Monthly Leaderboards
The idea
Hi everyone, a feature that I personally would love to see is Monthly Leaderboards. It has been suggested before, but not since the new way Feedback & Suggestions work.The idea would be to add a monthly leaderboard in the menus next to the current 'all time' leaderboard to give new players a chance to enter the leaderboards, because it's currently pretty hard for new players to enter a leaderboard for a game that has been around for a long time.
I made a few examples in Photoshop to show what it could look like. I also added a monthly & all time eliminations leaderboard, as I think this would be a great idea aswell. I've chosen for eliminations because a kills leaderboard could encourage people to farm kills, which isn't allowed.You would be able to enter the leaderboards the same way, via the Statistics page > Select a gamemode > Select a leaderboard.
Why would this be a great idea
- New players get the chance to enter the leaderboards
- More challenging for players
- Players will get more motivated to keep playing > higher playercount
- Eliminations would be a great addition to the leaderboards, as it brings more variation to the leaderboards and because having a lot of eliminations is a great way to show that you're skilled (same for wins).
What do you think?
Please react to this post with agree if you support this suggestion, unsure if you aren't sure about it and disagree if you don't like the suggestion.Let me know what you think about this suggestion and if you have any other ideas for it