Hello, it's me again...
I've been adding more polish to Lucky Islands for the past week and making the occasional crazy contraption. Thanks to our work on Game Framework, this has made implementing updates much easier and quicker to do!
There are 4 new lucky blocks, a new duels map, a new opening effect and various fixes.
More lucky blocks!
New opening effect
Zen - Duels
I've been adding more polish to Lucky Islands for the past week and making the occasional crazy contraption. Thanks to our work on Game Framework, this has made implementing updates much easier and quicker to do!
There are 4 new lucky blocks, a new duels map, a new opening effect and various fixes.

helicopter helicopter
rainbow tree
rainbow tree

Full Changelog
- Created four new lucky blocks
- Lingering Regen/Instant heal splash potion block (Standard Loot)
- Helicopter Enderman (Standard Loot) (Bedrock only) - drops enderpeals
- Golden Carrot Dude (Standard + Diamond Loot) (Bedrock only) - spews out golden carrots
- Rainbow Apple Tree (Ultra Loot) - eat the apple to receive a random positive effect
- Added new duels map - Zen
- Added new opening effect to the lucky block rank: Melting
- Fixes:
- Weighted Amulet prevents KB from Thor's Hammer
- Treasure Hunt platform no longer spawns outside the map
- Lucky Blocks no longer have physics (Bedrock)
- Giga Sword is no longer removed when original owner dies
- Auto Bow can use arrows in the off-hand (Bedrock)
- God Axe correctly powers down after 30 seconds
- No longer take any damage from mobs spawning via the Mob Wand
- Fixed glitchy lucky block in pirates
- Fixed a few missing lucky blocks on luck