Yesterday i was playing on my skyblock world (id: gugasimao0809) and I teleport to the skyblock hub from the nether, and then disconnect to server hub. I lost all my items included a pickaxe fortune XI, that make me hours to enchant, among a diamond armour, and others items not important, but that pickaxe was one of the things that is very important to my game. Lost my 65 levels of XP no very important aswell. Today, I was enchanting another pickaxe trying to have another Fortune XI at least, I was Fortune 7 and I went to nether, kill some mobs to win more XP, backing to OverWorld, the error occurred again, lost all my items and XP. I play this game for almost a year have 447 millions of coins, among 8 days a 9 hours spend on it! I hope I have at least my pickaxe back!
Waiting news
Id: gugasimao0809
Platform: PS5
Waiting news
Id: gugasimao0809
Platform: PS5