Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Forum Expert
Nov 14, 2013
Anyways, the amount of staff also have other things to do besides minecraft, so you can't expect them to be on 24/7, but we are doing our best, don't worry.


Dedicated Member
Feb 2, 2014
United Arab Emirates
I got nothing to do but minecraft... :p
Literally nothing. I sit here on the forums and *click refresh button* ... *refresh* ... *refresh* ...
Same here.. But I sometimes play other games like infamous, Gmod, Just cause 2 multiplayer etc...
Other than that I keep looking for GOOD horror movies and going out to the mall with my friends or just go paintballing.
But when I'm not doing all dat shiz I'm just sitting here on the forums XD


Dedicated Member
Feb 3, 2014
My Laptop
You can use the /report command and that will alert the staff online of the offense and then they can act upon it and judge what to do with the reprobate. The /report command just tells the staff where to go so they do not wander aimlessly looking for troublemakers.

Anyways, this post does possess some true problems, there are so many hackers! Although, we need to ask ourselves, "will more staff help?" Honestly, just because you have 29 mods and 15 admins does not mean people will not hack. If they hack despite knowing staff are online then they will still hack even if there are more staff members. The problem is do we want quantity "more staff" or quality "less, but more efficient staff" I believe the answer is quality. The more efficient the staff operate the better the security for cubecraft. Our staff do a moderate job at performing this.
there's a report command O.o
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Thanks for the follow! ^-^
xHappyMood wrote on Lyriie's profile.
hello lyriie, im big fan
It's so crazy that it is already march, time flies 😭
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