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Mar 6, 2023

Lucky Islands Solos Guide

Guide is best viewed in dark mode
(Updated March 5 2024)
Lucky island solos is an official cubecraft game mode based off of the lucky blocks mod and skywars. A number of players, typically 12, fight to the death on a map consisting of independent floating islands scattered with lucky blocks, which can give players resources or cause other random outcomes when broken. The last player alive is the winner. When only two players are alive, they are each given a compass. Players who purchase the lucky islands rank can vote for the game mode prior to the start of a match, and all players can choose a kit to start off with some items. This is a guide dedicated to the bedrock version of lucky islands solos. Areas marked with “to be added” or “TBA” are unfinished and will be added later on.​
(Updated August 6 2023)
Regardless of the kit you have selected, you will start with a food lucky block and a blocks lucky block.​


Start with 16 stone blocks and a leather tunic.​


Start with 4 cooked beef.​


Start with 3 splash potions of instant health and a golden apple.​


Start with a wooden sword.​
(Updated December 6 2023)

Normal mode:

The default lucky islands game mode, no loot table modifications, no events, and contains a wide range of good and bad drops.​

Blessed mode:

Modifies lucky block loot tables by eliminating various bad drops. Also causes players to give off a green partial effect.​

Overpowered mode:

Some drops are changed in ways which make them more powerful then their respective normal mode drops. Some normal lucky blocks near the center of the map are replaced by diamond lucky blocks. The rainbow lucky block regenerates after 2 minutes.​

Crazy mode:

Slightly modifies lucky block drop rates, and causes events to randomly take place.​
(Updated August 18 2023)


Basic lucky blocks that drop a diverse variety of items and other outcomes, both good and bad. They can be found throughout the entire map.​


Lucky blocks that drop a random food item. Each player starts with a food lucky block at the beginning of the game.​


Lucky blocks that drop a number of blocks of a random block type. Each player starts with a blocks lucky block.​


Lucky blocks that drop a variety of good items and other outcomes. These lucky blocks become increasingly common closer to the center, and are never on spawn islands.​


Lucky blocks that drop extremely overpowered items and other outcomes. A single rainbow lucky block can be found in the center of each map.​


Lucky blocks that have very odd and unusual behavior. Before they are broken, they teleport around. They usually don’t drop anything at all. Glitched lucky blocks can rarely come out of normal lucky blocks when they are broken.​
(Updated March 5 2024)

Description key:

The color of the name of a drop corresponds with its location in the descriptions section of this guide
[no description]
[Item assortments]
[custom items]
[modified items]

Drop rate credibility key:

under construction
[confidently assumed]
[unconfidently assumed]

Drop location key:

The @ symbol indicates where a lucky block generates or drop its outcomes. @p indicates the outcome happens at the players location. @b indicates something happens relative to the location where the lucky block was broken. Some outcomes happen above the players location. @p+nY indicates the outcome happens n blocks above the player. If the drop doesn’t use the @ symbol to indicate location, assume the outcome happens at the location the lucky block is broken. This is only relevant to lucky block loot tables.
(Updated March 5 2024)
This section of the guide contains information about some loot tables and randomized outcomes inside of lucky islands.
DropOverpowered variantIn blessed?Drop rate (to be added)
DropOverpowered variantIn blessed?Drop rate (to be added)
DropOverpowered variantIn blessed?Drop rate (to be added)
Fire swordhas sharp 1Yes
Lifesteal swordSameYes
Shulker swordSameYes
God axeSameYes
DropOverpowered variantIn blessed?Drop rate (to be added)
does a fanfare, then drops a diamond swordhas sharp 3Yes
Stone sword with random sharpness from 1 to 3Iron sword with sharpness 1 to 4Yes
Iron swordDiamond sword with sharp 1Yes
Golden swordHas knockback 1 and fire aspect 1Yes
DropOverpowered variantIn blessed?Drop rate (to be added)
DropOverpowered variantIn blessed?Drop rate (to be added)

DropOverpowered variantIn blessed?Drop rate (to be added)
DropOverpowered variantIn blessed?Drop rate (to be added)

DropOverpowered variantIn blessed?Drop rate (to be added)
DropOverpowered variantIn blessed?Drop rate (to be added)
DropOverpowered variantIn blessed?Drop rate (to be added)
DropOverpowered variantIn blessed?Drop rate (to be added)
DropOverpowered variantIn blessed?Drop rate (to be added)
DropOverpowered variantIn blessed?Drop rate (to be added)
DropOverpowered variantIn blessed?Drop rate (to be added)
DropOverpowered variantIn blessed?Drop rate (to be added)
DropOverpowered variantIn blessed?Drop rate (to be added)
DropOverpowered variantIn blessed?Drop rate (to be added)
DropDrop rate
2 raw mutton1
1 pumpkin pie1
2 cooked salmon1
5 bread1
12 cookies2
5 golden apples1
2 cooked beef1.5
20 cooked chicken1
12 carrots1
4 apples1
5 apples1
5 baked potatoes1
6 chorus fruit1
Poisonous potato.25
3 honey bottles.5
5 rotten flesh.25
Enchanted apple.5
3 spider eyes.25
8 dried kelp.25
DropDrop rate (to be added)
12 stone1
12 obsidian1
16 blue ice1
24 dirt1.5
3 emerald blocks1
16 soul sand1
16 packed mud1
16 oak planks2
12 yellow concrete1
12 crafting tables.5
24 blocks of amethyst1
16 glass1
8 honey blocks.25
3 bedrock blocks.1
8 tnt1
16 sand.25
DropOverpowered variantDrop rate (to be added)
*note 1
DropDrop rate
Give player 15 seconds of flight.2
Drop a Giga sword.2
Drop a Yoink rod.2
Generate a rainbow apple tree.2
Generate a mega cube.2
*note 2
DropDrop weightDrop rate
Do Nothing00
Give player Your egg has been destroyed text1.2
Drop a wooden hoe1.2
Generate a Rising axolotl sprite approximately 5 blocks below1.2
Teleport player to a different random player1.2
Generate a bedrock block1.2
(Updated August 24 2023)
Drop descriptionChance of getting
4-8 Iron ingots1
1-2 diamonds1
1-2 golden apples1
Causes blocks around pressure plate to randomly light on fire50%
ItemChance of getting(in any given chest slot)
4 arrows1
4 steak1
Stone axe1
Iron chestplate1
golden chestplate.25
Golden leggings.25
4 apples1
2 carrots1
stone sword1
Golden boots.25
2 bottle o’ enchanting1
stone pickaxe1
3 iron ingots1
Wooden sword1
Iron sword.5
ItemChance of getting(in any given brewing stand slot)
Splash potion of poison 210.256%
Potion of swiftness 212.821%
Potion of strength10.256%
Potion of instant health 212.821%
Potion of regeneration2.564%
(Updated March 5 2024)
This section of the guide describes aspects of lucky islands which are unique and different from vanilla Minecraft.
Removed features have a strikethrough
(not all removed features are listed)​
Sprites are special entities that have a unique behavior and appearance. They behave very differently from mobs and most often come out of lucky blocks.​
sprite namesprite appearanceAbstracted behaviortechnical behavior
Construction drillDrillCreates a 3x3 holeApproximately ever one third of a second, decreases in y position by 1. When this happens, the block below the sprite and the eight blocks that border the block laterally get replaced with air.
Squid bombPink squidexplodes after approximately 5 secondsWill cause an explosion and blind nearby players after approximately 5 seconds unless the player hits the sprite 5 times.
Unplanted hot potato spritePotatoGives player a hot potato (Gives 2 hot potatoes in OP)When a player touches its hitbox, it replaces the players first empty inventory slot, excluding the armor and offhand slots, with a hot potato (2 in OP)
Planted hot potato spritePotatoExplodes after a couple of seconds, doesn’t deal damage to the player that used itAfter approximately 5 seconds, deals approximately 5 hearts of damage to nearby players and entities, except the player who used it.
Rising axolotl spriteAxolotlRises up while doing an animationIncreases in Y level while doing an animation
Rotating enderman spriteEnderman with arms extendedRotates, flies around randomly and drops enderpearlsTBA
Golden carrot spriteGolden carrot with a face on one sideMoves horizontally and gives player a total of 5 golden carrots, then despawns.TBA
Item assortments are groups of various items that are part of a lucky block outcome.​
*note 3
Assortment nameBowarrows (normal | OP or both)
Frozen Shot Bow packageFrozen shot bow3-6
Shotgun Bow packageShotgun bow3-7
Automatic bow packageAutomatic bow10-30
Explosive bow packageExplosive bow3-6
regular bow packageBow12 | 16
tipped arrows bow packageBow3 poison, 3 slowness, 3 weakness
Regular crossbow packageCrossbow12 | 16
Multishot crossbow packageMultishot crossbow12 | 16
Quick charge crossbow packageQuick charge crossbow12 | 16
Assortment nameContains:
Iron toolsiron axe, iron pickaxe, iron shovel
stone toolsstone axe, stone pickaxe, stone shovel
Tnt assortment3-6 tnt, lever, stone button, stone pressure plate
Potion assortmentlingering potion of swiftness 2, extended splash potion of poison, splash potion of instant health, splash potion of instant damage 2, lingering potion of regeneration
Structures are distinct blocks or sets of blocks that are part of a lucky block outcome.​
Structure nameabstracted descriptiontechnical description
ScarecrowArmor stand leather armor that has protection 3 in overpowered, with a pumpkin head. Also generates a hay bale fountainA armor stand equipped with leather boots, leggings, and tunic, dyed random colors (has protection lll in overpowered) and a pumpkin. Also launches approximately 15 hay bales upwards away from the armor stand at various trajectories.
anvil 3x3A 3x3 square of anvilsA layer of 9 anvils in the shape of a square
Cactus trapWalls of cacti that surround the center of the structureA layer of 9 sandstone blocks in the shape of a square, a layer of sand the shape 1 block above the layer of sandstone, with 3 blocks of cacti above each sand block except the one in the center
Lucky islands chestA chest containing mediocre lootA chest containing loot pulled from its respective loot table
Lucky islands golden pressure plateA golden pressure plate that can cause an explosion or spawn mediocre lootA golden pressure plate above a lucky islands golden pressure plate tile. When a golden pressure plate above the golden pressures plate tile is activated, an outcome from the lucky islands golden pressure plate loot table is summoned at the location of the golden pressure plate and the golden pressure plate is replaced with air
Glass cageA 3 block tall glass cage that has an opening at the top3 layers of a hollow glass block square that is four blocks long and 1 block high stacked on top of each other
Obsidian fountainScatters obsidian blocks around the area, which may settle or drop itself on the groundLaunches approximately 20 obsidian blocks upwards away from they location they were generated at different trajectories
Ore corruptionTurns nearby blocks into gold, iron, lapis, and diamond ore blocks(To be added)
FarmA farm containing carrots or potatoes, with water in the middle and logs on the outsideA water source block laterally surrounded by farmland which is laterally surrounded by oak logs. After a second, either carrots will generate above each farmland block or potatoes will generate above each farmland block
Lucky islands Brewing standA brewing stand containing 1-2 random potionsA brewing stand where each potion slot contains a random drop pulled from the lucky islands brewing stand loot table
Lucky block line3 lucky blocks in a line. (5 in overpowered)A lucky block, with lucky blocks two blocks to the left or right, and additional lucky blocks four blocks to the left or right in overpowered.
Sweet berries 3x3A 3x3 of sweet berriesA layer of 9 sweet berries in the shape of a square
Patchwork treeA random tree shape made of random logs and random leavesTBA
MeteoriteA meteor that contains a diamond lucky block insideTBA
PyramidA pyramid that contains lucky blocks insideTBA
Mega CubeA 3x3 cube of normal and diamond lucky blocksTBA
Rainbow apple treeA tree with a quarts trunk and colored wool leavesTBA
Custom items are items found in lucky islands which are not part of regular vanilla Minecraft.​
Wand cooldowns are equal to the number shown in their name. Bow cooldowns are equal to the number of times a bowns durability bar changes until it reaches full durability. Sword cooldowns are equal to the estimated number of seconds that pass before the sword recharges, estimated by the cooldown bar.
(Normal mode cooldown) | (Overpowered mode cooldown)
wand nameabstracted descriptiontechnical descriptionCooldown
Dragon breath wandGenerates a path of fire above blocks in the direction you are looking. This path is nearly twice as long in overpoweredGenerates fire above blocks that are below your pitch at your current yaw in the shape of a rectangle that is approximately 3 blocks wide and 16 blocks long (approximately 30 blocks long in overpowered)30 | 15
Frost path wandGenerates a path of ice a little below the direction you are looking. This path is nearly twice as long in overpowered. In overpowered, parts of this path will melt if an enemy player stands on it.Replaces Air blocks with ice blocks that are approximately 15 degrees below your pitch at your current yaw in the shape of a rectangle that is approximately 3 blocks wide and 16 blocks long (approximately 30 blocks long in overpowered) Overpowered: If an opponent stands on one of the generated ice blocks, it will be replaced with air approximately 1 second later45 | 22.5
Regeneration wandGives the player regeration for a couple of seconds. In overpowered, gives the player registration three and resistance instead.Gives player regeneration 2 for 15 seconds (Gives player regeneration 3 and resistance for 15 seconds instead in overpowered)30 | 15
Tnt wandLobs an ignited tnt in the direction the player is aimed. In overpowered, launches three tnt instead.Summons an ignited tnt with significant speed at the player’s location in traveling in the direction of the player’s current pitch and yaw. This tnt explodes approximately 4 seconds after it is summoned. This tnt does not produce any sound effects until it explodes. In overpowered, summons two additional tnt that explode after 5 seconds at slightly different yaws.40 | 20
Lightning wandCauses a lightning strike in the direction the player is aiming. Causes two more lightning strikes in OPThis wand can only be used if the players looking directly at the top surface of a block. This wand summons a lightning 1 block above the block the player is staring at. In overpowered, summons two additional lightning strikes adjacent to the first lightning strike.60 | 30
Mob wandLaunches a random mob at the opponent, passive or aggressive. Launches two aggressive mobs in overpoweredTBA45 | 30
Shield wandCreates a hollow glass sphere around yourselfTBA60 | 30
Slime wandLaunches 1-3 slimes at the opponent, twice as many slimes in overpoweredTBA30 | 15
Bow nameAbstracted descriptiontechnical descriptionBow cooldown (under construction)
Explosive bowShoots an explosive arrowShoots an arrow which causes a small explosion upon impact. In overpowered, it launches 4 more explosive arrows upward at different trajectories away from the explosion.4
Shotgun bowShoots five arrows for the price of 1Regardless of the type of arrows used, shoots 5 (7 in overpowered) regular arrows at different yaw and the player’s pitch6
Frozen shot bowTraps player in a cage of ice for a few seconds, several seconds in overpowered.Shoots an arrow that, if the player comes into contact with it, replaces all air blocks one block away from the player with ice, prevents the player from breaking blocks, and causes the player to be teleported back to their current coordinates if they manage to escape. After approximately 7 seconds (12 seconds in overpowered), the ice blocks are replaced with air and the player regains the ability to break blocks12
Automatic bowA bow the automatically fires a barrage of up to 20 arrows, but has cooldownRepeatedly shoots arrows at a constant speed between a constant interval approximately one fifth of a second long up to twenty times before needing to recharge. For each arrow used, the time it takes to recharge increases by approximately half a second and resets when the bow fully charges. You cannot use this bow if it is not fully charged.11
Sword namesword descriptionability cooldown
Fire swordSword that deals 6 damage (has sharpness 1 in overpowered )damage and has ability to create a burst of fire that can light entities and players on fire for approximately 3 seconds(TBA)
Lifesteal swordIron sword with sharpness 1 that has a 15% chance to heal you by 1 heart each time you deal melee damageNA
Shulker swordIron Sword with sharpness 2 that has ability to summon a shulker bullet which automatically targets other players and deals approximately 4 damage and gives the player levitation for 5 seconds10 | 10
Giga swordStick that deals 1248.75 damage and gets deleted 15 seconds after it is droppedNA
Thor’s hammerItem that deals 5 damage and has ability to create a shock wave that deals knockback away from where the player is standing in a small radius40
God axeA gold axe with sharpness 1. If a player gets a kill with this axe and doesn’t kill another player with this axe, its sharpness level decreases by 1. If a player gets a kill with this axe, its sharpness level increases by 1. The sharpness level of this axe cannot go below 130 | 30
Item nameItem description
Explosive bootsProtection ll Blast protection X red dyed leather boots that causes a tnt to spawn at your location bed when you die
Fire chestplateProtection ll Chainmail chestplate that causes players to have a 60% (30% in overpowered) to be lit on fire for approximately 1 second every time they deal melee damage to you
Dissolving goldHas properties of gold ingot, but every second, the number of its stack gets reduced by 1 unless it is in a crafting table
Dissolving diamondHas properties of diamond, but every second, the number of its stack gets reduced by 1 unless it is in a crafting table
Dissolving IronHas properties of iron ingot, but every second, the number of its stack gets reduced by 1 unless it is in a crafting table
Hot potatoWhen used, creates a planted hot potato sprite at the player’s location
InfinitatoWhen eaten, restores half of a hunger bar and does not leave the player’s hot bar
Weighted amuletWhile in players hand, they receive no knockback from damage
ElevatorWhen used, will teleport player on top of the highest block at the players X and Z coordinates. Can only be used if the player is below a block
FireballWhen used, will fire a large fireball in the direction the player is facing
Yoink rodWhen a player is hooked, has a chance to remove the item they are holding in their inventory and launch it in the direction of the other player. Has 4 durability (11 in overpowered)
SwapperThe first time it is used, it does nothing but create a sprite at the block of the location it was thrown. The second time it is thrown, it swaps all blocks and entities in and around the first block it was thrown at with the second block it was thrown at, after a short delay.
Boomerang blockBrick block that returns to the player after approximately 5 seconds of being placed
Rainbow appleWhen used, gives player a random positive effect.
Some mobs generated as a part of a lucky block outcome have a unique and special behavior.​
Entity nameEntity description
Lucky block blazeA blaze that drops a blaze rod upon death
FrostyA snow golem that throws snowballs at nearby mobs and players if they attack its owner
IronfishA silverfish that drops an iron ingot if it is killed before it infests a block
KnightA wither skeleton in full Iron armor wielding an Iron sword. Does not cause players to have the wither effect. Can cause nearby players to experience the poison effect. Will periodically shield, preventing it from taking melee damage. When killed, has a likely Chance to drop its equipment for any armor or weapon it has equipped. Will leave an Iron block at its death location, surrounded by normal lucky blocks on all sides except underneath it.
Just a normal pigA pig that turns into a pig king when it takes melee damage
Pig KingA zombie piglin wearing full gold armor and wielding a fire aspect 2 golden sword. can shoot fire out in a circle at different trajectories. Can summon a baby zombie piglin that explodes after approximately six seconds. Both mobs are aggressive towards nearby players. When killed, it has a chance to drop its equipment for any piece of its armor or its weapon.
Flying skeleton horseTBA
Leaping TNTTBA
lucky block fireballTBA
Some items in regular Minecraft don’t behave the same way that they do in lucky islands.​
Item namemodifications
CompassWhen picked up or used, will track the location of the nearest player, excluding the user, as that player moves around.
Trapped chestWhen opened, creates a high damage explosion
Goat hornTBA
Events are part of crazy mode that introduce a unique game mechanic for a period of time.
(Updated August 6 2023)
Event NameEvent descriptionEvent duration (To be added)
Bunny ModeGives all players jump boost 5
Strength for AllGives all players strength
Speed MiningGives all players haste 255
Zombie InvasionPeriodically summons zombies next to each player which drop items, entities, and structures pulled from the lucky block loot tables
Treasure IslandCreates a treasure island at the coordinates listed in chat, contain a beacon, Iron blocks, and eight normal lucky blocks
Arachnid AmbushPeriodically summons spiders and cave spiders next to each player which drop items, entities, and structures pulled from the lucky block loot tables
Crumbling FloorAny block the player stands on gets destroyed 3 seconds later, with exceptions such as lucky blocks
Ender Pearl GeneratorPeriodically gives every player an ender pearl
Pillager raidTBA
Your egg has been destroyed textDisplays red text “YOUR EGG HAS BEEN DESTROYED” on the player’s screen
Suddenly, you feel I’ll textDisplays text “SUDDENLY, YOU FEEL ILL” on the player’s screen
Construction in progress textDisplays text “CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS“ on the player’s screen
15 seconds of flightAllows player to fly for 15 seconds
(Updated August 21 2023)
This is my guide for lucky island solos maps. While reading this, keep in mind that I am a leaderboard player and my goal is to win consistently, and quickly. I will describe the early game in the most detail and get progressively more vague, as the longer a game goes on, the more you have to make decisions on the fly. This is a general guide for each map, and depending on the specific circumstances of your game, it may be best to not follow certain parts. At the moment, I am not including seasonal maps.​
CandyI recommend choosing healer kit for this map. When you are dropped from your cage, start sprinting and do not jump. Jump from your starting island to the sub center island. Place down both of your lucky blocks on the cluster of lucky blocks, and break them. If a different player attempts to attack you, fight back and try to knock them off the map. If you obtain a weapon, eliminate both of your neighboring players if they haven’t been eliminated already. Then, go to middle. Unless a different player is already at middle, you should get to the upper platform. Break the lucky blocks on this platform, ignoring the ones hidden in the center of the cookie, until you are confident in the resources you have obtained. If you still feel that you need more resources, you can break the lucky blocks on the bottom level. I recommend building up to break the rainbow lucky block at the top of the island. If you get an iron pickaxe, you can consider breaking the diamond blocks hidden underneath the staircase. Use the splotches on the donut as an indicator to determine which staircase has the diamond blocks. Eliminate the remaining players in an order you are confident with. If you are unable to find all remaining players, you can use the iron and red stone blocks on the center island to craft a compass.
villageI recommend using healer kit for this map. Do not jump or sprint when exiting your cage. Place both of your lucky blocks next to the lucky block that is next to the hay bale cluster. Break all 3 of these lucky blocks, then break the two lucky blocks…
(Updated August 12 2023)
Involved Item(s)descriptionInventorDifficulty(1-5)
FireballIf you are touching a wall and facing its direction, you can throw the fireball through that wallPosterboy222
EnderpearlEnderpearls can be used as a projectile weapon to knock opponents of the edge of the map if timed rightAimerrege MX5
(Updated August 12 2023)
DescriptionInventorSkill required(1-5)Notes
If you are fighting an opponent with limited resources and are close to a high drop, you can hit that player off of that drop to kill them while conserving resourcesNA3I highly recommend using this tactic if you are unable to acquire a weapon
If you are able to deal high amounts of damage, you can eliminate your opponent’s health in order to use his loot to acquire more resourcesNA3I highly recommend this if you have a melee weapon and are fighting an opponent with valuable loot
Break the sea lantern under another player’s grave to quickly obtain all of his lootNA2This reduces the chances of you being ambushed while looting someone else’s grave
You can use knowledge knowledge to calculate the location of a treasure island relative to your current position by first, determining which direction is positive by using landmarks, asymmetric textures, or /whereami output. Because the X coordinate the center of each map is always a multiple 1000 and the Z coordinate is always approximately 32, you are able to use cardinal directions to find the location of the treasure island relative to your position.5I recommend practicing this in spectator mode before attempting it in games
(Updated February 10 2024)
Map nameLength and width (in blocks)total # of lucky blocks (all types)Total # of diamond lucky blocksCenter point (X, Z)
Spider90 X 8810946002, -2
Candy160 X 1602051224999, 29
Pirate168 X 1681651732000, 0
Luck186 X 1861331233000, 0
Honey180 X 1802151628996, 34
Pond(Old)130 X 1301201612001, 30
Scorched130 X 1302052435000, 29
Ruins142 X 142121126997, 30
Food126 X 126173822000, 32
Vortex112 X 1121091829994, 33
Nether150 X 761691233997, 2
Village124 X 1241691716002, 31
Pond (new)130 X 1301531612001, 30
Snowglobe146 X 1461711223001, 30
Clickbait84 X 841532836000, 30
Tiger208 X 2082451631004, -2
Regular maps are maps that are always possible to play in year round, and they never get removed during any time.​


Important facts:


Lucky Block Distribution:

Map namebasic descriptionImportant detailsImages
CandyContains a giant donut in the center with straits that lead to a cookie platform which contains the map’s rainbow lucky block. There are 4 smaller sub center islands a short distance away on each side, which are cookie shaped and contain a wool platform. On the other sides of the sub center island are the starting islands, which are also donut shaped. Most islands on this map are made of flammable materials, specifically wool and planks. Relative to other maps, gaps between islands are very short.Contains Iron blocks at center and sub center islands and diamond and red stone blocks at the center island
LuckContains a wide, circular center with its rainbow lucky block in the middle. A long pathway extends away from each side of the center, which is bordered by 3 starting islands. These starting islands have a complex, irregular shape, and are relatively big. This map is mostly made of wool.Center contains redstone blocks
VillageA very complex and asymmetrical map. The center has a convex foundation with various houses containing lucky blocks. The map’s rainbow lucky block is located outside near the center. Carrots, water, and hay bales are common throughout the whole map. On each side of the center, there is a sub center island that is long, and curves toward the center island. The gaps between any two sub center islands are relatively short compared to most maps. These sub center is are mostly flat, but contain clusters of oak logs. On the side of the sub center island opposite of the center, there are 3 starting islands. They are each identical to each other, except one of them is reflected. They contain several different levels, including a ground level, a room, and a underground section.On the starting islands, there is a lucky block inside of the cluster of hay bale blocks. The basements of the starting islands contain coal, iron, and red stone ores
FoodThe most central part of this map consists of two levels. The upper level is highly flammable, convex, and contains the map’s rainbow lucky block. The lower level is flat, and not directly connected to the upper level. Four long, convex platforms are connected to the lower floor of the center. At the end of these platforms are stairs, which connects to an outer part of the center, which is donut shaped. This part is wide and flat, with the exception of four large structures that are halfway between any two of the platforms.None
RuinsThe most central part of this map has a flat foundation, with 4 pillars at the corners that connect to a large dome at the top. The map’s rainbow lucky block is in the exact center. 4 convex bridges extend away from the center and connect to the sub center islands, which are also mostly flat. On the other sides of the sub center islands are the starting islands, which contains several floors, including a ground floor, stairs, a basement, and a tall statue.Sub center islands contain two diamond blocks. The center island contains a diamond block. The bridges each contain 6 tnt. The starting islands contain an iron block and some red stone ore
PirateThe most central part of this island is a complex terrain with a large shipwreck in the center, containing the map’s rainbow lucky block. 4 sub center islands connect with the center island by 3 bridges for each sub center island. Sub center islands are flat, and shaped like an uppercase E. Next to sub center islands are corner islands, which are small and flat. There are also 3 starting islands next to each sub center island opposite of the bridges. These starting islands are small and flat, and contain a small upper area that can be accessed with scaffolding.The middle bridges that connect to sub center islands have wooden pressure plates that activate tnt when stepped on. The pirate ship in the center contains gold, iron, lapis, and red stone blocks. On the center island outside the ship are 3 X shaped markings of red concrete powder. 1 of these 3 markings contains a trapped chest and 6 tnt underneath it. The X that contains the chest and tnt is randomized each game.
VortexThe center of this map contains two floors, which are both shaped like a spiral that has 12 arms. The lower floor is slightly rotated so its arms are between the arms of the upper floor. These arms are relatively flat, thin, and curved to the side slightly. The center of both of these spirals is hollow, and the map’s rainbow lucky block is floating here. Two spiral staircases connect the upper and lower floors. At the end of each arm on the upper spiral is a starting island. The base of each starting island is flat, however there is a clump of blocks at the back of it. The island is small and contains very few lucky blocks.The upper floor contains enchanting tables
HoneyThe center of this map contains 3 floors. The ground floor is very wide, flat, and slightly concave. It is the base of a beehive in the center, which contains the other 2 floors The second floor is hollow in the center and surrounded by walls and a ceiling. It contains the map’s rainbow lucky block. The third floor is otherwise identical, except it contains a diamond block instead. All floors of the beehive have openings on the walls that can be entered, and are connected by two glow berry vines in the center. The center and corners of the center island contain honey blocks. On the sides of the center are bridges of honey blocks that connect the center with the first set of sub center islands. At the corners of the center are walls of honey blocks that extend between the center and the second set of subcenter islands. The first set of sub center islands are flat octograms with hollow centers and trees at the end of two of its points. The edge of the hollow center is made of honey blocks, and there is a tiny island in the hollow center containing an iron block, a crafting table, and 5 lucky blocks. The second set of sub center are slightly smaller islands are between the first set, and are slightly higher in elevation. They are flat hexagrams and contain a honeycomb hut in the center, which contains a gold block and some lucky blocks. At the 3 sides of the first set of sub center islands that don’t contain the honey bridge lead to the starting islands. These islands are circular, flat, and contain a tree and some clumps of honey blocks.The center island contains a diamond block. The first set of sub center islands contains an iron block. The second set of sub center islands contains a gold block
NetherThe center of this map is flat and wide. In the middle of the center island is a diamond block, a smithing table, and the map’s rainbow lucky block. To the sides are some platforms that can be climbed up to by warped vines, and some stairs that lead to a small area. Around these stairs is lava, magma blocks, gold blocks, and a smithing table containing a bucket and a stack of ancient debris. Next to the two longest sides of the center island are clusters of smaller islands. These islands are thin, and mostly made of magma blocks, except around the edges. Some of them have pillars on them that can be climbed and walked across by using warped vines. On the opposite sides of the island clusters are the sub center islands. The main sub center islands are round, flat, and have two floors, the first floor is bigger and has magma blocks at its edge. The upper floor is smaller and can be accessed by warped vines. On all 4 sides of the main sub center islands are bridge islands. They are flat, and contain pillars on two of their sides. The 6 bridge islands that don’t lead to the island clusters have two starting islands on the opposite side of them. These islands are small, but have many floors, including a tree that can be climbed, and a house with an attic and a basement which can both be accessed by warped vines.The center island contains gold blocks, a diamond block, and blast furnaces containing a bucket and a stack of ancient debris.

PondThe center island of this map has a very big, flat, and round base that contains the map’s rainbow lucky block in the center. On all sides of the island are pairs of slime towers. Across the entire island is a massive statue of a frog that can be easily scaled. On the sides of the center island are sub center islands, which are small, and contain a slime tower in the center. Next to the 3 other sides of the sub center islands are starting islands, which are round at flat in the center. Each island contains a small clump of blocks, which has 4 slime towers next to it and two small holes.none
(Updated October 22, 2023)
Seasonal maps are temporary maps that only exist during a specific time of the year. Not all seasonal maps may be included here.
Map nameBasic descriptionImportant detailsTime last introduced.Images
SpiderTBATBAOctober 13 - October 22
(Updated August 6 2023)


[Book record]
[screenshot record]

[Most Wins] VisoredTrack494 | 13435 (+)
[Most Games Played] Roxrock7521 | 13941 (+)

[Best W/L] crypticCub3r631 | 0.193 ±
[Most Kills] Roxrock7521 | 55901 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] Various players | 11
[Most Kills in One Game (%)] Various players | 100%
[Most Deaths] Roxrock7521 | 6140 (+)

[Best K/D] Critomania | 10.013 ±
[Most Arrows Shot] Roxrock7521 | 20292 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] Roxrock7521 | 15301 (+)
[Most Blocks Broken] Roxrock7521 | 116821 (+)
[Most Lucky Blocks Broken] Roxrock7521 | 190444 (+)

[Most Lucky Blocks Broken in One Game] SajihaYugen | 112
[Most Blocks Placed] Roxrock | 187861 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] Roxrock7521 | 9616258 (+)
[Most Time Played] Roxrock7521 | 27days, 13hours

[Fastest Win (Any %)] Critomania | 86 seconds
[Fastest Win (Perfect %)] Awabbatt | 96 seconds

Archived top 12 leaderboard scores: LI LB top 12 historical data
Glitch nameDescriptionStatusDiscovererSeverity(1-5)Notes
update datechanges
August 17 2023Thread published
August 18
  • Added lucky block types section In introduction
  • fixed map images
August 23
  • updated about section
  • Added sections in item descriptions for cooldowns
  • added several item cooldowns
  • added source for lucky islands wand cooldowns
  • Finished construction of wand cooldowns
August 24
  • added more item cooldowns
  • updated lucky islands chest loot table
  • updated food lucky block loot table
  • Added notion board in sources
August 25
  • added technical description for regeneration wand
  • updated description for yoink rod
August 26
  • Updated blocks lucky block description with 16 sand
August 31
  • Updated description for yoink rod
  • added cooldown for Thor’s hammer
  • updated about section
  • centered text In feedback threads sections
  • changed thread title
September 4
  • Adjusted glitched lucky block loot table drop rate
  • updated glitched lucky block loot table drop rate
  • updated introduction for rainbow lucky block
September 7
  • added key for descriptions
  • added spaces for new custom features added in august and September updates
  • added space for map “scorched” in map strategies and maps.
  • added facts and trivia in not yet finished section
  • added a not yet finished section
  • moved glitches to not yet finished section
September 10
  • Updated introduction to include recent compass mechanic
  • Added descriptions for new lucky islands features
  • updated description for fire chestplate
September 30
  • Added descriptions and appearances for golden carrot dude and rotating enderman sprites
  • Added loot table drop location key
  • Updated rainbow lucky block loot table to be accurate
  • updated drop rate credibility key to explain more
  • Added description for loot tables
  • Added description for descriptions section and subsections
  • began construction of normal lucky block loot table
October 22
  • Made date corrections
  • Added distinct sections for regular maps and seasonal maps in map’s section
  • Added map spider
October 24
  • Added pumpkin pie and two cooked salmon to food lucky block loot table
October 29
  • Added link to Roxrock’s introduction in about section
December 5
  • Assorted formatting and grammar corrections
  • Updated Overpowered mode description to reflect changes of August 2023 update
  • Added map data
  • Started rewrite of map section
January 24
  • Added map data for clickbait
  • renamed update history sections and created spoilers for year
  • updated about section
February 10
  • Added map data for Tiger
  • removed year from month spoilers in 2023 update history
March 2
  • Added lucky block drop weights table to sources
  • Annotated sources
March 5
  • drop rate credibility key is now under construction
  • Removed unnecessary data from rainbow lucky block loot table
  • added notes section to guide
  • added note 1
  • removed unnecessary data from glitched lucky block loot table
  • added loot weights to glitched lucky block loot table
  • added note 2
  • changed drop rates to proportions in glitched and rainbow lucky block loot tables
  • removed part of introduction
  • corrected arrow quantities, added OP and normal mode distinction
  • added note 3, notes are now green
  • for all descriptions, changed text color to respective color code in respective descriptions sections, gave events a color code
  • changed some text regarding OP exclusive exceptions to blue
March 14
  • added text under title recommending dark mode.
March 16
  • Updated white text to be default colored for light mode users
  • centered some texts
(lasted updated dates not changed)
(Updated January 24 2024)
This is a Guide created and owned by player Roxrock7521. After it is published, it will be updated regularly in order to remain accurate. This is a fan made guide and is not official. Some information is not fact checked and has been copied from trusted users (I plan on fact checking work I am unsure of). Some number are approximated and have a high chance of being inaccurate. (I plan on conducting trials to rule things out) This creation is open source and other players may use it in their own creations. This guide was created as a passion project meant to celebrate lucky islands and inform other players.
At the moment, I am pursuing other research and projects in priority over this one.
To learn more about the creator, Roxrock, go here.
(Updated August 17 2023)
I am open to feedback, recommendations, criticisms, and corrections by others. I also appreciate help with fact checking and completing unfinished parts, and being informed of undocumented information. I am also open to ideas for strategies, and will document reproducible bugs. Feel free to reply to this thread or send me a private message. I get the final say and decide what I choose to include.​
(Updated March 2 2024)
Sources closer to the bottom are more recent
Lucky block test trials - was used in the past to gather data for loot tables: obsolete
Fluffy Rosses guide - was a major inspiration for this guide, was used as a foundation: inspiration
Top 12 graph - authors graph of LI leaderboard based on his own data: current
Foxic Guide - provided light inspiration and influenced Fluffy’s guide: inspiration
LI strats discussion - old posts containing discussion of strategies in lucky islands: to be used
LI drop list - was used in the past as a foundation for ever block drop: obsolete
Record book - used for data about lucky islands records: current
LI wand cooldowns - used for wand cooldown values: current
Update board - contains information about cubecraft updates: to be used
Lucky block weights - list of lucky block drop weights by former developer: current
(Updated March 5 2024)
Some extra information regarding parts of this guide​
Note 1All rainbow lucky block drops have the same weights in all modes and are of the same drop type. All drops have weights of 1.
Note 2All glitched lucky block drops are assumed to be if the same type. Glitched lucky blocks are assumed to be unobtainable in blessed mode. It is assumed they all do the same thing in overpowered mode.
Note 3Arrow quantities were given by Laura (comment #21) sharpness in OP is TBA
Last edited:
Dec 28, 2022
Considering everything you had to take into account, that's really impressive. Thanks for posting this, it'll be a great help due to the fact that I play lucky blocks with no regard for strategy! Please keep me updated on the glitches, might make future bug reports on those.
  • Like
Reactions: Roxrock


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2023
Considering everything you had to take into account, that's really impressive. Thanks for posting this, it'll be a great help due to the fact that I play lucky blocks with no regard for strategy! Please keep me updated on the glitches, might make future bug reports on those.
Any glitches I plan on listing I will have most likely already reported. (You can check the status section of the table, once I make it)
Sep 28, 2022
The Backrooms

Lucky Islands Solos Guide

(Updated August 6 2023)
Lucky island solos is an official cubecraft game mode based off of the lucky blocks mod and skywars. A number of players, typically 12, fight to the death on a map consisting of independent floating islands scattered with lucky blocks, which can give player’s resources or cause other random outcomes when broken. The last player alive is the winner. Players who purchase the lucky islands rank can vote for the game mode prior to the start of a match, and all players can choose a kit to start off with some items. This is a guide dedicated to the bedrock version of lucky islands solos. This is made for higher skilled players, although general audiences can still learn a lot from this. Areas marked with “to be added” are unfinished and will be added later on.​
(Updated August 6 2023)
Regardless of the kit you have selected, you will start with a food lucky block and a blocks lucky block.​


Start with 16 stone blocks and a leather tunic.​


Start with 4 cooked beef.​


Start with 3 splash potions of instant health and a golden apple.​


Start with a wooden sword.​
(Updated August 6 2023)

Normal mode:

The default lucky islands game mode, no loot table modifications, no events, and contains a wide range of good and bad drops.​

Blessed mode:

Modifies lucky block loot tables by eliminating various bad drops. Also causes players to give off a green partial effect.​

Overpowered mode:

Some drops are changed in ways which make them more powerful then their respective normal mode drops.​

Crazy mode:

Slightly modifies lucky block drop rates, and causes events to randomly take place.

Description key:

The color of the name of a drop corresponds with its location in the descriptions section of this guide
[no description]
[Item assortments]
[custom items]
[modified items]

Drop rate credibility key:

These loot tables have only been created by recording test trials, other players’ knowledge and my general beliefs. The specific drop rates of drops has, to my knowledge, never been shared with the public. Drop rates will either be recorded with or without a percentage. A percentage indicates the likelihood of that drop occurring, and an integer represents its drop rate relative to other drop rates represented by integers, where 1 represents the average drop rate of these drops. (So a drop rate of 2 is twice as likely to occur, and a drop rate of .5 is half as likely to occur) The color of a drop’s drop rate indicates how its drop rate was concluded.
[confidently assumed]
[unconfidently assumed]
(Updated August 12 2023)
DropOverpowered variantIn blessed?Drop rate (to be added)
DropDrop rate
2 raw mutton1
5 bread1
12 cookies2
5 golden apples1
2 cooked beef1.5
20 cooked chicken1
12 carrots1
4 apples1
5 apples1
5 baked potatoes1
6 chorus fruit1
Poisonous potato.25
3 honey bottles.5
5 rotten flesh.25
Enchanted apple.25
3 spider eyes.25
DropDrop rate (to be added)
12 stone1
12 obsidian1
16 blue ice1
24 dirt1.5
3 emerald blocks1
16 soul sand1
16 packed mud1
16 oak planks2
12 yellow concrete1
12 crafting tables.5
24 blocks of amethyst1
16 glass1
8 honey blocks.25
3 bedrock blocks.1
8 tnt1
DropOverpowered variantIn blessed?Drop rate (to be added)
DropOverpowered variantIn blessed?Drop rate
Give player 15 seconds of flightSame dropYes33%
Drop a Giga swordSame dropYes33%
Drop a Yoink rodSame dropYes33%
DropOverpowered variantIn blessed?Drop rate
Do Nothingsame drop(To be added)80%
Give player Your egg has been destroyed textsame drop(To be added)6%
Drop a wooden hoesame drop(To be added)6%
Generate a Rising axolotl sprite approximately 5 blocks belowsame drop(To be added)6%
Teleport player to a different random playersame drop(To be added)2%
(Updated August 17 2023)
Drop descriptionChance of getting
4-8 Iron ingots1
1-2 diamonds1
1-2 golden apples1
Causes blocks around pressure plate to randomly light on fire50%
ItemChance of getting(in any given chest slot)
4 arrows1
4 steak1
Stone axe1
Iron chestplate1
golden chestplate.25
Golden leggings.25
4 apples1
2 carrots1
stone sword1
Golden boots.25
2 bottle o’ enchanting1
stone pickaxe1
ItemChance of getting(in any given brewing stand slot)
Splash potion of poison 210.256%
Potion of swiftness 212.821%
Potion of strength10.256%
Potion of instant health 212.821%
Potion of regeneration2.564%
(Updated August 10 2023)
sprite namesprite appearanceAbstracted behaviortechnical behavior
Construction drillDrillCreates a 3x3 holeApproximately ever one third of a second, decreases in y position by 1. When this happens, the block below the sprite and the eight blocks that border the block laterally get replaced with air.
Squid bombPink squidexplodes after approximately 5 secondsWill cause an explosion and blind nearby players after approximately 5 seconds unless the player hits the sprite 5 times.
Unplanted hot potato spritePotatoGives player a hot potato (2 in overpowered)When a player touches its hitbox, it replaces the players first empty inventory slot with a hot potato (2 in overpowered)
Planted hot potato spritePotatoExplodes after a couple of seconds, doesn’t deal damage to the player that used itAfter approximately 5 seconds, deals approximately 5 hearts of damage to nearby players and entities, except the player who used it.
Rising axolotl spriteAxolotlRises up while doing an animationIncreases in Y level while doing an animation
Assortment nameBowarrows
Frozen Shot Bow packageFrozen shot bow4-5
Shotgun Bow packageShotgun bow5-6
Automatic bow packageAutomatic bow10-30
Explosive bow packageExplosive bow3-4
regular bow packageBow12
tipped arrows bow packageBow3 poison, 3 slowness, 3 weakness
Regular crossbow packageCrossbow12
Multishot crossbow packageMultishot crossbow12
Quick charge crossbow packageQuick charge crossbow12
Assortment nameContains:
Iron toolsiron axe, iron pickaxe, iron shovel
stone toolsstone axe, stone pickaxe, stone shovel
Tnt assortment3-6 tnt, lever, stone button, stone pressure plate
Potion assortment lingering potion of swiftness 2, extended splash potion of poison, splash potion of instant health, splash potion of instant damage 2, lingering potion of regeneration
Structure nameabstracted descriptiontechnical description
ScarecrowArmor stand leather armor that has protection 3 in overpowered, with a pumpkin head. Also generates a hay bale fountainA armor stand equipped with leather boots, leggings, and tunic, dyed random colors (has protection lll in overpowered) and a pumpkin. Also launches approximately 15 hay bales upwards away from the armor stand at various trajectories.
anvil 3x3A 3x3 square of anvilsA layer of 9 anvils in the shape of a square
Cactus trapWalls of cacti that surround the center of the structureA layer of 9 sandstone blocks in the shape of a square, a layer of sand the shape 1 block above the layer of sandstone, with 3 blocks of cacti above each sand block except the one in the center
Lucky islands chestA chest containing mediocre lootA chest containing loot pulled from its respective loot table
Lucky islands golden pressure plateA golden pressure plate that can cause an explosion or spawn mediocre lootA golden pressure plate above a lucky islands golden pressure plate tile. When a golden pressure plate above the golden pressures plate tile is activated, an outcome from the lucky islands golden pressure plate loot table is summoned at the location of the golden pressure plate and the golden pressure plate is replaced with air
Glass cageA 3 block tall glass cage that has an opening at the top3 layers of a hollow glass block square that is four blocks long and 1 block high stacked on top of each other
Obsidian fountainScatters obsidian blocks around the area, which may settle or drop itself on the groundLaunches approximately 20 obsidian blocks upwards away from they location they were generated at different trajectories
Ore corruptionTurns nearby blocks into gold, iron, lapis, and diamond ore blocks(To be added)
FarmA farm containing carrots or potatoes, with water in the middle and logs on the outsideA water source block laterally surrounded by farmland which is laterally surrounded by oak logs. After a second, either carrots will generate above each farmland block or potatoes will generate above each farmland block
Lucky islands Brewing standA brewing stand containing 1-2 random potionsA brewing stand where each potion slot contains a random drop pulled from the lucky islands brewing stand loot table
Lucky block line3 lucky blocks in a line. (5 in overpowered)A lucky block, with lucky blocks two blocks to the left or right, and additional lucky blocks four blocks to the left or right in overpowered.
Sweet berries 3x3A 3x3 of sweet berriesA layer of 9 sweet berries in the shape of a square
wand nameabstracted descriptiontechnical descriptionCooldown (To be added)
Dragon breath wandGenerates a path of fire above blocks in the direction you are looking. This path is nearly twice as long in overpoweredGenerates fire above blocks that are below your pitch at your current yaw in the shape of a rectangle that is approximately 3 blocks wide and 16 blocks long (approximately 30 blocks long in overpowered)15 (OP)
Frost path wandGenerates a path of ice a little below the direction you are looking. This path is nearly twice as long in overpowered. In overpowered, parts of this path will melt if an enemy player stands on it.Replaces Air blocks with ice blocks that are approximately 15 degrees below your pitch at your current yaw in the shape of a rectangle that is approximately 3 blocks wide and 16 blocks long (approximately 30 blocks long in overpowered) Overpowered: If an opponent stands on one of the generated ice blocks, it will be replaced with air approximately 1 second later
Regeneration wandGives the player regeration for a couple of seconds. In overpowered, gives the player registration three and resistance instead.To be added
Tnt wandLobs an ignited tnt in the direction the player is aimed. In overpowered, launches three tnt instead.Summons an ignited tnt with significant speed at the player’s location in traveling in the direction of the player’s current pitch and yaw. This tnt explodes approximately 4 seconds after it is summoned. This tnt does not produce any sound effects until it explodes. In overpowered, summons two additional tnt that explode after 5 seconds at slightly different yaws.20 (OP)
Lightning wandCauses a lightning strike in the direction the player is aiming. Strikes two additional times in overpowered.This wand can only be used if the players looking directly at the top surface of a block. This wand summons a lightning 1 block above the block the player is staring at. In overpowered, summons two additional lightning strikes adjacent to the first lightning strike.
Bow nameAbstracted descriptiontechnical descriptionBow cooldown (to be added)
Explosive bowShoots an explosive arrowShoots an arrow which causes a small explosion upon impact. In overpowered, it launches 4 more explosive arrows upward at different trajectories away from the explosion.
Shotgun bowShoots five arrows for the price of 1Regardless of the type of arrows used, shoots 5 (7 in overpowered) regular arrows at different yaw
Frozen shot bowTraps player in a cage of ice for a few seconds, several seconds in overpowered.Shoots an arrow that, if the player comes into contact with it, replaces all air blocks one block away from the player with ice, prevents the player from breaking blocks, and causes the player to be teleported back to their current coordinates if they manage to escape. After approximately 7 seconds (12 seconds in overpowered), the ice blocks are replaced with air and the player regains the ability to break blocks
Automatic bowA bow the automatically fires a barrage of up to 20 arrows, but has cooldownRepeatedly shoots arrows at a constant speed between a constant interval approximately one fifth of a second long up to twenty times before needing to recharge. For each arrow used, the time it takes to recharge increases by approximately half a second and resets when the bow fully charges. You cannot use this bow if it is not fully charged.
Sword namesword descriptionability cooldown (To be added)
Fire swordSword that deals approximately 4 (has sharpness 1 in overpowered )damage and has ability to create a burst of fire that can light entities and players on fire for approximately 3 seconds
Lifesteal swordIron sword with sharpness 1 that has a 15% chance to heal you by 1 heart each time you deal melee damageNA
Shulker swordIron Sword with sharpness 2 that has ability to summon a shulker bullet which automatically targets other players and deals approximately 4 damage and gives the player levitation for 5 seconds
Giga swordStick that deals 1248.75 damage and gets deleted 15 seconds after it is droppedNA
Thor’s hammerItem that deals 5 damage and has ability to create a shock wave that deals knockback away from where the player is standing in a small radius
Item nameItem description
Explosive bootsProtection ll Blast protection X red dyed leather boots that causes a tnt to spawn at your location bed when you die
Fire chestplateProtection ll Chainmail chestplate that causes players to have a 60% to be lit on fire for approximately 1 second every time they deal melee damage to you
Dissolving goldHas properties of gold ingot, but every second, the number of its stack gets reduced by 1 unless it is in a crafting table
Dissolving diamondHas properties of diamond, but every second, the number of its stack gets reduced by 1 unless it is in a crafting table
Dissolving IronHas properties of iron ingot, but every second, the number of its stack gets reduced by 1 unless it is in a crafting table
Hot potatoWhen used, creates a planted hot potato sprite at the player’s location
InfinitatoWhen eaten, restores half of a hunger bar and does not leave the player’s hot bar
Weighted amuletWhile in players hand, they receive no knockback from damage
ElevatorWhen used, will teleport player on top of the highest block at the players X and Z coordinates. Can only be used if the player is below a block
FireballWhen used, will fire a large fireball in the direction the player is facing
Yoink rodWhen a player is hooked, has a chance to remove the item they are holding in their inventory and launch it in the direction of the other player. Has 2 durability (4 in overpowered)
Entity nameEntity description
Lucky block blazeA blaze that drops a blaze rod upon death
FrostyA snow golem that throws snowballs at nearby mobs and players if they attack its owner
IronfishA silverfish that drops an iron ingot if it is killed before it infests a block
KnightA wither skeleton in full Iron armor wielding an Iron sword. Does not cause players to have the wither effect. Can cause nearby players to experience the poison effect. Will periodically shield, preventing it from taking melee damage. When killed, has a likely Chance to drop its equipment for any armor or weapon it has equipped. Will leave an Iron block at its death location, surrounded by normal lucky blocks on all sides except underneath it.
Just a normal pigA pig that turns into a pig king when it takes melee damage
Pig KingA zombie piglin wearing full gold armor and wielding a fire aspect 2 golden sword. can shoot fire out in a circle at different trajectories. Can summon a baby zombie piglin that explodes after approximately six seconds. Both mobs are aggressive towards nearby players. When killed, it has a chance to drop its equipment for any piece of its armor or its weapon.
Item namemodifications
CompassWhen picked up or used, will track the location of the nearest player, excluding the user, as that player moves around.
Trapped chestWhen opened, creates a high damage explosion
(Updated August 6 2023)
Event NameEvent descriptionEvent duration (To be added)
Bunny ModeGives all players jump boost 5
Strength for AllGives all players strength
Speed MiningGives all players haste 255
Zombie InvasionPeriodically summons zombies next to each player which drop items, entities, and structures pulled from the lucky block loot tables
Treasure IslandCreates a treasure island at the coordinates listed in chat, contain a beacon, Iron blocks, and eight normal lucky blocks
Arachnid AmbushPeriodically summons spiders and cave spiders next to each player which drop items, entities, and structures pulled from the lucky block loot tables
Crumbling FloorAny block the player stands on gets destroyed 3 seconds later, with exceptions such as lucky blocks
Ender Pearl GeneratorPeriodically gives every player an ender pearl
Your egg has been destroyed textDisplays red text “YOUR EGG HAS BEEN DESTROYED” on the player’s screen
Suddenly, you feel I’ll textDisplays text “SUDDENLY, YOU FEEL ILL” on the player’s screen
Construction in progress textDisplays text “CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS“ on the player’s screen
15 seconds of flightAllows player to fly for 15 seconds
(Updated August 12 2023)
MapdescriptionImage(to be added)InventorDifficulty(1-5)
CandyYou can utilize the splotch pattern on the center donut to figure out the location of 2 secret diamond blocksRoxrock2
villageInstead of going down the ladders, you can access the basement of village islands quicker by breaking down two blocksRoxrock2
LuckIf you need to retreat, you can fall off the edge of the center of the map and land safely on a ledgeRoxrock2
PondIf you are close to the center of the map and need blocks, break the slime blocks of the frogRoxrock1
Involved Item(s)descriptionInventorDifficulty(1-5)
FireballIf you are touching a wall and facing its direction, you can throw the fireball through that wallPosterboy222
EnderpearlEnderpearls can be used as a projectile weapon to knock opponents of the edge of the map if timed rightAimerrege MX5
DescriptionInventorSkill required(1-5)Notes
If you are fighting an opponent with limited resources and are close to a high drop, you can hit that player off of that drop to kill them while conserving resourcesNA3I highly recommend using this tactic if you are unable to acquire a weapon
If you are able to deal high amounts of damage, you can eliminate your opponent’s health in order to use his loot to acquire more resourcesNA3I highly recommend this if you have a melee weapon and are fighting an opponent with valuable loot
Break the sea lantern under another player’s grave to quickly obtain all of his lootNA2This reduces the chances of you being ambushed while looting someone else’s grave
You can use knowledge knowledge to calculate the location of a treasure island relative to your current position by first, determining which direction is positive by using landmarks, asymmetric textures, or /whereami output. Because the X coordinate the center of each map is always a multiple 1000 and the Z coordinate is always approximately 32, you are able to use cardinal directions to find the location of the treasure island relative to your position.5I recommend practicing this in spectator mode before attempting it in games
(Updated August 17 2023)
(List does not include seasonal maps)​
Map namebasic descriptionImportant detailsImages (Broken)
CandyContains a giant donut in the center with straits that lead to a cookie platform which contains the map’s rainbow lucky block. There are 4 smaller sub center islands a short distance away on each side, which are cookie shaped and contain a wool platform. On the other sides of the sub center island are the starting islands, which are also donut shaped. Most islands on this map are made of flammable materials, specifically wool and planks. Relative to other maps, gaps between islands are very short.Contains Iron blocks at center and sub center islands and diamond and red stone blocks at the center island
LuckContains a wide, circular center with its rainbow lucky block in the middle. A long pathway extends away from each side of the center, which is bordered by 3 starting islands. These starting islands have a complex, irregular shape, and are relatively big. This map is mostly made of wool.Center contains redstone blocks
VillageA very complex and asymmetrical map. The center has a convex foundation with various houses containing lucky blocks. The map’s rainbow lucky block is located outside near the center. Carrots, water, and hay bales are common throughout the whole map. On each side of the center, there is a sub center island that is long, and curves toward the center island. The gaps between any two sub center islands are relatively short compared to most maps. These sub center is are mostly flat, but contain clusters of oak logs. On the side of the sub center island opposite of the center, there are 3 starting islands. They are each identical to each other, except one of them is reflected. They contain several different levels, including a ground level, a room, and a underground section.On the starting islands, there is a lucky block inside of the cluster of hay bale blocks. The basements of the starting islands contain coal, iron, and red stone ores
FoodThe most central part of this map consists of two levels. The upper level is highly flammable, convex, and contains the map’s rainbow lucky block. The lower level is flat, and not directly connected to the upper level. Four long, convex platforms are connected to the lower floor of the center. At the end of these platforms are stairs, which connects to an outer part of the center, which is donut shaped. This part is wide and flat, with the exception of four large structures that are halfway between any two of the platforms.None
RuinsThe most central part of this map has a flat foundation, with 4 pillars at the corners that connect to a large dome at the top. The map’s rainbow lucky block is in the exact center. 4 convex bridges extend away from the center and connect to the sub center islands, which are also mostly flat. On the other sides of the sub center islands are the starting islands, which contains several floors, including a ground floor, stairs, a basement, and a tall statue.Sub center islands contain two diamond blocks. The center island contains a diamond block. The bridges each contain 6 tnt. The starting islands contain an iron block and some red stone ore
PirateThe most central part of this island is a complex terrain with a large shipwreck in the center, containing the map’s rainbow lucky block. 4 sub center islands connect with the center island by 3 bridges for each sub center island. Sub center islands are flat, and shaped like an uppercase E. Next to sub center islands are corner islands, which are small and flat. There are also 3 starting islands next to each sub center island opposite of the bridges. These starting islands are small and flat, and contain a small upper area that can be accessed with scaffolding.The middle bridges that connect to sub center islands have wooden pressure plates that activate tnt when stepped on. The pirate ship in the center contains gold, iron, lapis, and red stone blocks. On the center island outside the ship are 3 X shaped markings of red concrete powder. 1 of these 3 markings contains a trapped chest and 6 tnt underneath it. The X that contains the chest and tnt is randomized each game.
VortexThe center of this map contains two floors, which are both shaped like a spiral that has 12 arms. The lower floor is slightly rotated so its arms are between the arms of the upper floor. These arms are relatively flat, thin, and curved to the side slightly. The center of both of these spirals is hollow, and the map’s rainbow lucky block is floating here. Two spiral staircases connect the upper and lower floors. At the end of each arm on the upper spiral is a starting island. The base of each starting island is flat, however there is a clump of blocks at the back of it. The island is small and contains very few lucky blocks.The upper floor contains enchanting tables
HoneyThe center of this map contains 3 floors. The ground floor is very wide, flat, and slightly concave. It is the base of a beehive in the center, which contains the other 2 floors The second floor is hollow in the center and surrounded by walls and a ceiling. It contains the map’s rainbow lucky block. The third floor is otherwise identical, except it contains a diamond block instead. All floors of the beehive have openings on the walls that can be entered, and are connected by two glow berry vines in the center. The center and corners of the center island contain honey blocks. On the sides of the center are bridges of honey blocks that connect the center with the first set of sub center islands. At the corners of the center are walls of honey blocks that extend between the center and the second set of subcenter islands. The first set of sub center islands are flat octograms with hollow centers and trees at the end of two of its points. The edge of the hollow center is made of honey blocks, and there is a tiny island in the hollow center containing an iron block, a crafting table, and 5 lucky blocks. The second set of sub center are slightly smaller islands are between the first set, and are slightly higher in elevation. They are flat hexagrams and contain a honeycomb hut in the center, which contains a gold block and some lucky blocks. At the 3 sides of the first set of sub center islands that don’t contain the honey bridge lead to the starting islands. These islands are circular, flat, and contain a tree and some clumps of honey blocks.The center island contains a diamond block. The first set of sub center islands contains an iron block. The second set of sub center islands contains a gold block
NetherThe center of this map is flat and wide. In the middle of the center island is a diamond block, a smithing table, and the map’s rainbow lucky block. To the sides are some platforms that can be climbed up to by warped vines, and some stairs that lead to a small area. Around these stairs is lava, magma blocks, gold blocks, and a smithing table containing a bucket and a stack of ancient debris. Next to the two longest sides of the center island are clusters of smaller islands. These islands are thin, and mostly made of magma blocks, except around the edges. Some of them have pillars on them that can be climbed and walked across by using warped vines. On the opposite sides of the island clusters are the sub center islands. The main sub center islands are round, flat, and have two floors, the first floor is bigger and has magma blocks at its edge. The upper floor is smaller and can be accessed by warped vines. On all 4 sides of the main sub center islands are bridge islands. They are flat, and contain pillars on two of their sides. The 6 bridge islands that don’t lead to the island clusters have two starting islands on the opposite side of them. These islands are small, but have many floors, including a tree that can be climbed, and a house with an attic and a basement which can both be accessed by warped vines.The center island contains gold blocks, a diamond block, and blast furnaces containing a bucket and a stack of ancient debris.
PondThe center island of this map has a very big, flat, and round base that contains the map’s rainbow lucky block in the center. On all sides of the island are pairs of slime towers. Across the entire island is a massive statue of a frog that can be easily scaled. On the sides of the center island are sub center islands, which are small, and contain a slime tower in the center. Next to the 3 other sides of the sub center islands are starting islands, which are round at flat in the center. Each island contains a small clump of blocks, which has 4 slime towers next to it and two small holes.none
(Updated August 6 2023)


[Book record]
[screenshot record]

[Most Wins] VisoredTrack494 | 13435 (+)
[Most Games Played] Roxrock7521 | 13941 (+)

[Best W/L] crypticCub3r631 | 0.193 ±
[Most Kills] Roxrock7521 | 55901 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] Various players | 11
[Most Kills in One Game (%)] Various players | 100%
[Most Deaths] Roxrock7521 | 6140 (+)

[Best K/D] Critomania | 10.013 ±
[Most Arrows Shot] Roxrock7521 | 20292 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] Roxrock7521 | 15301 (+)
[Most Blocks Broken] Roxrock7521 | 116821 (+)
[Most Lucky Blocks Broken] Roxrock7521 | 190444 (+)

[Most Lucky Blocks Broken in One Game] SajihaYugen | 112
[Most Blocks Placed] Roxrock | 187861 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] Roxrock7521 | 9616258 (+)
[Most Time Played] Roxrock7521 | 27days, 13hours

[Fastest Win (Any %)] Critomania | 86 seconds
[Fastest Win (Perfect %)] Awabbatt | 96 seconds

Archived top 12 leaderboard scores: LI LB top 12 historical data
Glitch nameDescriptionStatusDiscovererSeverity(1-5)Notes
update datechanges
August 17 2023Thread published
This is a Guide created and owned by player Roxrock7521. After it is published, it will be updated regularly in order to remain accurate. This is a fan made guide and is not official. Some information is not fact checked and has been copied from trusted users (I plan on fact checking work I am unsure of). Some number are approximated and have a high chance of being inaccurate. (I plan on conducting trials to rule things out) This creation is open source and other players may use it in their own creations. This guide was created as a passion project meant to celebrate lucky islands and inform other players.​
I am open to feedback, recommendations, criticisms, and corrections by others. I also appreciate help with fact checking and completing unfinished parts, and being informed of undocumented information. I am also open to ideas for strategies, and will document reproducible bugs. Feel free to reply to this thread or send me a private message. I get the final say and decide what I choose to include.​
You've covered everything in there, It must have taken a lot of time and effort but well done!
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This is pretty well-made, good job! I'm sure that it'll be even better when you are finished :)
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