Deleted member 592315
Lucky Blocks Tweaks
First of all, I would like to appreciate the team for making Lucky Blocks so Polished. I now have same fun playing this as i have by playing Eggwars and Blockwars. But I think it could be a perfect game-mode by changing few things suggested below.Weighted Amulet
This thing is pretty cool but when I try to use it I take no knockback which is the intended feature of this item, but this also allows to opponent to crit me out even if I'm running holding it and I cant use a weapon to attack them. So this Weighted Amulet should be placeable in off-hand slot so that we can attack while taking no knockback.
Fire Sword
I think you should re-texture fire sword because right now it isn't a sword but a stick. A burning sword texture will be pretty good for this one.
Giga Sword
I think you should re-texture Giga sword too with a custom sword instead of a stick.
Whenever a person breaks the Rainbow lucky block and gets giga sword or fly perms make his nametag of the Rainbow color so that its easy to differentiate between fly hackers and player with fly perms (because sometimes chat is ignored) the nametag color could also be from the gradient username color loot
Treasure Island
Well, the treasure islands spawn in Lucky Blocks crazy mode and whenever one spawn we get a message in chat with coordinates. But we can't see coordinates in Bedrock edition unless we are using some client and that only possible for PC players so I think it should be like a compass type direction thing from the Battle Arena FFA whenever we choose Bounty hunter or King of the Hill it shows the direction and distance to it or maybe add a beacon at the center of the treasure island so its easy to locate.
Boat Chests
Make boats with chest to contain some items in it(could be OP like Sharp 3 Netherite sword or tall grass :D)
I think with these few changes the Lucky Blocks will be completely perfect once few existing bugs are fixed.Maybe new gamemode like lucky duo or Mega too
~ O1t24277