Lucky Islands suggestions!
Hi there!Lucky Islands suggestions!
Welcome back to another episode of 'San comes up with the next Lucky Islands update'!
There are a lot of pictures and videos because lets be honest, pictures and videos explain everything way better than words.
The thread has been divided into 5 sections:
- Lucky block drops
- Kits
- Crazy events
- Achievements
- General changes
Good luck with reading!
Also, @Vindicator_Vince, I mentioned you in the 'Axes' section under 'General changes' because I know you use axes a lot (and I can imagine you don't want to look through an entire thread with spoilers to find where exactly you got mentioned).
Lucky block drops
These are the things that spawn from a lucky block when you open it.Lucky block drops
There is a [B] in the title of the drop if it can spawn on blessed mode.
New lucky block drops
New lucky block drops
Name: [B] Naturize world
Explanation: Like the "part of the world got corrupted" but instead of everything changing into nether, the world slowly starts changing into nature. All lucky blocks that are in the naturized area will be lucky (just like all lucky blocks in the corrupted area become unlucky).
Flowers, grass, and trees can spawn while everything gets converted to grassland.
There is a fancy sound and a message in chat when you get this drop.
Explanation: Like the "part of the world got corrupted" but instead of everything changing into nether, the world slowly starts changing into nature. All lucky blocks that are in the naturized area will be lucky (just like all lucky blocks in the corrupted area become unlucky).
Flowers, grass, and trees can spawn while everything gets converted to grassland.
There is a fancy sound and a message in chat when you get this drop.
Name: World disassembly
Explanation: The world slowly starts disassembling, blocks slowly get removed starting from where the lucky block was originally opened. All blocks except for lucky blocks get destroyed. There is a scary sound and a message in chat when you get this drop.
Blocks will keep on disassembling until 1 minute after the player got the lucky block drop, otherwise, the entire world could disappear.
Preview: in the video, an ability that gives you a lucky block accidentally activated
Explanation: The world slowly starts disassembling, blocks slowly get removed starting from where the lucky block was originally opened. All blocks except for lucky blocks get destroyed. There is a scary sound and a message in chat when you get this drop.
Blocks will keep on disassembling until 1 minute after the player got the lucky block drop, otherwise, the entire world could disappear.
Preview: in the video, an ability that gives you a lucky block accidentally activated
Name: [B] Random enchanter
Explanation: A random piece of your armour gets enchanted with a random enchantment, from aqua affinity to mending to fire protection.
If you already had the enchantment, the enchantments stack up (if you already had blast protection 1, you'd now have blast protection 2). This also counts for enchantments that only go up to level 1 (like mending). If you were not wearing armour, you get a leather cap with a random enchantment.
This drop comes with a text message in chat and a nice "pling" sound effect.
Explanation: A random piece of your armour gets enchanted with a random enchantment, from aqua affinity to mending to fire protection.
If you already had the enchantment, the enchantments stack up (if you already had blast protection 1, you'd now have blast protection 2). This also counts for enchantments that only go up to level 1 (like mending). If you were not wearing armour, you get a leather cap with a random enchantment.
This drop comes with a text message in chat and a nice "pling" sound effect.
Name: [B] Levitation arrows
Explanation: A drop of 4-8 tipped arrows which have levitation 1 (0:10). This drop does not come with a bow. An alternative to this drop is to let it spawn together with the bow that gives you a bow and 2x6 tipped arrows (glowing & slowness).
Explanation: A drop of 4-8 tipped arrows which have levitation 1 (0:10). This drop does not come with a bow. An alternative to this drop is to let it spawn together with the bow that gives you a bow and 2x6 tipped arrows (glowing & slowness).

Name: Creeper pet
Explanation: A creeper that follows you around and when it sees an enemy, it will run towards the enemy and blow itself up. The explosion won't damage you or your team but will damage enemies.
Explanation: A creeper that follows you around and when it sees an enemy, it will run towards the enemy and blow itself up. The explosion won't damage you or your team but will damage enemies.

Name: [B] Balloon
Explanation: A random balloon spawns and slowly floats up to the sky. If the balloon gets shot, hit or after a random amount of time, it will pop open and drops what it looks like.
As an example, the chicken balloon will release a chicken where it popped. A diamond balloon will release a diamond and so on.
The different balloon ideas I came up with are: diamond balloon, iron balloon, gold balloon, chicken balloon, zombie balloon & skeleton balloon.
Explanation: A random balloon spawns and slowly floats up to the sky. If the balloon gets shot, hit or after a random amount of time, it will pop open and drops what it looks like.
As an example, the chicken balloon will release a chicken where it popped. A diamond balloon will release a diamond and so on.
The different balloon ideas I came up with are: diamond balloon, iron balloon, gold balloon, chicken balloon, zombie balloon & skeleton balloon.

Name: [B] Water runner
Explanation: Drops a water bucket (or a water source block) and leather depth strider 3 boots. These boots allow you to walk through water very quickly but to balance the boots, they are only made of leather. They could also only be depth strider 2 or only have half of the durability which would be 32 hits.
Explanation: Drops a water bucket (or a water source block) and leather depth strider 3 boots. These boots allow you to walk through water very quickly but to balance the boots, they are only made of leather. They could also only be depth strider 2 or only have half of the durability which would be 32 hits.
Name: Find block
Explanation: A message in chat saying "You have one minute to find block X." You'll have to stand on this block within one minute.
If you succeed, you get a golden apple as a reward, if you do not succeed, you get a message in chat saying "Better luck next time!"
Explanation: A message in chat saying "You have one minute to find block X." You'll have to stand on this block within one minute.
If you succeed, you get a golden apple as a reward, if you do not succeed, you get a message in chat saying "Better luck next time!"
Name: [B] Sheep party
Explanation: Three randomly coloured sheep riding each other. Shears also drop where they spawn. A simple but useful drop for blocks and food (and a tool of course).
Explanation: Three randomly coloured sheep riding each other. Shears also drop where they spawn. A simple but useful drop for blocks and food (and a tool of course).
Name: Bad luck
Explanation: The bad luck effect for 30 seconds. If you open a lucky block with the bad luck effect enabled, you will get a 'bad' lucky block drop. A bad lucky block drop is considered to be any drop that does not spawn in blessed mode.
The effects stack meaning that if you get two in a row, you'll have bad luck for about a minute.
Explanation: The bad luck effect for 30 seconds. If you open a lucky block with the bad luck effect enabled, you will get a 'bad' lucky block drop. A bad lucky block drop is considered to be any drop that does not spawn in blessed mode.
The effects stack meaning that if you get two in a row, you'll have bad luck for about a minute.
Name: Armour swap
Explanation: You'll swap a random amount of your armour (even if you're not wearing any) with a random person in the game, this can be your teammate as well. You'll get their armour equipped and they get your armour equipped. So there is a chance to only swap boots but there is also a chance to fully swap all armour!
Both players will get a message in chat saying that their armour got swapped with another player.
Explanation: You'll swap a random amount of your armour (even if you're not wearing any) with a random person in the game, this can be your teammate as well. You'll get their armour equipped and they get your armour equipped. So there is a chance to only swap boots but there is also a chance to fully swap all armour!
Both players will get a message in chat saying that their armour got swapped with another player.
Name: [B] Super pickaxe
Explanation: A diamond pickaxe with 1 durability left and is enchanted with unbreaking 10. The pickaxe will mine in a 3x3x3 area from where you originally mined the block. The unbreaking 10 makes it so you don't know when the pickaxe will break. There is a 9% chance that the pickaxe will break.
Explanation: A diamond pickaxe with 1 durability left and is enchanted with unbreaking 10. The pickaxe will mine in a 3x3x3 area from where you originally mined the block. The unbreaking 10 makes it so you don't know when the pickaxe will break. There is a 9% chance that the pickaxe will break.
Changes to existing lucky block drops
Changes to existing lucky block drops
Name: Automatic bow
Explanation: This bow does a LOT of damage. This might even be too much to fight sometimes. I forget to block with my shield so many (if I even have a shield) with this bow when someone uses it against me. Escaping against it when you're caught in the combo is near impossible because the arrows shoot so fast.
Change: I have a couple of changes in mind for this bow.
Explanation: This bow does a LOT of damage. This might even be too much to fight sometimes. I forget to block with my shield so many (if I even have a shield) with this bow when someone uses it against me. Escaping against it when you're caught in the combo is near impossible because the arrows shoot so fast.
Change: I have a couple of changes in mind for this bow.
- Make it so the bow can only shoot 10 arrows at a time.
- Make the arrows shoot slower.
- Make the arrows less damaging.
Name: All mob drops (any drop that involves the spawning of a mob like the zombie cage, the drop with the pig, cow and chicken, etc.
Explanation: When you kill the mobs now, they usually don't drop anything apart from what they naturally drop.
Change: It would be cool if they can drop a "mob head" that gives you some kind of extra ability.
An example of this would be that if you kill a skeleton, it would have a 50% of dropping its own head. If you wear this head, you'll get +40% speed.
Explanation: When you kill the mobs now, they usually don't drop anything apart from what they naturally drop.
Change: It would be cool if they can drop a "mob head" that gives you some kind of extra ability.
An example of this would be that if you kill a skeleton, it would have a 50% of dropping its own head. If you wear this head, you'll get +40% speed.

Name: Donkey
Explanation: When you get the horse drop, there is a small chance that you can get a donkey. Donkeys are sort of bugged on Cubecraft where they appear to wear a chest but actually are not. If you ride a donkey without a chest, your inventory gets messed up.
Change: What if the donkey actually was wearing a chest with some cool stuff in? It has a low chance to spawn so you'd be extra lucky. The chest can contain items that you'll also be able to find inside of the chest that can normally spawn. It's a win-win situation.
Explanation: When you get the horse drop, there is a small chance that you can get a donkey. Donkeys are sort of bugged on Cubecraft where they appear to wear a chest but actually are not. If you ride a donkey without a chest, your inventory gets messed up.
Change: What if the donkey actually was wearing a chest with some cool stuff in? It has a low chance to spawn so you'd be extra lucky. The chest can contain items that you'll also be able to find inside of the chest that can normally spawn. It's a win-win situation.
Name: Brewing stand
Explanation: This brewing stand gives you a bunch of cool potions, you can get poison II, speed II, strength, etc.
Change: Add a lingering potion of slowness to the brewing stand.
Explanation: This brewing stand gives you a bunch of cool potions, you can get poison II, speed II, strength, etc.
Change: Add a lingering potion of slowness to the brewing stand.

Name: Brewing stand
Explanation: This brewing stand gives you a bunch of cool potions, you can get poison II, speed II, strength, etc.
Change: Add a drinkable jump boost 2 potion to the brewing stand.
Explanation: This brewing stand gives you a bunch of cool potions, you can get poison II, speed II, strength, etc.
Change: Add a drinkable jump boost 2 potion to the brewing stand.

Name: Brewing stand
Explanation: This brewing stand gives you a bunch of cool potions, you can get poison II, speed II, strength, etc.
Change: Add a blaze powder to the brewing stand so you can brew your own potions. This requires some time so I'd say it's balanced.
Explanation: This brewing stand gives you a bunch of cool potions, you can get poison II, speed II, strength, etc.
Change: Add a blaze powder to the brewing stand so you can brew your own potions. This requires some time so I'd say it's balanced.

Name: Cooked meat
Explanation: A drop where either 5 cooked pork or 5 cooked beef spawns.
Change: Make it so it isn't always 5, it's Lucky Islands, you need to get lucky and get 5 cooked beef or unlucky and get 1 cooked pork. (This is a really common drop anyways, I get at least 10 cooked meat in every game.)
Explanation: A drop where either 5 cooked pork or 5 cooked beef spawns.
Change: Make it so it isn't always 5, it's Lucky Islands, you need to get lucky and get 5 cooked beef or unlucky and get 1 cooked pork. (This is a really common drop anyways, I get at least 10 cooked meat in every game.)

Kits enhance the start of your game ever so slightly.Kits
Here are some of my suggestions for new kits and some changes to existing kits.
New kits
New kits
Name: Gambler
Explanation: Lucky Islands is all about one thing: luck! So why don't we add that luck to the kit section. If you select this kit, you'll get random items from other 3 other random kits. In the previews, you can see some things you can get from this kit.
Previews: I didn't have a name for the kit yet when I came up with it so enjoy the name 'San's kit'
Explanation: Lucky Islands is all about one thing: luck! So why don't we add that luck to the kit section. If you select this kit, you'll get random items from other 3 other random kits. In the previews, you can see some things you can get from this kit.
Previews: I didn't have a name for the kit yet when I came up with it so enjoy the name 'San's kit'

Name: Random archer
Explanation: This kit gives you a random special bow (grappling hook bow, shotgun bow, automatic bow, frozen shot bow or explosive bow) along with 5 arrows.
Preview: there's a random bow in the first slot
Explanation: This kit gives you a random special bow (grappling hook bow, shotgun bow, automatic bow, frozen shot bow or explosive bow) along with 5 arrows.
Preview: there's a random bow in the first slot

Name: Redstoner
Explanation: Do you want to trick your opponents? Why not make a trap for them to walk in?
This kit comes with 10 redstone dust, a repeater, a sticky- and non-sticky piston, a lever and a wooden pressure plate.
Explanation: Do you want to trick your opponents? Why not make a trap for them to walk in?
This kit comes with 10 redstone dust, a repeater, a sticky- and non-sticky piston, a lever and a wooden pressure plate.

Name: Slime kit
Explanation: Sometimes you just feel like a slime, this kit is perfect for that feeling!
The kit comes with either a live slime (the slime is your pet as if you throw them with the slime wand) or just the slime wand itself, 10 slime blocks, 3 slime balls and a jump boost II (1:30) drinkable potion.
Explanation: Sometimes you just feel like a slime, this kit is perfect for that feeling!
The kit comes with either a live slime (the slime is your pet as if you throw them with the slime wand) or just the slime wand itself, 10 slime blocks, 3 slime balls and a jump boost II (1:30) drinkable potion.

Changes to existing kits
Changes to existing kits
Name: Villager
Explanation: The villager kit right now comes with 2 villager spawn eggs and 16 emeralds. All decent trades come when you have around 32 emeralds and there is a big chance you spawn two villagers that won't be of any use to you.
Change: I have two suggestions to change this kit.
Explanation: The villager kit right now comes with 2 villager spawn eggs and 16 emeralds. All decent trades come when you have around 32 emeralds and there is a big chance you spawn two villagers that won't be of any use to you.
Change: I have two suggestions to change this kit.
- Give the villager kit 3 villagers and 32 emeralds. Even this doesn't sound amazing yet.
- Give the villager kit a bunch of items that villagers trade (such as leather, coal, potatoes, string, wheat, etc.) along with 3 villagers and 32 emeralds.


Name: Barricade
Explanation: This kit used to come with 8 obsidian blocks along with a cage trap. The obsidian blocks got removed from the kit so now you'd only get a cage trap.
The icon of this kit is an obsidian block and the description is talking about a 'rock'.
Change: Change the icon of this kit to a cage trap icon (weighted pressure plate) and change the description a bit.
I'd also like this kit to have some iron bars (so it's hard to bridge with them but useful to trap your enemy a bit more) and a hot potato.
How the kit looks now
My kit suggestion
Explanation: This kit used to come with 8 obsidian blocks along with a cage trap. The obsidian blocks got removed from the kit so now you'd only get a cage trap.
The icon of this kit is an obsidian block and the description is talking about a 'rock'.
Change: Change the icon of this kit to a cage trap icon (weighted pressure plate) and change the description a bit.
I'd also like this kit to have some iron bars (so it's hard to bridge with them but useful to trap your enemy a bit more) and a hot potato.
How the kit looks now

My kit suggestion

Name: Lucky blocks
Explanation: This kit gives you two lucky blocks when you spawn in.
Change: Make those two lucky blocks extra lucky (so it only contains items that can be obtained in blessed mode, even if not selected in the voting), if you choose this kit and you get a knight and 'just a normal pig', you wouldn't be very happy.
Explanation: This kit gives you two lucky blocks when you spawn in.
Change: Make those two lucky blocks extra lucky (so it only contains items that can be obtained in blessed mode, even if not selected in the voting), if you choose this kit and you get a knight and 'just a normal pig', you wouldn't be very happy.
Crazy events
If you vote the game to be crazy, you'll get events every few minutes.Crazy events
Here are some of my suggestions for events.
Name: Lightning storm
Explanation: While this event lasts, random lightning strikes will hit on random places in the world. There'd first be a particle effect followed by a lightning strike after 5 seconds. This way the player at least has some chance to escape the lightning.
Explanation: While this event lasts, random lightning strikes will hit on random places in the world. There'd first be a particle effect followed by a lightning strike after 5 seconds. This way the player at least has some chance to escape the lightning.
Name: Pigman peril
Explanation: While this event lasts, random unaggressive zombie pigmen spawn around the world. If a player hits one of them, they'll start attacking that player. You better watch out that you don't accidentally shoot one of them.
Explanation: While this event lasts, random unaggressive zombie pigmen spawn around the world. If a player hits one of them, they'll start attacking that player. You better watch out that you don't accidentally shoot one of them.

Is winning the game not challenging enough? Here are some extra challenges for you.Achievements
I've got some new achievements that I want to share.
New achievements
New achievements
Name: Cold kill
Explanation: You'd have to get thrown into the void by a Frosty to unlock this achievement.
Difficulty: Normal
150 experience
Explanation: You'd have to get thrown into the void by a Frosty to unlock this achievement.
Difficulty: Normal
150 experience
Name: Puppy
Explanation: Tame two wolves with (cooked) meat to get a puppy. It's the cutest thing ever!
Difficulty: Easy
100 experience
50 points
Explanation: Tame two wolves with (cooked) meat to get a puppy. It's the cutest thing ever!
Difficulty: Easy
100 experience
50 points
Name: Shiny
Explanation: Use an enchantment table to enchant an item.
Difficulty: Easy
50 experience
Explanation: Use an enchantment table to enchant an item.
Difficulty: Easy
50 experience
Name: Shiny
Explanation: Use an enchantment table to enchant an item.
Difficulty: Easy
50 experience
Explanation: Use an enchantment table to enchant an item.
Difficulty: Easy
50 experience
Name: New fashion
Explanation: Wear full leather armour.
Difficulty: Normal
120 experience
20 points
Explanation: Wear full leather armour.
Difficulty: Normal
120 experience
20 points
Name: Wait this is not a horse?
Explanation: Ride a donkey.
Difficulty: Easy
20 points
Explanation: Ride a donkey.
Difficulty: Easy
20 points
Name: Horserider
Explanation: Kill a player while riding a horse.
Difficulty: Normal
200 experience
Explanation: Kill a player while riding a horse.
Difficulty: Normal
200 experience
Name: Sharing the luck
Explanation: Give a player on your team a lucky block.
Difficulty: Easy
100 experience
Explanation: Give a player on your team a lucky block.
Difficulty: Easy
100 experience
Name: Spiderman
Explanation: Shoot someone when you're flying using the grappling hook bow.
Difficulty: Hard
100 points
1 cubelet
Explanation: Shoot someone when you're flying using the grappling hook bow.
Difficulty: Hard
100 points
1 cubelet
Name: Sky sniper
Explanation: Shoot someone who is flying with an elytra.
Difficulty: Hard
100 experience
1 cubelet
Explanation: Shoot someone who is flying with an elytra.
Difficulty: Hard
100 experience
1 cubelet
Changes to existing achievements
Changes to existing achievements
Name: Crazy cat person
Explanation: Get all 3 types of cats in team Lucky Islands.
Difficulty: Medium
80 experience
Change: This is really hard to get on your own and the reward is not very... rewarding. It's a team Lucky Islands achievement so why not make it so that you need to get all 3 types of cat with your entire team.
If this achievement will be kept as it is, it's recommended to change the difficulty to hard.
Fun fact about this achievement: people said it was easier to get 10.000 wins rather than getting this achievement.
Explanation: Get all 3 types of cats in team Lucky Islands.
Difficulty: Medium
80 experience
Change: This is really hard to get on your own and the reward is not very... rewarding. It's a team Lucky Islands achievement so why not make it so that you need to get all 3 types of cat with your entire team.
If this achievement will be kept as it is, it's recommended to change the difficulty to hard.
Fun fact about this achievement: people said it was easier to get 10.000 wins rather than getting this achievement.

General changes
These involve things that didn't really belong in any other section so they got their own section.General changes
Mostly improvements or quality of life changes.
Name: Wand crafting
Explanation: Being able to craft two wands of a random type into a new random wand.
Explanation: Being able to craft two wands of a random type into a new random wand.

Name: Bow crafting
Explanation: Being able to craft two bows of a random type into a new random bow.
Explanation: Being able to craft two bows of a random type into a new random bow.

Name: Make axes less OP.
Explanation: An axe does a LOT of damage. If you know how to use an axe in combination with a shield, you're almost invincible. I'm trying to learn this combination and it's very OP.
In my research around axes I did some calculations which I'll show you:
Strenght 1:
Critical hit:
Diamond axe:
If you combine these factors, you get:
So you're almost able to one-shot a person without any armour. (If you instantly hit them again they will definitely die because of the strength.)
A second argument on this point is that on Skywars, axe damage has been reduced to 55% and on Skywars people wear decent armour. On Lucky Islands, people usually do not wear any armour at all.
With these two arguments combined, I want to suggest to reduce axe damage to 75%.
EDIT: 75% wouldn't do a lot of damage, my suggestion would be to reduce the axes damage by -1 attack damage (8 attack damage for all axes except wooden and gold axe).
@Vindicator_Vince I know that you like axes and might use them a lot, does this sound fair to you?
Explanation: An axe does a LOT of damage. If you know how to use an axe in combination with a shield, you're almost invincible. I'm trying to learn this combination and it's very OP.
In my research around axes I did some calculations which I'll show you:
Strenght 1:
3hp * 1
Critical hit:
150% of damage
(after strength has been applied)Diamond axe:
9 hp
(and only 1.0 attack speed, a diamond sword has 1.6 attack speed)If you combine these factors, you get:
(3hp + 9hp) * 150% = 18hp
So you're almost able to one-shot a person without any armour. (If you instantly hit them again they will definitely die because of the strength.)
A second argument on this point is that on Skywars, axe damage has been reduced to 55% and on Skywars people wear decent armour. On Lucky Islands, people usually do not wear any armour at all.
With these two arguments combined, I want to suggest to reduce axe damage to 75%.
EDIT: 75% wouldn't do a lot of damage, my suggestion would be to reduce the axes damage by -1 attack damage (8 attack damage for all axes except wooden and gold axe).
@Vindicator_Vince I know that you like axes and might use them a lot, does this sound fair to you?

Name: Make endermites have a 50% chance to drop an ender pearl when killed.
Explanation: Just something simple that would be cool when someone tries to escape and they leave an endermite behind. An endermite only has a 5% chance of spawning when someone throws an enderpearl. The person escaping with the enderpearl has some time to heal up because the chasing player has to kill the endermite first to be able to have a chance to get an enderpearl.
Explanation: Just something simple that would be cool when someone tries to escape and they leave an endermite behind. An endermite only has a 5% chance of spawning when someone throws an enderpearl. The person escaping with the enderpearl has some time to heal up because the chasing player has to kill the endermite first to be able to have a chance to get an enderpearl.

Name: Let players drop their experience orbs again when they died.
Explanation: This used to be a thing until this update in 2017. At the time it wasn't a big deal but it'd be really cool if players dropped their experience again so you can use it to enchant weapons, armour and tools.
Explanation: This used to be a thing until this update in 2017. At the time it wasn't a big deal but it'd be really cool if players dropped their experience again so you can use it to enchant weapons, armour and tools.
Name: Being able to change the appearance of the lucky blocks.
Explanation: It would be cool if you can choose different lucky block textures. Examples of this are to have a different colour of lucky block option or to have an animated lucky blocks option.
Explanation: It would be cool if you can choose different lucky block textures. Examples of this are to have a different colour of lucky block option or to have an animated lucky blocks option.

Name: Being able to convert a witch back to a villager using an instant health potion.
Explanation: Witches can be annoying and if you accidentally hit one, you start hitting more and more and suddenly all of your villagers turned into witches. This addition would make it so you have a chance to convert those witches back to a villager. An instant health potion is part of another lucky block drop.
Explanation: Witches can be annoying and if you accidentally hit one, you start hitting more and more and suddenly all of your villagers turned into witches. This addition would make it so you have a chance to convert those witches back to a villager. An instant health potion is part of another lucky block drop.

Thanks a lot for reading these suggestions.
Don't forget to discuss the ones you don't like or want to see changed.
Fun fact: this thread is just over 3000 words long!
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