Great idea. I think this should definitely be added, because most players like jumping on slime blocks, and ladders will be very useful for camping and sniper towers. Slabs won't be very useful, because ladders can be used way better.Cubecraft should add ladders slime blocks and slabs/stairs to eggwars.
Some of these items may be used for camping however, ladders and slime blocks can be used for vertical bridges and jumping across the void.
I don't like the idea with using it for vertical bridges BUT I like your idea with using it to negate fall damage and get to high places/ or gain hight advantage. It's so unique and awesome!slime blocks can be used for vertical bridges and jumping across the void.
After reading this I sat there for a few minutes thinking how to prevent this from happening. I figured the slime blocks could disapeer after a minute or so :). @Blomhaven love the idea and hope to see more from you :).Hmmm, I don't think This needs to be added because eggwars is not a survival game, like in singleplayer. Adding ladders wouldn't be usefull because you can get blocks cheap, and make a stair shape with sandstone.
About the slimeblocks would be Ok, But also annoying. Players can place it anywhere and might destroy the pvp space or you can't run That fast ;-; But to avoid fall damage it would be Nice. But If your enimies coming to you and they fall down on a slime block, you can't hear them falling so you aren't warned.
I'm sorry But I disagree :/
Well ladders are for vertical bridges not slimeblocks you cut that part out,I don't like the ladder idea as it's not needed and not a current issue. The slab idea is pointless too as explained above, you get sandstone cheap and make a stair shape bridge. However the slimeblock idea caught my attention:
I don't like the idea with using it for vertical bridges BUT I like your idea with using it to negate fall damage and get to high places/ or gain hight advantage. It's so unique and awesome!
After reading this I sat there for a few minutes thinking how to prevent this from happening. I figured the slime blocks could disapeer after a minute or so :). @Blomhaven love the idea and hope to see more from you :).
P.S How much would one slimeblock cost?
Kind regards,