That's not true, The CC team love their players. at least they are better then lifeboat
That's the truth. If CubeCraft team actually cares about their players, they would've fixed the gamemodes. If they DO CARE about their players, they would've fixed the bugs that's been lying around for ages.
CubeCraft team just don't care about their community, all they care about is people buying their low quality products from marketplace or their store. IF they care about the community, they would've fixed the very known bugs that's been around in the server for AGES instead of making excuses "But it's not a priority bug to fix!!". Ik they (probably) don't have best devs but they don't have to need to lie about the truth. It's not like being honest is wrong. Sure it would reduce CubeCraft's reputation but at least it's better than just lying to your players. They kept acting like everything on their server is fine and bugs happened rarely. NO IT'S NOT, THE SERVER IS UNPLAYABLE, BROKEN, SUPER BUGGY, LAGGY AND UNFAIR.
If they care about their players, they wouldn't have constant pop ups telling people to buy their products. If they actually care about their players, they would've listened to our feedback and opinions instead of just going with their own (terrible) opinions and decisions.
I mean well, as much as I dislike the CubeCraft team. CubeCraft still is a fun server. Although it may not be enjoyable or fun anymore. CubeCraft to me is still (kind of) fun, I mean it's a server where I usually spent my time to. I just hate the server a lot but I also love it. I mean people like you may not understand cuz you're either a child or just not smart at all but CubeCraft is bad, yet it's the best server. Not because they're good but because they're fun or used to be fun.