Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Novice Member
Nov 24, 2019
My name is _EliteNightmare and I've got (hopefully) a good idea about a revamp of the Lobby Fishing and Relic Hunting minigames within the lobby.
For most people this may be worth reading because at the moment, fishing and relic hunting seems kinda boring, so why don't we spice it up a little? (If you [don't] like these ideas please react with a
:agree:, :unsure: or :disagree:.

Lobby Fishing
Well, we all know how boring fishing can be.. but what if we can make it a little more fun?

Seasonal Fishing Items! 🤔

As we all know, when you left click with the fishing rod, you open the menu. There's 4 pages in total, 2 with normal items that are always obtainable, but then we have a full page, and a fourth page with 1 row. These 5 rows of items all have a different season connected to them: Valentines, Easter, Summer, Halloween and Christmas. But this means there's only 9 items for every season?


Proposal: 🤗
Easy! My proposal is to MAKE SEPARATE PAGES FOR SEASONAL ITEMS and this way add 27 more new items for the different seasons! This adds ofcourse more items, but also increases chances to get seasonal items during that season, because there's more different items. (Okay maybe not do this for valentines cuz that only lasts a day and it would take years to get everything.)

Fishing Rod Upgrades! 🤔
Right now, the fishing rod is just a plain old rod, so why don't we upgrade it a little using our points/loot points?


Proposal: 🤗
So, as I already said, the fishing rod is just plain old... We could add a new system so that when you go to the lobby fishing NPC, you open a menu where you can select if you want to have a fishing rod (so your inventory gets changed) or if you want to open a shop:
Now, what do I mean with a shop? Well, I mean that this could become an upgradable system to a second rod? With this I mean that it's kinda like the abilities... You upgrade lure and luck-of-the-sea enchantments to lvl 5, then for example pay 10k coins, and unlock a new rod with a little higher chance of catching a very rare item (information: check next idea). Just look at the GIF! (I forgot pricing for enchantments, but this could be 1.000 points per level [so lvl 1 = 1k, 2= 2k etc.])

Cubelets out of Fishing?! 🤔
Now now don't get too excited! This won't be about super or uber cubelets! But the problem is, we can only get a max of 50 points out of fishing, and nothing else exciting?

(This could be the message, please don't sue me for kinda copying :c )


As I already said, do NOT add super or uber cubelets as a drop chance, rather add normal cubelets. As you can see in the previous GIF, the Advanced Rod gives you an extra 2% chance of a seasonal or normal cubelet to drop. But! I don't want this to be too easy to get ofcourse, because that would ruin the cubelet system. With the normal (basic) rod, you have a 1% chance of fishing up a cubelet, with the advanced an extra 2%, giving a total of 3%. But, during seasonal events, still add the chance for a normal cubelet, and keep the seasonal at a 1%. With this, max out the amount of cubelets to 1 for stone -> diamond. And 2 for Emerald and Obsidian. This will balance out the initial idea of adding cubelets.

Relic Hunting
We should all know (I hope for your sake) about this minigame.

Seasonal Treasures! 🤔
So, just like with the lobby fishing game, relic hunting only has 9 relics per season, maybe we could increase this amount aswell? And there's no real new treasures huh?


Proposal: 🤗
Just like with lobby fishing, give every season except valentines a full page of treasures, introducing 1-Star Seasonal Items ofcourse!

Upgradable Digging Tool? 🤔
Yes! You read it right! Upgradable tools! Right now we only have an iron shovel, blurgh!

Proposal: 🤗
Just like with the fishing rods, why don't we add upgradable tools? This could go from an iron shovel, to a diamond, to shears! But why shears??? Well, shears break wool the fastest, so it would be fair to price them by 10k points, and the diamond shovel with 5k points! No enchantments needed, just an extra chance to get rarer items with every tool!

The NPC's! 🤔
The location of these NPC's is a little bit hidden away: It is diagonally behind the spawn podium.

Proposal: 🤗
I would let's say replace the 2 store npc's with the relic hunting and lobby fishing npc's, and maybe place the store npc somewhere else (cuz there's no need for 2 npc's)
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Novice Member
Nov 24, 2019
Please don't mock me for not having all relics yet xD
(PS: I did my best for that GIF and the screenshots... and this is my first ever thread so it could have some mistakes)
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Forum Expert
Jul 12, 2021
I really want this to be added
I love the idea of fishing seasonal cubelets because recently cubelets were removed from the store and actually is too hard to obtain loot items so it will be a solution ^^
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Forum Expert
Apr 26, 2020
I agree with your suggestion, but I'm not so sure how Cubecraft would handle people who would use auto fishing hacks and/or autoclickers to automatically get good rewards while being afk.
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Novice Member
Nov 24, 2019
I agree with your suggestion, but I'm not so sure how Cubecraft would handle people who would use auto fishing hacks and/or autoclickers to automatically get good rewards while being afk.
Just saying, autoclickers are pretty easy to be found by either other players or sentinel (yes Sentinel can make mistakes, no bot is perfect), but autofishing hacks can be a little harder, though if it is added that there's a limit to 1 or 2 cubelets a day or 1 cubelet per 2 days, this would be no problem. Also, autoclicking won't help with fishing, due to the server being 1.12, it takes a lot longer for fishes to reach the rod, which means that together with autofishing farms in for example skyblock, autoclickers won't have a point on the server if talking about fishing.


Novice Member
Jul 29, 2020
Just saying, autoclickers are pretty easy to be found by either other players or sentinel (yes Sentinel can make mistakes, no bot is perfect), but autofishing hacks can be a little harder, though if it is added that there's a limit to 1 or 2 cubelets a day or 1 cubelet per 2 days, this would be no problem. Also, autoclicking won't help with fishing, due to the server being 1.12, it takes a lot longer for fishes to reach the rod, which means that together with autofishing farms in for example skyblock, autoclickers won't have a point on the server if talking about fishing.
Yeah. An one-cubelet-every-other-day limit will be great I believe.

About AutoFish, I think it is not possible to be detected either by Sential or by other players, because fishing is just such a simple activity only requiring two clicks. Cheat mods can do it very well that it would be indistinguishable from a human.
But we just hope cheaters won't just stick to a single cheat and we would be able to catch them when they are using other cheats :D


Forum Expert
Apr 26, 2020
Just saying, autoclickers are pretty easy to be found by either other players or sentinel (yes Sentinel can make mistakes, no bot is perfect), but autofishing hacks can be a little harder, though if it is added that there's a limit to 1 or 2 cubelets a day or 1 cubelet per 2 days, this would be no problem. Also, autoclicking won't help with fishing, due to the server being 1.12, it takes a lot longer for fishes to reach the rod, which means that together with autofishing farms in for example skyblock, autoclickers won't have a point on the server if talking about fishing.
I don't think you understood what I meant. Autoclickers, apart from getting you to over 100 cps, can also be set to very slow values, such as 1 click in 10 seconds. This way, while very unlikely, they could still afk for many hours just fishing in order to obtain the cubelet and the other cool rewards. Setting a limit of the number of cubelets and other rewards isn't going to fix the problem, as the autofish hackers would still be able to just afk fish every single/other day and obtain them automatically, while players who are actually fishing would lose far too much time to do the same.


Novice Member
Jul 29, 2020
I don't think you understood what I meant. Autoclickers, apart from getting you to over 100 cps, can also be set to very slow values, such as 1 click in 10 seconds. This way, while very unlikely, they could still afk for many hours just fishing in order to obtain the cubelet and the other cool rewards. Setting a limit of the number of cubelets and other rewards isn't going to fix the problem, as the autofish hackers would still be able to just afk fish every single/other day and obtain them automatically, while players who are actually fishing would lose far too much time to do the same.
But the thing is that if we set it to a level of one cublete every other day or every three days, for regular players, it is just not worth it to spend the time or endanger themself to use a cheat client. If you are the kind of person that don't have the time to play, you can still get a lot more cubelets just to vote for server. Well if you are the opposite, and you have much time everyday to play, how would you cheat when you have already enjoyed the server so much and you like the server? And finally for the real cheaters, although it is totally reasonable for some of them to want even more cubelets, I believe there is nothing stoping them from using other cheat modifications in other games as well, and we should eventually be able to find them I believe.

And also it is the same thing for lobby chest hunt as well. Those cheaters can easily find the chest using StorageESP, XRay or Search, and they can just pretend they are looking around and just being lucky to have found the chest. It is really hard to tell if they are cheating or not. But we still have lobby chest hunt in the end, so I guess this won't be a big problem?
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Novice Member
Nov 24, 2019
But the thing is that if we set it to a level of one cublete every other day or every three days, for regular players, it is just not worth it to spend the time or endanger themself to use a cheat client. If you are the kind of person that don't have the time to play, you can still get a lot more cubelets just to vote for server. Well if you are the opposite, and you have much time everyday to play, how would you cheat when you have already enjoyed the server so much and you like the server? And finally for the real cheaters, although it is totally reasonable for some of them to want even more cubelets, I believe there is nothing stoping them from using other cheat modifications in other games as well, and we should eventually be able to find them I believe.

And also it is the same thing for lobby chest hunt as well. Those cheaters can easily find the chest using StorageESP, XRay or Search, and they can just pretend they are looking around and just being lucky to have found the chest. It is really hard to tell if they are cheating or not. But we still have lobby chest hunt in the end, so I guess this won't be a big problem?
Plus that the cubelets only give loot points (that can only be invested in new cubelets) and cosmetics, these aren't a big deal, so cheating to get cosmetics will be pointless... If someone uses cheats to get cubelets through fishing, then so be it. It's not a big deal, if they cheat otherwise it is, plus with the cubelet limit and the points limit of 50/day, it doesn't matter after all as 50 points is not even enough to purchase a decent tower in tower defence :/
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Bagel Maker
Jan 30, 2014
Hey _EliteNightmare we want to think you for this REALLY detailed suggestion. It's great.

Unfortunately we have no intention of working on the lobby games for the foreseeable future, there are an endless array of things that we want to put our resources on instead that we think players would get more value out of.

These ideas are great and would be nice to have but we can't justify the development of them due to resources simply being better elsewhere, considering how few people actually use these lobby games. Not to mention they aren't a main focal point of our network as they aren't even on Bedrock either.

I'm going to go ahead and mark this as denied, I hope it doesn't discourage you from making suggestions in the future because this thread was well put together & I think your ideas are creative.

Thanks again!
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