It's worse when everyone loses because there is 0 accomplishment and it can be abused especially when players have nothing better to do. The issue is, it's boring, it's the same thing, running at each other, unbalanced kits, trolling, toxicity, for 6 minutes to end up getting nothing and nowhere.
What? So basically because the game has the purpose of doing something (capturing the flag) it means the game is boring? There are still different maps, different ways to capture, different teams, different fights, PvP, different kits to use, different strategies to use, creativity is the limits and there will never be a match that is 100% copy of another. Your point doesn't make sense either, yes, the point of BlockWars is to capture the flag, in eggwars is break the egg and kill other people, all the games of eggwars will follow the same structure, you buy things to kill other people's eggs and then kill them. Do you get anywhere or anything? Well, you don't get anywhere? No, right?
TD is easier to report them and overcome it however, this isn't as much. Not as much, I've seen a dude with invisibility kit get 50 kills or more by sitting in the back and killing people making the game impossible, It would be silly because as I said there are probably better game options that would get more players with fewer issues.
This makes no sense to me. There are no campers in Blockwars, only people defending the flag, and if that is their playstyle who are you to judge them? There are also people in Eggwars and Skywars that decide to camp and put the game on a slower rhythm, and that is fine because it's their playstyle and no one should judge them.
"There are probably better game options that would get more players with fewer issues" mind listing some? It's easy to say that a game can be more alive and less toxic without giving the name of the game.
I mean Toxicity may be a thing, but this is a whole new level, 90% of my reports having to do with bullying and or harassment were on there. It can be really horrible and unenjoyable, and overall a bad image for the server to add a game that has a distinguishable amount of toxicity compared to their games.
Every single game on the CubeCraft Network has toxic people (except Parkour) every single one. You can't judge a game's viability only because of the toxicity it has. FFA currently has 335 players on its own and it's definitely the most toxic game on the Network. It can be horrible and unenjoyable and so can all the other games, even Parkour, I can find a map of parkour horrible and unenjoyable too, so I can find a game of Eggwars unenjoyable and horrible and with a lot of toxic people in it. It's all about matchups, it depends on the people you're facing and I've hardly found anyone who has bullied or harassed anyone in my games of Blockwars, and I've played more than 9000.
And no, there are many that have been more popular, Yesterday it peaked at about 100, slime survival has had 100s, Survival Games has done well, the fact of the matter is, it's not as popular as you might think, a lot of people voice there bordem and issues with it and nothing really has been done to help its the case. Also, I wouldn't be surprised, your good at the game, so of course, you crush the competition.
Yesterday it peaked around 285 when I was online at 5 pm. Maybe it's because of your timezone, but it definitely had way more than 100. Same with Slime Survival, I saw it at 250-ish. This is not a competition for popularity though, Slime Survival is really enjoyable and all, and if someone suggested making it permanent I would also give my opinion on it, but if we're comparing between Blockwars and Slime Survival Blockwars definitely wins, we only have to look at the statistics of the players to see if the game has more usual players or not, slime survival's top one has 1.000 wins, Blockwars's top one has 10.000 wins which is a signal that Slime Survival is mainly based by people who play it in a few instances and then leave it, whereas Blockwar's community remains strong and shows support to the game in the forums.
I am now also worried this could get bot votes, and I don't know how the poll is supposed to work as mostly BW people will only vote which would mean it wins because if you don't know what it is most likely you'd vote no, but if you do know what it is, you were most likely linked by a friend to vote yes.
If the votation got botted the staff would act on it, end of that problem, and so, what if mostly Blockwars people vote on it? Aren't we the community who really loves the game and we want it back? That's like if you made a thread about Slime Survival and only the Slime Survival community voted, would that made it less valid? No. Definitely not a valid point to rest importance to the poll.
I really don't see the skill or strategy, weather playing against good players or with them, in the end, it really seems like we throw ourselves at them and hopefully do something, not sure if your trying to throw shade at me or not, but I win maybe half the games I play, while the rest are total nightmares. And by telling me not to play it then is my opinion not as good if I apparently don't like it? If Cube is going to feature this I might as well try it out here and there but now I, like others, am discouraged in doing so, so that's not a good idea to tell them not to play it. Also, you say a lot of people but the numbers yesterday were laughable. The core is actually pretty fun if you get a decent team, I enjoy it, again that's just me a lot more than CTF.
The skill is on team working to capture the flag whilst the other team is trying to defend the flag as a whole, I don't really see how a game can be a nightmare either ways, maybe you're just focussing too much on the game and forgetting it is, indeed, just a game. She's telling you not to play it, besides, because you're complaining about how bad the game is and how you're bored of it, not shading at all. Besides, the numbers yesterday weren't laughable at all with a total of 285 players surpassing Minerware and Parkour.
I tried playing CTF yesterday and it was the most frustrating thing I have ever done, I used to kinda like it, but now the game is very difficult for many reasons, teammates not knowing what to do, like sealing up the flag so you can't get a capture point or the fact it's common to see team trolling.
This could also apply to other games, like tower defense, where your teammates don't know what to do, they misplace towers, team trolling, and people getting salty over losing. It happens on literally every game, and, it's not the player's fault, you can always tell them "go inside of our flag zone to capture" and I assure you (at least in my experience) that it works, people don't know how to play the game when they join the Network, they need guidance and support to know how to play it, saying a game isn't valid to become permanent only because the game has new players that don't understand the game is just lame.
The toxicity with members on there is horrible, and just the game gets boring when you hit stalemates, and the fact you can have the game end with no one winning, it's very discouraging, this is not the type of game that should return to Cubecraft.
It's usually fast-paced for me, maybe that's because I play in a party with friends and work as a team to win games quickly, the game can end with no one winning and that's true, but so can other games like Football, does that mean it's discouraging and not the type of game that people would like to play? No. Definitely not, the fact that you can draw can sometimes make the game more exciting, sometimes you only play to draw, sometimes you only play for the excitement of "Are we gonna cap" "Are they gonna cap", and sometimes draw. It's definitely not a bad thing.
It's not the worst game in the world, but there are far better options to come back with fewer issues and more consistency.
Name another featured game with a consistent community that supports the game fully that wants it back other than Blockwars.
This post is most likely not going to get a lot of support, mainly from BW players, but instead of thinking how you feel about it, take it from someone who has played it casually here and there and had actually liked it at first but sees the errors it has.
Think of it as a game that's been ignored for a very long time even if the community begged it to become permanent. Think of it as a game that's got a ton of support from the USUAL players (Which, to be fair, are the ones that keep the game actually alive and make it have a purpose). Yes, as a casual player you may struggle to find it fun, but that can apply to all the games, you can not find fun Minerware, Eggwars, Skywars, Tower Defense or Lucky Islands, a person could had liked one of this games at first but then saw that it has errors (all the games have errors) should that mean we remove these games?
By the way, list the errors (saying "I get harassed by the whole community doesn't count as an error as I already explained that you can get harassed by anyone in any community (not saying it's right, but it can happen anywhere).
Also, consider the player base as a whole, is this a game people will want to play for a long period of time? I played maybe 2 hours worth yesterday, almost everyone was complaining about how pointless and boring it was, the only people who didn't complain where people either kill farming, being toxic, or team trolling, to the point where at the end when we hit another stalemate and no one won, I decided I won't play CTF unless it's the only option.
I hardly see anyone saying "this game is boring", or "this game is pointless" in the game, essentially because people are focussed on playing it more than actual typing, and the only people that type are those who are lost and don't know how to play the game. If you don't know how to play the game then yes you might find it boring and pointless, but that's with every game, again.
This also stems from the fact that most of the maps go from flat and boring to way to impossible to play on because the flag is buried (Not referring to no void maps)
What do you mean with the flag buried?
Also I wouldn't think it's a fair assumption to say it's as popular as it seems as there have been so many cases of fake voting that at this point voting is almost pointless if you're going to cheat.
I don't think it's a fair assumption to say a game isn't popular because a person made 23 fake votes. The game without fake votes got 60-ish votes, which makes it still more popular than other games, without counting the people that don't have forum accounts that also play it, either usually or casually.
Also yesterday there were about 2 different games with almost a full amount of people going, so I don't see it is lively, it's also silly that it would be made a permanent game before other games that could be well off more popular.
Yesterday there were more than 2 different games going at European peak hours where it had over 285 players, and again, if a game can be more popular than Blockwars then say it, suggest to make it become permanent and see the results.
And with that the fact that people I have spoken to have claimed they don't vote because they know BW is going to win, fake votes aside I can understand why that's discouraging, but that dosen't mean it should be a featured game either, because if THAT happens it brings the issues I mentioned earlier into more of effect.
How is that Blockwars's problem though? A huge portion of the community has never ever cheated on the votation, only a few people who are mad, but either way, the fact someone alt's doesn't change the real votation since Camezonda always checks if someone has used alts. If someone is afraid to vote because they know Blockwars is going to win the votation *fairly* then that's not a Blockwars's community problem, we vote and support our game and we make it win, maybe other communities should learn from Blockwars and make their favorite game win.