode, wich makes you choose what your kit is if you join a game OR don't put players in a game anymore that will start in 10 seconds.

17. Cats: Cats (aka: Ocelots) are a pet in Lucky Islands. They protect you against an entity that hit you, or start attacking the entity the player attacked. A cat is super fast (faster than a normal sprint-jumping player) and can deal a lot of damage over time. A cat has a small hitbox, so it's hard to hit it. If the owner of the cat dies, the cat well still keep fighting. This is annoying, let me give you an example: You just had a big fight with someone and won with 1.5hp, but then there comes a guy with a cat pet (he cleans you). You decide to run because you still need to run, the guy hit you once, so the cat starts following you. Guess what happens? The cat will win the fight because it is so fast and hard to hit because it is so small.

[18. ...: Might add more later]
whuttt why do you think lucky island is bad, i like how lucky island is now
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