Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dedicated Member
Nov 25, 2016
If with obsidian rank I get 6 reports a day, then that just makes it unnecessary for me to have plus rank anymore. I guess yay to me, now I don't have to pay for some monthly subscription if there aren't many benefits to it?


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2016
If with obsidian rank I get 6 reports a day, then that just makes it unnecessary for me to have plus rank anymore. I guess yay to me, now I don't have to pay for some monthly subscription if there aren't many benefits to it?
Yeah, I'm actually happy (for myself) that I can just do /report now, but otherwise I'm disappointed as well since it will get abused heavily. I'm 100% sure about that, so I'll stay reporting via the site to bring rulebreakers to justice.


Forum Expert
Jun 3, 2017
disliked :mad:
chest chaser is a nice update but /report should be available for plus rankers only or maybe emerald or diamond+ but it is a very bad idea to give stone users access to it!
some will spam reports on different accounts and other will just report every day random people!
pls reverse this
nothing to do with the rank. It depends on the brainsize of people
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2016
nothing to do with the rank. It depends on the brainsize of people
You could have a point right there, but rankers will not break rules faster as stone users do. Rankers wouldn't like it to get punished, and stone users (like new users) will not care.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2016
I know Plus subs might not like the update, but it's actually really useful.
Plus's subs: Keep in mind that not everyone is plus and there are a lot of cheaters that are not getting banned by Sentinel.

Overall a good update, now you guys should balance the things out so plus subs get more stuff.


🤝 Partner 💜
Oct 12, 2018
Ami me gusta lo nuevo que sacaron es una forma de ayudar y no sabia que algunos que pagaron por el plus se esten enojando no comprendo si es para mejorar para que se ¿enojan?

Ingles :D

Ami I like the new thing they got is a way to help and I did not know that some who paid for the plus are getting angry I do not understand if it is to improve so that they get angry?


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2016
I don't have plus, Never bought it and never plan too but i know the /report for everyone is going to be a bad idea. Already people who have plus, there reports don't get looked at for a Farley long time (from what i have heard from three friends who have plus) The server player count per day is around 2 - 4 thousands people (rough guess) and having each person being able to report is going to cause a mass amount of work for the staff, which is already understaffed and overworked In my opinion. You guys are going to get a ton of false reports, Just step into any FFA game and you will see level 1-20s calling Ranked players hackers because they are better then them and or Calling people hackers because they shopped, Not knowing you can shop with speed.

Having The report Feature for everyone is going to lower the worth of plus as well. that is the only reason people buy and pay for plus monthly. ITS 11.87 CAD they should at least get something worth while to themselves if they are paying that much monthly.I know they get "exclusive loot" and other things but none of that is worth that much monthly. I am predicting that the amount of plus users are going to drop a ton, causing the server income to lower, causing us to lose more games, Having more server instability problems (from loss of income) Then what we have now.

I know having the /report feature is a test. But i can tell you now this is only going to cause alot of problems for the server let alone for the poor staff who have to deal with that many reports.
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🤝 Partner 💜
Oct 12, 2018
Talvez tengas razon, pero entonces porque el staff estuvo de acuerdo en poner esto a manos de jugadores sin experiencia y se que algunos no saben identificar hackers pero otros son expertos nose como pero lo son, aparte yo los hackers que me eh topado son super sinicos osea, se ponen a volar o se ponen el reach muy alto yo nunca eh visto un hacker que no este muy chetado en sus hacks por eso es tan facil de decir que algunos son hackers ya que se nota y si fuera yo alguno de esos que me mata un jugador bueno pues lo especteo y si no veo nada simplemente no lo reporto ya que los reportes son limitados, yo solamente reporto a esos que se les nota no que tengan algo inyectado o nose lo pensaria antes de reportar, pero al final si el equipo de cubecraft lo agrego esto es para bien :D

Ingles :D

Maybe you're right, but then because the staff agreed to put this into the hands of inexperienced players and I know some do not know how to identify hackers but others are experts I do not know how but they are, apart from me the hackers that I came across are super sinic I mean, they get to fly or they put the reach very high I've never seen a hacker that is not very checked in their hacks so it's so easy to say that some are hackers since it shows and if I were one of those who a good player kills me because I see it and if I do not see anything I just do not report it since the reports are limited, I only report those that are not noted that they have something injected or they would not think before reporting, but in the end if the cubecraft team added this is for the best :D


Novice Member
Jun 1, 2019
That Chest Chaser thing was a community suggestion, I have no idea where I read it but it was recent.

Yeah but lots of people want update for other games. I don't think people want to waste time looking for a chest when they want to play skywars. Plus this was suggested like a week ago when people suggest stuff all the time and it never happens so I am confused.


Forum Veteran
Oct 2, 2016
Texas, US
I haven’t read an update in a while, but this one looks pretty good. Props to the management team.


Forum Professional
Jan 30, 2014
Yeah but lots of people want update for other games. I don't think people want to waste time looking for a chest when they want to play skywars. Plus this was suggested like a week ago when people suggest stuff all the time and it never happens so I am confused.
Because this was an easy change, updating games is risky and requires lots of planning and developer time. Also people wanted this as well as other game updates, so like theres no point complaining because either one of them is going to get done first.


Forum Veteran
Dec 22, 2016
Sweden ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ


🤝 Partner 💜
Oct 12, 2018
Una pregunta, el cofre cuando lo encuentras desaparece osea que se esparció denuevo en todo el lobby y debo buscarlo de nuevo o solamente se busca 1 vez y ¿ya? o debo seguirlo buscando. :D


One question, the chest when you find it disappears bone that was spread again throughout the lobby and I must look for it again or only search once and now? or should I continue to search. :D

Deleted member 352903

Una pregunta, el cofre cuando lo encuentras desaparece osea que se esparció denuevo en todo el lobby y debo buscarlo de nuevo o solamente se busca 1 vez y ¿ya? o debo seguirlo buscando. :D


One question, the chest when you find it disappears bone that was spread again throughout the lobby and I must look for it again or only search once and now? or should I continue to search. :D
Es solamente 1 vez


Forum Professional
Jul 6, 2015
That Chest Chaser thing was a community suggestion, I have no idea where I read it but it was recent.

Nice to know what the developers spend their time on...
Not to mention only being able to use /report a couple times when games are filled with cheaters when /report is kind of dumb because it's almost equal time to report online. But allowing anyone to have /report to begin with is not a good idea. Then to rap it up this is their solution instead of us using the staff-help channel when that was 90% of what people needed help with was that and it was the lack of staff attention rather than any issues with players. Let's also note that Plus rank becomes slightly less beneficial.

Like Chest Chasers is OK but this could have been an update the community actually wants. But apparently that is not their concern? At least it's SOMETHING. :V


Novice Member
Jan 4, 2019
Hello CubeCrafters!

Just over a year ago, we added some cool additions to our lobby, Lobby Games. These mini-games allow players to have fun whilst waiting or exploring in our lobbies. One of these mini-games is called "Chest Chaser". It involves a Hidden Chest being placed in a random location within the lobby. The first player to discover it and open it, wins some rewards! But now it's time for that little chest to get refreshed!

View attachment 153044

We've made some tweaks to Chest Chaser. First, let's start with the current rewards, the amount of points has changed from 100-150 to 100-250. The amount of experience you obtain has changed from 200-300 to 200-500. And the quantity of Normal Cubelets you can win has been changed from 1-2 to 1-3.

Previously when a Hidden Chest hunt was active in a lobby you wouldn't be aware of it until the chat announcement appeared. Well now you don't need to wait, if you join a lobby and there is a Hidden Chest hunt currently active, you will receive an announcement message in the chat as you join. Another change includes the spawning times for the Hidden Chests. It will now appear between 5-45 minutes after the last time it was found.

View attachment 153045

Have you ever wanted more rewards? Of course you have! Along with increasing the amount of points and experience you obtain, we've added new rewards. As usual, there's a 100% chance you'll obtain a Cubelet, but now there's a 97% chance you'll get 1-3 Normal Cubelets, 2% chance of getting 1-2 Super Cubelets and an extremely rare 1% chance of getting an Uber Cubelet. We're also excited to announce that when a seasonal event occurs, Seasonal Cubelets will be added into the Hidden Chest.

With the rarely of the Uber Cubelets, you'd be happy to know that there's another set of extremely rare items to obtain. Introducing the exclusive Chest Chaser loot items! There's a total of two Banners and one Balloon to obtain, with a 5% chance of you obtaining one of them once discovering the Hidden Chest.

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Chest Chaser exclusive loot items.

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When Chest Chaser was released, if you claimed it, you'd need to wait 7 days until you can collect another one. Well now you don't need to. For every rank level you have, a day is removed off the waiting time. For example, if you're Stone rank, you need to wait 7 days, but if you're Iron, it's 6 days. And so on with Lapis having 5, Gold having 4, Diamond with 3, Emerald with 2 and Obsidian with 1 day. We've added this feature to allow premium players to feel included with Chest Chaser. Hope you enjoy it! :p

View attachment 153047

Last year we released /report as an exclusive CubeCraft Plus feature. A lot of players wanted this feature to be available for everyone, so we've added a solution. Every player will have have access to /report, but they will be limited to 2 reports a day. But if you with a rank from Iron to Emerald, you will have 3 reports a day. And if you're the higher rank, Obsidian, you will have access to /report 6 times a day. As usual, if you have CubeCraft Plus with any rank, you will have unlimited /report uses.

We've limited player reports as we do not want too many reports and we do not want to get overhelmed. This is an experiment and access can be edited at any time.

Now it's time to introduce a feature that /report users requested. They wanted the ability to see what happens to their reports, if they are offline. Well now there's a report history feature. On the network, just type /reporthistory or /rh, and if you have submitted reports, a menu with them will appear. It will only show your last 14 reports. If you hover over them, it will inform of the status of the report, such as closed or open, and who, where, when and why you reported them. Start making valid reports and try it out today!

View attachment 153049
Report history menu.

Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this Chest Chaser update! Comment below, give us your feedback! :p Also, credit to @Riley for helping with suggestions for this update!
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The banner has become the profile picture 🙀
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I think you are a awesome moderation cat
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Careful with doors pls.
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Lvderator. Huh. Just came up with that on the spot and I actually like it...
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