I want to make a report of these three gentlemen doing team being from other teams eggwars witness LeoSuper2003 I attach a photos:
@Buuuddy Lock? (Reply to his post not mine)It's great that you want to report these cross-teamers, but unfortunately reports need to be made at https://reports.cubecraft.net/report rather than on the forums.
Also, you need video evidence to successfully report teamers - screenshots don't count as valid evidence!
If you want more information on what evidence is needed to report players for different offences, take a look at this thread: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/player-reporting-guidelines-and-formating.136047/
- Locked.It's great that you want to report these cross-teamers, but unfortunately reports need to be made at https://reports.cubecraft.net/report rather than on the forums.
Also, you need video evidence to successfully report teamers - screenshots don't count as valid evidence!
If you want more information on what evidence is needed to report players for different offences, take a look at this thread: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/player-reporting-guidelines-and-formating.136047/